Ye Mo Zheng Dao was in pain and quickly covered his eyes and stepped back.

Lin Fan had actually held back, otherwise Ye Mo Zheng Dao would have lost his eyes.

Ye Mo Zheng Dao was so angry that he yelled,"You!......"

Lin Fan glanced at Gojo Satoru cautiously.

Yemo Zhengdao was Gojo Satoru's teacher after all.

If Gojo Satoru took action now, it would be normal.

Lin Fan was still a little afraid that Gojo Satoru would take action.

However, seeing that Gojo Satoru was still smiling and didn't seem to have any intention of taking action,

Lin Fan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

It's not good to have a falling out.

Lin Fan is still waiting to copy Gojo Satoru's panel!

It seems that he has to find an opportunity to touch Gojo Satoru.

Then he won't have to think so much.

Looking at Yemo Zhengdao who was about to attack him again, Lin Fan quickly stretched out his hand to stop him and asked:

"Can I know why you attacked me?

We don't seem to know each other, and I have never offended you, right?

Besides, even if these are entrance tests, it's a bit too much, right?"

"��mean......"Seeing all of this, Gojo Satoru couldn't help but raise his lips slightly and muttered something.

Yega Masamichi threw away his deformed eyes and roared angrily:

"Too much!!!

Do you know how expensive the floor in my room is?

Do you know how expensive my cursed skeleton core is?

The school's funding is limited!

But now it has caused such a huge loss!

And you still say you have never offended me!!!


Prepare to die!!!"

After saying that, Ye Mo Zheng Dao's heavy fist attacked Lin Fan again.

The fist tip contained anger, and it was obvious that he was serious.

But Lin Fan's expression was a little strange.

Obviously, he was a little surprised.

At the moment when the fist tip was about to hit Lin Fan.

Lin Fan calmly took out a black card from his pocket and held it in front of Ye Mo Zheng Dao.

When Ye Mo Zheng Dao saw it, his face changed instantly and he stopped attacking immediately.

Then he snatched the black gold card and observed it carefully.

Lin Fan smiled and said:

"I see. Why didn't you say it earlier?

Any problem that can be solved with money is not a problem for me!

You should be familiar with this black gold card, so I don't need to say anything more.

There is no password, you can swipe it at will!

I will cover all the expenses of the school in the future!

Just consider it my contribution to your school!"

At this time, Ye Mo Zhengdao was staring at the black gold card in his hand with dark circles under his eyes.

Then he raised his head with a serious expression and looked at Lin Fan carefully.

Although Ye Mo Zhengdao knew the power of the black gold card, he still had doubts about the amount in it.

You know, although the school does not have many students, it is also very expensive!

Travel missions, various on-site damages.

The school has to bear half of the expenses!

So the expenses are huge, you can imagine!

Ye Mo Zhengdao asked uncertainly:

"Are you sure this card is enough for the daily operation of the school in the future?"

Lin Fan felt a little funny.

But before he could answer, Gojo Satoru beside him took the lead and explained:

"This black gold card is just a secondary card, but this secondary card alone can overdraw the credit limit of 500 million M gold in the Swiss silver card."


500 million gold!!!!!!!!!"

Yagemae Masamichi and Itadori Yuji shouted in shock at the same time.

Lin Fan nodded undeniably.

In the past 18 years of traveling through time,

Lin Fan had always been here as an urban writer.

As early as when he was sixteen years old, he had already become an international financial tycoon!

The huge funds in his hands could easily stir up a financial storm and destroy any small or medium-sized country!

At this time, Yeagemae Masamichi's eyes changed instantly when he looked at Lin Fan. He regarded the black gold card in his hand as a treasure.

The hand holding the card couldn't help but tremble.

He quickly pretended to be calm and put the card in his pocket.

Then he coughed lightly, and returned to his previous calm and serious look and said:

"Classmate Lin Fan is indeed a talented person!

Especially his combat power and potential, he is simply outstanding!

He is a good seedling!

Our Jujutsu High School needs talents like classmate Lin Fan!

Welcome to Jujutsu High School!


Take classmate Lin Fan and that kid to choose a dormitory!"

Yuji Itadori was a little unhappy after hearing this.

Isn't this difference in treatment a little too obvious?

If you have money, you are classmate Lin Fan.

If you don't have money, you are not even worthy of calling your name?

But Yuji Itadori was also relieved.

Who let him donate 500 million!

That's 500 million M gold!

How much would it be converted into R yuan!

Yuji Itadori couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

If he was given 500 million, he would never be able to spend it all in his lifetime!

So......On the way to the dormitory,

Yuji Itadori asked and praised Lin Fan with all kinds of questions.

It made Lin Fan's scalp numb.

He didn't think Yuji Itadori was a chatterbox before.

After arriving at the dormitory, Yuji Itadori's attention shifted.

Looking at the exquisite decoration and the large dormitory with one person per room,

Yuji Itadori's eyes became brighter.

He looked around the room curiously. He wandered around like a curious baby who had never seen the world.

Lin Fan just glanced at his room lightly and waited in the corridor.

Because he knew he was going to meet someone soon.

That is the last member of the first grade, the only female, Nobara Kugisaki. Gojo

Satoru, who was in Yuji Itadori's room, said to Yuji Itadori who was looking around:

"The second and third graders are out now, but we should be able to meet soon, and there won’t be many people."

He glanced at Yuji Itadori meaningfully, and then continued:

"But you don't have to fight, Sukuna's finger will be found by me, Fushiguro and Fan, you just wait here."

After hearing this, Yuji Itadori stopped his actions, and then replied with some dissatisfaction:

"No! I mean what I say!

If I just sit there doing nothing, waiting for the wounded Fushiguro Kazuhito to come and give me a finger.

It's funny to think about it."

Gojo Satoru laughed and said,"That's true.

But you can't not fight."

After hearing this, Yuji Itadori suddenly got angry:

""Ha~!? Are you testing me!?"

Gojo Satoru smiled and explained,"If it were that simple, we would have found them all long ago. Those with too strong auras, those that conceal their auras, those that have been possessed by cursed spirits, when it comes to finding things, they are the most troublesome."

Having said this, Gojo Satoru paused, and then continued:

"But now I have you.

The Sukuna in your body will tell you where your fingers are in order to regain its strength.

You are a container, but also a detector, or a radar.

So, if you don't come to the scene, there will be no show."

Yuji Itadori touched his belly with some doubt:

"Is this guy so kind?"

Gojo Satoru shrugged.

"Then it's up to you to build a win-win relationship."

After saying that, Gojo Satoru and Yuji Itadori walked out of the room.

At that moment, Fushiguro Megumi also opened the door of the dormitory and walked out.

After seeing the few people, Fushiguro Megumi said speechlessly:

"Oh my god! They are all next door?".............................................

PS: Thank you Shiina Mashiro, the best author in the world, for the monthly ticket and the ticket for urging me to update!!!

Thank you Ye Yu for the monthly ticket!!! Please give me the monthly ticket, flowers, evaluation ticket, reward and message!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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