The sudden huge force from his shoulder made the scout stagger and nearly fall.

When he looked at the domineering and capable Kugisaki Nobara, he couldn't help but sweat on his forehead.

This woman is so domineering!

She is either a sir or a member of an underground organization!

I can't afford to offend her! I can't afford to offend her!

Seeing that the scout didn't reply, Nobara Kugisaki continued to ask:

"What are you daydreaming about!? I

’m asking you a question!

Model! Model! I’m asking you how I am!?

The talent scout swallowed his saliva and said tremblingly with a hint of fear:

"this......that...I'm in a hurry."

After saying that, he immediately turned around and ran.

Kugisaki Nobara was a little angry!

What does this guy mean!

Can you just give me a straight answer?

Why are you running!

Kugisaki Nobara grabbed the scout uncle's shoulder very domineeringly and pulled him back.

Then she yelled:

"What are you doing! Why are you running! Explain what you mean clearly to me!"

The scout was so scared that he tried his best to run away, but the woman was so strong that no matter how he ran, he was just standing still.

On the opposite side of the street, several people who had seen all this had different ideas.

But the only thing in common was that they were all shocked by this tough girl.

Yuji Itadori asked uncertainly:"Uh......Should we talk to that person now?"

At this time, Yuji Itadori was wearing strange glasses that he bought from some street stall, holding popcorn in his left hand and ice cream in his right hand, muttering to himself,"I'm a little embarrassed."

Fushiguro Megumi glanced at Yuji Itadori with disdain and said:

""Tsk~~, you are the same!"

But having said that, looking at the only female classmate in front of them, they were still quite satisfied.

They had to admit that Kugisaki Nobara was indeed a beauty.

That's right.....This aura and personality are somewhat......So fierce!

Lin Fan, who was standing aside, was also slightly lost in thought when he saw the pretty figure not far away.

Of course, Lin Fan was not attracted by the beauty of Nobara Kugisaki.

For a straight man like him, his mind was now full of Nobara Kugisaki's data panel.

What is a woman?

It will only affect the speed of his sword drawing!

Lin Fan was quite interested in Nobara Kugisaki's data panel!

Now that he has really seen it, he was right!

【Name: Kugisaki Nobara

【Level]: Level 3 Spellcaster

【Talent]: Pain Tolerance (D+)

【Skills: Grass Spirit Spell (B), Resonance (A+)、Hairpin (A)

【Favorability]: 0.............................................

【Pain Tolerance: Possessing extremely strong pain tolerance

【[Chu Ling Spell]: A spell created by Nobara Kugisaki. The spell is to inject one's own spell power into the spell tool to attack. There is no limit to the form of use.

【Resonance: A technique derived from the Chu Ling spell, which uses a spell tool that injects its own spell power into the missing part of the target, thereby attacking the target body. (The scope of the technique is not strictly defined, and the effect is related to the difference in strength between the self and the target, and the rarity of the missing part.)

【Hairpin: A method derived from the Chu Ling spell, which uses a spell tool infused with spell power to produce a large-scale explosive attack..............................................

As expected, this spell is not limited to hammers and nails!

Any spell tool can be used!

From this point of view, this spell is really abnormal!

If used well, it is equivalent to a disguised anti-armor!

And the reflected damage may be several times more!!!

At this time, Gojo Satoru shouted at Kugisaki Nobara:"Hey!~~~! Here, here!"

Hearing someone calling her, Nobara Kugisaki let the scout go.

After seeing everyone, she came forward with the various items she had bought along the way.

Then, in front of everyone, she put them in a locker nearby.

Seeing that Nobara Kugisaki had put her things away, Gojo Satoru clapped his hands and said first:

"Come on, come on, let's introduce ourselves to each other!"

Kugisaki Nobara pinched her waist and introduced herself first in a cool and beautiful manner:

"Cheer up, boys, your little red is here!"

Then, the cheerful Yuji Itadori also introduced himself:

"My name is Yuji Itadori, and I'm from Sendai."

"My name is Fushiguro Megumi." Fushiguro Megumi said in a flat tone, speaking concisely.

Lin Fan still had a calm and light smile on his face, and simply introduced himself:"My name is Lin Fan."

After everyone introduced themselves, another picture appeared in the perspective of Kugisaki Nobara.

She looked carefully at Itadori Yuji, and suddenly felt disgusted.

Looking at this earthy smell, he must have eaten his own boogers when he was a child......

Then she looked at Fushiguro Megumi carefully.

Just saying a name?

Pretty cool, huh?

But I don't like self-righteous men.

Such men are all childish!

She sighed, a little disappointed. What a mess.

Without any hope, Kugisaki Nobara finally looked at Lin Fan.


Kugisaki Nobara was stunned when she saw Lin Fan.

This guy....So special!

Impeccable looks, impeccable figure, impeccable temperament!

He should be the eldest son of a big chaebol family, right? Did you only introduce his name?

Pretty cool!

He has personality, I like it!

If Fushiguro Megumi knew what Nobara Kugisaki was thinking at this moment, she would definitely yell angrily, you double-standard dog!!! Seeing that Nobara Kugisaki was staring at him, Lin Fan didn't think much about it, but nodded politely.

Nobara Kugisaki's pretty face turned red.

Oh no!

It's a heart-throb feeling!!!

Lin Fan looked at the crazy soaring favorability of Nobara Kugisaki on the panel with a weird expression

【[Favorability]: 79 (love at first sight)

How did it happen that I fell in love at first sight?

Lin Fan thought that Nobara Kugisaki was a tough woman who had already thrown aside the love affairs between men and women.

Now it seems that she is still a little woman!

But Lin Fan doesn't consider these.

The girls who like him can line up from here to the other side of the ocean.

It is normal for Nobara Kugisaki to like me.

But forget about letting him like Nobara Kugisaki.

Women will only affect the speed of my sword drawing!

Nobara Kugisaki suppressed her inner restlessness and swallowed her saliva.

Her beautiful eyes moved around, and she thought to herself, I finally saw a decent one.

Only this kind of man can be worthy of me!.............................................

PS: Thanks to 1832.. for the monthly ticket!!!

Thanks to EreBos for the monthly ticket!!! Please give me monthly tickets, flowers, evaluation tickets, rewards, and messages!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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