Miyagi Prefecture Sugizawa No. 3 High School.

In the classroom of Grade 3, Class 2.

The teacher on the podium was explaining math problems with a serious expression.

Lin Fan, who was sitting by the window, was staring at the scenery outside the window.

The summer wind blew past.

It gently brushed Lin Fan's handsome cheeks and moved his hair.

The scene in front of him was like a beautiful painting.

It was so natural and elegant.

This made many female classmates blush and look at him sideways.

"So handsome, it feels like a fairy walking out of a painting."

"Yeah, it's so handsome that it feels unreal."

"Mr. Lin is so handsome and knows everything, he is simply the perfect boyfriend!"

"I feel like Lin is an omnipotent being. I really don't know what kind of girl he likes."

"If I had a boyfriend like this, I would probably wake up from laughing even in my sleep."


The girls blushed and discussed quietly.

The boys, who should have been jealous, did not show any jealousy on their faces.

Instead, their eyes showed admiration and envy.

To be honest, they were really jealous when they first entered school.

At this age when hormones are exploding, which boy does not want to show the most perfect self in front of female classmates?

But there is just such a person who completely overshadows their brilliance. However, more than two years have passed.

Now they are in the third year of high school, and they can't bring up any jealousy towards Lin Fan.

Because after getting along for a while, the boys were impressed by the"brilliance" of Lin Fan. It seems that there is nothing in the world that Lin Fan can't do!

In the morning, a piano piece at the welcome party shocked everyone, and the next day he won first place in all events at the sports meeting.

Such an almighty person, for these boys.

How can this be called a human?

This is a god!

Who can compare with God?

Just kneel down and surrender!

Just worship!

And not only the boys surrendered, but also the principal and teachers.

Who can refuse a student who studies well and donates teaching buildings and cafeterias to the school?

Lin Fan, who gradually came to his senses, also heard the discussions of this group of female classmates.

However, there was no joy on his face. Instead, he seemed to have a slight wry smile, which made people very puzzled.

Don't look at Lin Fan as a god in the eyes of others.

But for him, this is not the life he wants at all.

Lin Fan was originally a time traveler.

He came from Blue Star.

It has been exactly eighteen years since he came to this world.

The standard system for time travelers was activated since birth.

The ability of this system allows him to copy someone else's talent or skill.

The limitation is that it can only be used once a week, and it is necessary to touch the person you want to copy for more than 3 seconds before the copy can be completed.

The newly born Lin Fan was very excited.

He thought he had come to a world of upgrading and fighting monsters, constantly conquering and becoming stronger.

But reality slapped him in the face.

Lin Fan sighed and looked at his attribute panel

【Name: Lin Fan

【Talents: Photographic Memory (D), Soldier King Physique (D), Weapon Master (D+)、Killing Sense (D), Natural Musician (D)

【Skills: None.............................................

【Photographic memory: Anything you have seen will be firmly remembered in your mind.

【[King of Soldiers]: Through exercise, you can strengthen the attributes of all aspects of your body until you reach the physique of the world's top king of soldiers.

【Weapon Master]: Has an affinity for all weapons, can quickly master them, and has a learning ability several times that of an ordinary person.

【Killing Intent Perception]: The perception of killing intent is very sensitive, and the specific location of the object emitting killing intent can be determined. Moreover, as the strength increases, the range of killing intent perception will become larger and larger.

【[Born as a musician]: Born with an amazing talent for music, whether it is singing or instrumental music, he learns very quickly and will master it soon!.............................................

So many years have passed.

Lin Fan has only copied five talents.

And they are all low-level D-level talents.

There is no skill at all.

This makes Lin Fan speechless.

He traveled to another world and was given such an awesome system, but he has nowhere to use it.

It's like reaching the maximum level at the beginning and getting a dragon-slaying sword with a level increase of 999.

But the monsters on the whole map are all Lv1, and you can't even find a level 2 monster. All the awesome equipment has nowhere to be used. It's like using a cannon to kill a mosquito, which makes people feel uncomfortable.

This is Lin Fan's current situation.

He has an awesome system, but there are ordinary people on the whole map, and there are no powerful bosses for him to copy.

Lin Fan is a little bit in tears.

Lin Fan, who just traveled here, still fantasized about conquering the world and killing everyone!

As a result, so much time has passed.

Lin Fan has become a real Sakamoto. What's the matter with you?......

At this time, the bell for the end of class rang.

After hearing it, Lin Fan stood up and prepared to go outside the classroom to relax.

However, at this moment, something strange happened.

Lin Fan, who had just walked out of the classroom door, was bumped by a boy who was running fast.

He staggered and almost fell.

Lin Fan's eyes suddenly showed a look of surprise.

You know, he has the physique of a soldier king, and he has now been improved to the limit of human beings.

In other words, as long as he wants to avoid it, almost not many people can touch him directly.

Although this person did not have any killing intentions just now, so Lin Fan's perception could not be predicted in advance.

But Lin Fan was hit before he could react at all.

And the force was so great that he couldn't help but stagger and almost fell.

This is a bit unbelievable!

While Lin Fan was shocked, the red-haired boy who bumped into Lin Fan just now scratched his head with an apologetic look and said:

"Sorry, classmate, I was in a hurry to go to something and accidentally bumped into you.

Are you okay?"

"without......It 's okay."

Seeing this person's face, Lin Fan was shocked.......this is not...!!!

It's Yuji Itadori!!!!

Yuji Itadori said with a bright smile:

"Since you are okay, I will leave first.

I am really anxious. Bye!"

After saying that, Yuji Itadori turned around and ran away.

His speed was so fast that it was astonishing.

Lin Fan opened his mouth in shock.

Looking at Yuji Itadori's quickly disappearing back, his brain kept repeating one sentence.

This is actually a world of curse!!!.............................................

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