Everyone came to a rusty and dilapidated building.

It was very dark and scary here, and the temperature was even several degrees lower than other places.

The weather was originally good, but it became cloudy here.

The sorcerer with cursed power could see at a glance that there was black air coming out of this abandoned building.

Obviously, a cursed spirit was born here!

Is this Roppongi?

What a joke!

Yuji Itadori and Nobara Kugisaki felt that they were deceived.

They shouted madly behind Teacher Gojo Satoru,"Big liar!"

Fushiguro Megumi stared at the abandoned building and said:

"There are curse spirits here."

Lin Fan, with a faint smile, looked at the abandoned building with little interest.

He knew that there were only a few third and fourth level curse spirits in it, so he had no interest at all.

Gojo Satoru explained to everyone at this time:

"There is a large cemetery nearby, and it happened to be this abandoned building, so the cursed spirit was created."

Yuji Itadori asked in confusion:"Then it would be more likely to appear in a cemetery, right?"

Fushiguro Megumi explained slowly:"The problem is not the cemetery itself, but the hearts of those who think that cemeteries are equal to horror."

Yuji Itadori suddenly understood after hearing this:"Oh oh oh! It's similar to the time at school, right!"

Nobara Kugisaki listened to the conversation between the two and asked in confusion:

"Wait a minute! This guy doesn't even know this?"

Fushiguro Megumi nodded and explained:

"In fact, neither Fan nor Yuji knew. Fan was suspected to be bound by the sky and the curse, but he could see the curse spirit.......He ate two of Sukuna's fingers."

After hearing this, Kugisaki Nobara shouted in shock:


He actually ate the special cursed item!!!"

Speaking of this, Kugisaki Nobara quickly moved away from Itadori Yuji and said without any hesitation:

"So disgusting! So scary!

You dare to eat anything!

Your hygiene awareness is terrible!

No, no! I have to stay away from you!"

Yuji Itadori was very unhappy when he saw the various expressions of disgust from Nobara Kugisaki.

He spread his hands and said stubbornly:

"I was just anxious at the time. Besides, it was just a finger that I ate.

What's the big deal? What's the big deal?

You're talking about Fushiguro and Fan."

Fushiguro Megumi replied coldly,"I agree with Kugisaki's idea." Lin

Fan also nodded in agreement.

After all, it is a human finger.

And it has been sealed for a thousand years. There might be some unknown bacteria and viruses.

Anyway, Lin Fan would never eat it.

Teacher Gojo Satoru looked at Yuji Itadori and Nobara Kugisaki with a smile and said:

"I want to know what level you are at now, so let's treat this as a field test.

Nobara, Hisahito.

Go and exorcise the cursed spirits in the building."

Yuji Itadori was slightly stunned, pointed at himself and asked with some doubt:

"Hmm? Isn't it said that cursed spirits can only be exorcised with cursed power?

I don't know any spells, so wouldn't I be a hindrance if I went?"

Teacher Gojo Satoru half-jokingly pointed at Yuji Itadori's belly and said:

"You are already half a cursed spirit, and you have cursed power in your body.

However, it is not easy to control the cursed power, so you can use this."

After saying that, Gojo Satoru took out a short sword with black fuzz on the hilt from behind and handed it to Itadori Yuji.

Then he explained:

"This is the Cursed Tool Tuzamo, a weapon that contains cursed power, and it can be used to exorcise cursed spirits."

Yuji Itadori took the weapon with a surprised look on his face.

He thought, it turns out there are weapons that contain cursed power, this sword is so cool!

"The soil exploded."

Kugisaki Nobara looked at Tuzuma with disdain and said.

Itadori Yuji put away his sword and immediately became full of fighting spirit!

He was ready for a big battle with the cursed spirit.

At this time, Kugisaki Nobara asked:

"Fan, don't you want to go in with me?"

Teacher Gojo Satoru replied with a faint smile:

"He doesn't need it, because those cursed spirits are too weak for him.

If he goes with you, you won't have the chance to display your strength, and my test won't be effective."

Yuji Itadori naturally knew Lin Fan's strength, so he didn't say much.

But Kugisaki Nobara, who didn't know Lin Fan, was shocked and said:

"Is Lin Fan that strong! ?"

Fushiguro Megumi nodded undeniably.

He had to admit this.

Lin Fan was indeed too strong!

He could still vividly remember the scene of Lin Fan fighting with Ryomen Sukuna that night!

But it seemed that people who possessed Heaven and Curse Binding were quite strong.

Thinking of the sturdy figure of Senior Sister Maki,

Fushiguro Megumi was somewhat relieved.

With the affirmation of everyone, Kugisaki Nobara's eyes looking at Lin Fan became more and more scorching!

Seeing this, Lin Fan felt hairy in his heart.

He felt like being stared at by a tigress.

Calm down, donor!

Calm down, donor!

Teacher Gojo Satoru clapped his hands at this time and urged:

"Go quickly, finish it early and rest early!"

Yuji Itadori and Nobara Kugisaki nodded, and then walked straight towards the abandoned building.

At this time, Teacher Gojo Satoru suddenly remembered something and shouted at the backs of the two:

"Oh, right! And! Don’t let Sukuna out!

If you let him out, he will kill the cursed spirits here instantly, but it will also affect the humans nearby!"

Yuji Itadori nodded solemnly and agreed:

"I understand, Gojo-sensei, I won't let Sukuna out!"

Kugisaki Nobara on the side seemed a little impatient and urged,"Hurry up!"

"Oh oh oh! Here it comes!"

Yuji Itadori hurriedly followed behind

"Bon Voyage~"

Teacher Gojo Satoru waved his hand and shouted.

Watching the two people enter the building.

Teacher Gojo Satoru, Lin Fan and Fushiguro Megumi simply sat on a bench on the street and waited for the result.

Fushiguro Megumi, who was sitting on the bench, was somewhat worried about Yuji Itadori.

After all, there was Ryomen Sukuna in his body.

If his life was really in danger, it was inevitable that Ryomen Sukuna would be released and bring disaster to the world!

Thinking of this, he hurriedly said to Teacher Gojo Satoru:

"I'd better follow him."

Teacher Gojo Satoru said nonchalantly:

"Don't force yourself, you've just recovered."

Fushiguro Megumi still continued to speak with concern:

"Then you should let Fan go with you, and don't let him take action unless his life is in danger.

After all, someone needs to watch over Yuji!"

Teacher Gojo Satoru replied calmly:"That's right.

But....This time the test was not on Yuhito, but on Wild Rose!

Therefore, if Lin Fan followed, the nature would change and I would not be able to achieve the effect I wanted.

But Yuhito, this kid........Still pretty crazy.

Although it is an alien, when faced with a being with a biological appearance that wants to kill him, he will destroy it without hesitation.

He is not like you, who has been exposed to cursed spirits since childhood.

He is just a boy who lives an ordinary school life.

Even if you have talent, if you can't overcome this disgust and fear, you can't become a real sorcerer.

How many sorcerers have been frustrated and never recovered.

I'm sure you have seen it.

So Hisahito's fearless courage is still very rare.

So today I just want to confirm how crazy Nobara is!"

At this time, Megumi Fushiguro asked with a strange expression:

"What about Fan? How does he count?

Isn't he also a boy who lives an ordinary school life?

But now he....Can this be called courage?"

Teacher Gojo Satoru was slightly stunned.

Then he looked at the boy who had a calm and indifferent smile on his face.

Teacher Gojo Satoru said meaningfully:

"He is not a normal person, you can't compare him".............................................

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