Zenin Maki sneered, threw the weapon bag aside, then assumed a fighting stance and said:

"Hearing is not as good as seeing!

Junior! Come and let me see your strength!"

As soon as the words fell, Zenyuan Maki used her slender thigh to give Lin Fan a right whip kick without hesitation!

Lin Fan was a little stunned. They hadn't said a few words since they met, so why did they start fighting?

But Lin Fan would naturally not sit and wait for death.

He dodged Zenyuan Maki's right whip kick with a flash.

Seeing that the first move missed, Zenyuan Maki directly pursued and didn't give Lin Fan a chance to breathe.

A series of small combos followed.

However, how could Lin Fan, who has many years of experience in actual combat with others, be easily defeated by Zenyuan Maki?

Lin Fan kept dodging, and when he couldn't dodge the moves, he directly used his arms to resist.

It should be said that Zenyuan Maki's strength is really great!

It's worthy of the physique of heaven and curse!

Although Lin Fan didn't know whether Zenyuan Maki had tried his best.

But the fist that hit him was really painful!

But just like this, Lin Fan could still deal with it easily.

While hitting, Lin Fan smiled and said:

"Senior Maki, it's not a good idea for you to start right away, right?"

Zenin Maki replied with a cold face:

"There's nothing wrong with it.

Just sparring with the juniors and giving some guidance!

But a fight is just a fight, why so much nonsense!

Watch this!"

Lin Fan was speechless, and he found it more and more funny.

Zenin Maki is indeed the same as in the anime.

She is the kind of person with a bad temper, but a sharp tongue and a soft heart, and a stubborn and straightforward personality.

Seeing that she couldn't do anything to Lin Fan after several moves, Zenin Maki gradually began to get serious!

The strength of her punches and kicks increased a bit!

Lin Fan frowned slightly.

This Zenin Maki is indeed very powerful.

He is completely suppressed in all aspects of his physical attributes.

And he is also very experienced in practical combat, and his fighting techniques are unique.

He has the demeanor of a master!

Lin Fan took a look at the panel of Zenin Maki.

【Name: Zenin Maki

【Level]: Level 4 Spellcaster

【Talent]: Heaven and Curse {Incomplete}(S)、Weapon Master (D+)、Killing Sense (D)

【Skills: None

【Favorability]: 20 (good first impression).............................................

【Heaven and Curse {Incomplete Form}】: A special physique that uses cursed power to improve all aspects of the body. (Because they are twins, their physical fitness and cursed power have not been fully released, so it is an incomplete form)

【Weapon Master]: Has an affinity for all weapons, can quickly master them, and has a learning ability several times that of others.

【Killing Intent Perception]: The perception of killing intent is very sensitive, and the specific location of the object emitting killing intent can be determined. Moreover, as the strength increases, the range of killing intent perception will become larger and larger...............................................

Lin Fan wanted to laugh.

Ha, woman.

She had a good first impression but she still wanted to fight. She is really violent!

However, after Lin Fan finished looking at Zenin Maki's panel, he was still a little surprised.

Lin Fan had known about Heaven and Curse for a long time.

But Zenin Maki actually had the two talents of Weapon Master and Killing Intent Perception!

This was a bit too much!

Don't underestimate these two talents of low level.

These were discovered and copied by Lin Fan after he traveled around the world for many years and challenged the top masters in various fields.

People with this talent have all become masters who cannot be surpassed in their fields!

Lin Fan had only seen this talent from a few people.

Although it is only a low-level D-level, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the strongest auxiliary talent!

Zenin Maki does not have the ability of Lin Fan to copy other people's talents and skills.

So these talents appeared on Zenin Maki at the same time, which shows how strong her talent is and how powerful her strength is!

Lin Fan, who had been suppressed and beaten, was also a little annoyed.

You know, he is not a man who will sympathize with women.

In the face of martial arts, there is no distinction between men and women, only victory and defeat!

Although Lin Fan's physical attributes were suppressed, his experience of challenging elite masters for many years is not made of paper!

That was the victory he gained by studying fighting techniques and martial arts skills day and night!

If you say that Zenin Maki's fighting techniques have become a school of their own and have the style of a master.

Then Lin Fan's fighting techniques are the master's!

Lin Fan was no longer timid and gradually began to let go.

Because he felt the long-lost excitement from Zenin Maki!

This situation is rare!

The last time was on Ryomen Sukuna!

Unfortunately, before they could have enough fun, Yuji Itadori took back control of his body.

Lin Fan would naturally not miss such an opportunity today!

The battle between the two was as fast as the wind!

It seemed that afterimages had already appeared!

Zenin Maki frowned slightly.

She thought that this kid was very strong.

She could clearly feel the pain of the beating on her body.

You know, her ability to withstand blows is very strong. If she can feel pain, it proves that Lin Fan's physique should not be much weaker than hers!

In terms of physical skills, she thinks she is the strongest in the academy!

But today, she felt a long-lost sense of oppression from Lin Fan!

This made Zenyuan Maki excited!

It has been a long time since she had such a hearty fight!

Zenyuan Maki is also a fighting maniac.

When encountering an opponent of equal strength, such an opportunity, naturally you have to do your best!

Zenyuan Maki had a smile on her face, and her favorability towards Lin Fan gradually soared at this moment.

The smile on Lin Fan's face gradually became ferocious.

Very good!!!

That's how it should be!

Please me!



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