Along the way down the mountain, Ijichi Jie drove the car steadily.

Gojo Satoru, who was sitting in the car, told Lin Fan about the embarrassing incident that happened when Yuji Itadori was resurrected right after he left.

Gojo Satoru even took out his cell phone and played the embarrassing photos of Yuji Itadori for Lin Fan to see.

Lin Fan had a strange expression on his face, but he still replied jokingly:

"Isn't the tiger bud quite white?"

Gojo Satoru said with a grin,"Isn't it!......"

But suddenly, Gojo Satoru's smile disappeared.

He approached the car window, looked out, and then said in a cold voice:

"Stop the car."

Yidizhi Jiegao was stunned for a moment and asked uncertainly:

"Huh? Is it right here?"

Gojo Satoru turned around and said:

"Right here, stop."

Yijizhi Jiegao stepped on the brakes and stopped the car.

Gojo Satoru turned around and said to Lin Fan,"197":

"You go first, I'll take care of something."

Lin Fan had a faint smile on his face, but it was not difficult to see from his eyes that he was very excited!

Lin Fan slowly replied:

"No need, Mr. Gojo.

You can’t leave me alone for such a fun thing!"

Gojo Satoru was slightly stunned, then smiled and said:

"Well, you stay."

Then Gojo Satoru and Lin Fan got out of the car.

Gojo Satoru saw that Ichichi Jiegao was also about to get out of the car, so he said:

"You go first"

"Ah?" Yidi Zhijie Gao asked in a panic:"This....Are you testing me?

If I really go, you will beat me up, right?"

Gojo Satoru was speechless,"Why should I beat you up? Who do you think I am?"

Ichichi Jiegao said nothing more, revealing a strong desire to survive:

""Okay! Okay! I'll go now!"

After saying that, Yiji Chieko stepped on the accelerator and drove away. He even did two small drifts along the way, as if he was running for his life.

He was really afraid of Gojo Satoru.

But that was also true, for Yiji Chieko.

Gojo Satoru and Lin Fan were the same!

Both were lunatics!

Gojo Satoru put his hands in his pockets and said to Lin Fan casually:

"Do you want to make the first move?"

Lin Fan replied with a smile:

"Of course, if Gojo teacher takes action, I will be in trouble!"

Gojo Satoru smiled, but suddenly a short figure appeared in the sky and stepped towards Gojo Satoru!

Gojo Satoru and Lin Fan dodged. The short figure kicked a big hole in the place, which showed that he was very powerful.

Gojo Satoru realized that this person's target was...It's him!

Gojo Satoru asked calmly:

"you....Who is it?"

Louhu didn't answer, but laughed evilly and waved his hand!

In an instant, a small crater like the one under the sea appeared on the wall next to Gojo Satoru!

In an instant!

The small crater suddenly ejected a stream of magma flame!

The powerful flame was ejected nearly a thousand meters away!

The place where it was ejected was burned clean!

The air was suddenly filled with the smell of burning charcoal!

Louhu laughed disdainfully and said sarcastically:

"It seems that it is nothing more than that!"

However, at this moment, he completely ignored Lin Fan who was watching the show on the side. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Or rather, he did not take Lin Fan seriously at all.

Lin Fan looked at Louhu's panel and smiled.

He muttered:

"Pretty good?......"

【Name: Louhu

【Level]: Special grade curse spirit

【Talent]: Fire Affinity (A+)、Earth Affinity (A+)

【Skills: Fire Gravel (A), Extreme Meteor (A+)、Area: Covering Coffin Iron Wall Mountain (S-)


【Fire Affinity: Favored by the fire element, you can control the flames and control fire at will.

【Earth Affinity: Favored by the earth, can control rocks and manipulate land

【Fire Gravel Worm]: Summoning skill. (Fire Gravel Worm is a special cursed spirit that lives in the crater of a volcano. It looks like a purple flying insect with a mosquito nose. When it strikes, it is accompanied by a strong impact force. Its body can cause a large-scale flame and lava explosion.)

【[Ultimate Meteorite]: Summons a huge flaming meteorite. (The size of the flaming meteorite is related to the amount of spell power injected)

【Domain: Iron Mountain: This is a natural domain created by consuming a large amount of spell power. Inside is a cave barrier with volcanic lava erupting. It can easily burn to death a first-level sorcerer who enters the domain..........

The ability of Extreme Meteorite is quite similar to Lin Fan's Great Fireball. But it is much more powerful than his Great Fireball. However, it also needs to be used by different people. If it is used by Louhu, the power is just so-so.

But if it is used by Lin Fan, who is not afraid of consuming much mana, it will be a devastating blow!

Is this skill of Fire Gravel Worm....This was the first time Lin Fan had seen this kind of summoning skill.

It was really good!

As for other abilities?....Lin Fan felt that it was just average.

He had quite a few character panels in his hands.

Although Louhu's panel was considered decent, it was not Lin Fan's priority.

But it was still okay to get the panel first.

Besides, the lava shock that was just randomly fired was so powerful.

This Louhu's strength is indeed much stronger than the current Ryoumen Sukuna!

It is indeed at the level of eight fingers!

Lin Fan showed an excited smile, it was really fun.

Then he whispered:

"One hundred percent! Fire escape! Great fireball technique!"


A huge fireball with a diameter of five meters smashed towards Louhu!

Louhu turned his head suddenly and was shocked! 2.6 But soon he slapped the fireball with his palm and actually slapped the fireball away!

Then Louhu snorted coldly at Lin Fan and said:

"Playing with fire in front of me! Boy, you are too young!"

Lin Fan shrugged indifferently and said casually:

"I didn't expect it to hurt you, I was just playing around.......Let's have some fun?"

Lou Hu looked at Lin Fan's expression and tone that showed he didn't take him seriously at all, and immediately said in an annoyed voice:

"Looking for death!"

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