At night,

Naohua Xia Youjie came to a residential building alone.

He walked up the stairs slowly until he came to a resident, opened the door and entered a dark room.

The room was very dark, and almost nothing could be seen.

At a glance, it seemed that only a dark corridor and another door at the end of the corridor could be seen.

Naohua Xia Youjie walked slowly to the other door.

When he slowly opened the door and walked in, it was as if he had passed through a portal and came to a sunny beach out of thin air!

The sea water here is very blue.

People can't help but sigh that the color of jade is too light and the color of sapphire is too dark. Even a master teacher can't describe this beautiful scenery.

The sun shines on the sea with fine waves, as if it has covered the sea with a layer of glittering silver.

The waves rise and fall with the tide of the sea.

There is also a red, octopus-like curse spirit floating on the sea.

It is like an elf in the sea, floating up and down with the waves.

How could such a beautiful and unreal scene appear in a room?

Are there really 18 portals?

Obviously, not!

This is the realm created by the red curse spirit floating in the ocean!

The sun shines on the sand.

There is a beach chair standing on the beach.

Under the parasol, there is a lazy man lying.

This man looks a little weird, and his skin looks like it is stitched together with patches, with stitches all over his body!

He reads the book calmly, enjoying this great time.

Brain Flower Xia Yujie walked slowly towards him and came to his side.

Brain Flower Xia Yujie casually glanced at the tortoise floating in the sea, smiled lightly and said:

"It's so peaceful."

The real person, who was lying on a beach chair, flipping through a book, asked without raising his head:

"How is Louhu, Xiayou?"

The brain flower Xiayou Jie replied with a faint smile:

"Near death.

But Hanami went to save him, so there shouldn't be any problem."

Makoto laughed,"How irresponsible, you instigated it, didn't you?"

Brain Flower Xia Yujie didn't admit it, but smiled faintly and explained:

"How is that possible?

I was trying to persuade him not to go."

At this time, the door of the room was opened again.

The brain flower Xia Yujie turned around and looked.

Zhenren smiled and said:

"Speak of the devil and he will appear.

Louhu, Huayu, I hope you are safe and sound."

The person who opened the door and walked in was Huayu holding Louhu's head.

Louhu, who only had his head left, said:

"How do you know I'm safe?"

The brainy Xia Yujie beside him said sarcastically:

"This result is already considered good."

Lou Hu widened his one eye, very unhappy!

And the brain flower Xia Yujie spread his hands and put on an innocent expression.

Lou Hu's eyes suddenly widened in anger.

This bastard!!!

The brain flower Xia Yujie put away his smile and whispered:

"Now you should understand.

Gojo Satoru must seal it at the right time and place, under the premise that we have established the corresponding advantages!

The execution will be in Shibuya on October 31st.

I will inform you of the details later."

At this point, Brain Flower Xia Yujie looked at the real person and asked:

"All right, Master."

Master closed the book and replied with a smile:

"I have no objection.

Then act cunningly.

Like a cursed spirit, but also like a human being......."

At this time, the brain flower Xia Youjie seemed to remember something interesting, and then he continued to talk to the real person:

"Oh, yes.

This time it's not like I didn't gain anything.

I found an interesting person, you can keep an eye on him."

Zhenren became interested when he heard this. Who could make Naohua Xia Yujie interested? (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

So he asked directly:"Who?"

Naohua Xia Yujie replied:

"He seems to be very close to Sukuna's container, and Gojo is also paying attention to him. He should be his student.

But that guy knocked Louhu away with one punch!

The speed is very fast!

But in terms of strength?....That's all.

If you see someone who is about the same age as Sukuna's container, who is good at physical skills and has quite good strength, remember to pay attention.

Of course, it would be best if you could kill him!"

At this time, Lou Hu was not present, and Hua Yu had taken him to heal his wounds.

Otherwise, he would definitely be so angry that he would want to eat the roaring Geto Suguru immediately!

After hearing this, the real person showed a weird smile

"sound.....It's quite interesting.

If this kind of person is transformed, it should become a very good work......."

The next morning.

The weather was still as good as ever.

Everyone who had gotten up early to train in the playground had already changed into summer sportswear.

But at this moment, they looked exhausted, obviously exhausted by Lin Fan's training method yesterday.

Their muscles were sore as if they were torn apart.

Except for Zenin Maki and Fushiguro Megumi, everyone had a lifeless expression.

Zenin Maki, who did not see any trace of Lin Fan, asked Fushiguro Megumi in confusion:

"Where's Lin Fan?"

Fushiguro Megumi still had a stinky expression and answered:

"He said he would not train with us anymore. He was going to complete a mission and would be back when the exchange meeting was about to start."


Zenin Maki nodded, obviously a little disappointed.

But the other eavesdroppers were very happy!

They held hands and cheered:


I can finally train normally!!!"

"I want sushi for lunch!"

"I want to eat hot pot!"

627"Are you kidding? Longguo dumplings are the best choice!"


Inside the secret base,

Lin Fan looked at Yuji Itadori who was still sleeping like a dead pig, and kicked him awake without any hesitation!

Yuji Itadori was immediately startled.

He quickly stood up from the ground, posed as Ultraman beating the monster, and shouted in panic:

"Who! Who is it! Look at my dynamic light......Fan? It's you......I was shocked."

Lin Fan said speechlessly:

"Don't get up yet, the sun is about to burn your butt!

Hurry up and pack up!

It's time to start ravaging....cough cough.....It's time to train you!"

Yuji Itadori's face suddenly darkened.

Did he just hear the word"ravage"? He always felt an ominous premonition?

However, he still smiled foolishly, scratched his head and replied:

"OK! I'll go wash up now!

I watched a movie too late......."

Lin Fan chuckled and urged:

"Stop talking nonsense! Go!"

PS: Please order all!!! Please order by yourself!!! Please support!!!.: ༒༺ღMa Quân Diệt Thếღ༻༒

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