Facing the attacks of other curse spirits, Lin Fan did not dodge or evade. He let the attacks fall on him.

Now, except for the Big Mouth Curse Spirit, other low-level curse spirits could not hurt Lin Fan at all.

They could only bring a little pain.

So he ignored the attacks of other curse spirits and focused on punching the Big Mouth Curse Spirit one punch after another.

Lin Fan's attack can be said to be a critical hit!

The force is so great that every blow will shatter a piece of flesh on the Big Mouth Curse Spirit!

And Lin Fan's punch speed is getting faster and faster, so fast that it seems that there is an afterimage!

Lin Fan is adapting to his new power.

The Big Mouth Curse Spirit was beaten back!

The body continued to collapse.

There was no chance to attack Lin Fan at all.

The scene directly turned into a one-sided crushing.

The refreshing feeling of punching the flesh made Lin Fan laugh excitedly:


So cool!!!

It's worthy of being a second-level curse spirit!!!

It feels so good when fighting!!!"

At this time, the huge playground was filled with the dull sounds of fists hitting flesh and Lin Fan's hideous laughter.

The scene seemed so weird for a while, which made people shudder!

For a moment, it was hard to tell who was the curse spirit.

Soon, the big-mouthed curse spirit that looked like a small meat mountain was beaten to pieces by Lin Fan.

Like a pile of mud.

Although its body was still recovering, the speed of recovery was obviously not as fast as the speed of being destroyed by Lin Fan.

Not long after, the big-mouthed curse spirit was beaten into a small pool of meat mud.

Lin Fan stopped.

At the same time, he frowned in disappointment.

It is not difficult to see from the ecology that he has Some dissatisfaction.

After a pause, Lin Fan suddenly shook off the group of small curse spirits that kept gnawing on him.

At the same time, he stomped his foot hard!

In an instant, several curse spirits as thick as arms, like caterpillars, were instantly crushed!

Purple blood splashed everywhere, sticking to Lin Fan's face, and then slowly dissipated in the air.

Lin Fan's scarlet and cold eyes looked so weird under the moonlight!

At this time, Lin Fan suddenly closed his eyes and slowly opened his arms.

Then he half-raised his head, felt the slight evening breeze around him, and took a deep breath of air.

I haven't felt this way for a long time!

Lin Fan sighed sincerely.

The feeling of being hit by a fist made his body and mind released at this moment!

Lin Fan, who had been suppressed for many years, finally felt the true meaning of being alive at this moment.

This is the life he wants!

Curse spirits, spells, spellcasters, curse masters, what a wonderful world!

Slowly, Lin Fan slowly opened his eyes.

After a long breath of turbid air.

The excitement and excitement were slowly suppressed.

Looking at the curse spirits that gradually recovered and emerged from the ground.

Lin Fan stretched his muscles and bones, ready for another round.

However, just when Lin Fan wanted to take action again, he Suddenly stopped.

Because at this time, Fushiguro Megumi had already arrived at the scene.

However, Fushiguro Megumi did not see the scene of Lin Fan's fight before.

As soon as he arrived at the playground, he saw Lin Fan surrounded by cursed spirits, and thought he was in danger.

In an instant, he used ten kinds of shadow spells and summoned the Jade Dog, Black and White.

In just a few moments, Fushiguro Megumi eliminated several small cursed spirits and rushed to Lin Fan's side.

Without saying a word, he went up and grabbed Lin Fan's arm, and suddenly led him out of the encirclement.

Lin Fan did not resist, but cooperated very well, thinking about something silently in his heart.

After getting out of the encirclement, Fushiguro Megumi asked:

"Are you okay, classmate?"

Lin Fan nodded, and then said meaningfully:

"It's okay, you came just in time."

At this time, Lin Fan returned to his usual gentle and elegant appearance.

With a faint smile on his face, he seemed to be very warm-hearted and easy to get along with.

With such an expression, he was completely different from the previous appearance!

Fushiguro Megumi nodded, without looking at Lin Fan beside him.

It was a tense moment of battle, and he couldn't be distracted at all.

Because even he was not sure to exorcise the cursed spirits in front of him.

So Fushiguro Megumi's body was always tightly tensed, staring at the cursed spirits in front of him, not daring to relax!

But after a while, this group of cursed spirits did not attack him immediately.

It seems that they are a little afraid?

Fushiguro Megumi quickly interrupted these unrealistic thoughts.

He said to Lin Fan nervously:

"Get out of here! It's very dangerous here......."

Fushiguro Megumi suddenly stopped talking.

Yuji Itadori, who was supposed to be outside the school gate, actually came to the scene.

Fushiguro Megumi asked angrily:

"How did you get in?

Didn't I tell you to stay at the door?"

Yuji Itadori looked a little serious and didn't reply.

He was relieved when he saw that Lin Fan was fine.

But he soon found something wrong.

Because he didn't see the figures of Senior Sasaki and Senior Iguchi!

Yuji Itadori's nervous heart suddenly rose to his throat.

He quickly ran up to ask Lin Fan:

"Senior Lin Fan! Where are Senior Sasaki and Senior Iguchi?"

Lin Fan was slightly stunned.

Didn't he see them at the bus stop?

Lin Fan was about to answer.

At this time, Yuji Itadori was stunned for a moment when he saw the curse spirit.

Then he rushed towards the big-mouthed curse spirit with an angry face.

He also shouted:

"Spit out Sasaki-senpai and Iguchi-senpai!!!"

Fushiguro Megumi was shocked:

""Itadori! Come back!"

Lin Fan was speechless.

But he did not explain.

Because he suddenly thought, why not take this opportunity to connect the original plot?

Otherwise, if Yuji Itadori does not eat his finger, it will be difficult to develop the subsequent plot.

You can't eat Ryomen Sukuna's finger yourself, right?

Although Lin Fan copied Yuji Itadori's cursed body, he can also eat Ryomen Sukuna's finger and turn it into a container for Ryomen Sukuna.

But Lin Fan doesn't want to be controlled by an uncontrollable force like Yuji Itadori.

Ryomen Sukuna is not a kind old immortal cultivator, he is definitely an evil cultivator who can take over other people's bodies!

This kind of time bomb is quite fun to cultivate into an opponent.

If it is used on oneself, forget it.

Not long after, Yuji Itadori, who had rushed up to fight before, was quickly defeated.

Although he There is a cursed human body, but because of its insufficient level and lack of practical experience, it is impossible for it to be the opponent of this big-mouthed cursed spirit.

However, Fushiguro Megumi on the side was shocked by Yuji Itadori's inhuman physical fitness.

But the cursed spirit can only be exorcised by cursed power!

Ordinary damage, no matter how strong it is, cannot kill the cursed spirit!

Soon Yuji Itadori fell into danger.

Fushiguro Megumi did not hesitate, and quickly cooperated with the shikigami Jade Dog to rescue him.

Although Fushiguro Megumi was not sure that he could exorcise the big-mouthed cursed spirit.

But he could still save Yuji Itadori.

Not long after, after a battle, Fushiguro Megumi successfully rescued Yuji Itadori.

But the big-mouthed cursed spirit, which had no intelligence to begin with, had lost its mind and attacked the two of them madly!

Fushiguro Megumi shouted while fighting:

"Yuji! Take that classmate with you and leave!

You can’t exorcise the cursed spirit without cursed power!


PS: Thank you Lengcafe JS for the monthly ticket!!!

Thank you Zhaqin for the monthly ticket!!! Thank you Daoyou Moyaozaidujie for the monthly ticket!!!

Thank you all for the flowers and evaluation tickets!!!

Thank you so much!!!

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