After being surprised, Gojo Satoru showed confusion on his face.

Isn't the spell handed down from one generation to another?

Only the descendants of the spell masters of all generations can use it.

Besides, it seems that there is only one person in the spell master family in this generation, Gojumaki Satoru.

Obviously, Lin Fan can't be a descendant of the spell master family.

Then how did his student learn it?

This is simply against common sense!

The world of spells sounds complicated, but it is actually very simple.

Except for the personal awakening phenomenon of a few people.

Generally, spell abilities are passed down through blood.

Just like the three major families in the world of spells, the abilities of the Zenin family, the Kamo family, and the Gojo family in the three major families, are all passed down through blood!

Each generation has the same ability.

It's just that because of different talents from birth, the degree of mastery of the abilities passed down through the family bloodline will also be different.

Just like the head of the Gojo family in the previous generation did not have the talent of six eyes!

Six eyes are also extremely rare in the history of the Gojo family.

However, the appearance of abilities means that they can be passed down through blood!

So how did Lin Fan, who does not have the blood of the spell family, learn the spell?

Seeing the confusion on Mr. Gojo's face, Lin Fan gave him a half-truthful answer:


My talent is to see other people's abilities, and to master them through inference and learning.....Jade Dog!"

As soon as Lin Fan finished speaking, two Shikigami Jade Dogs, one black and one white, appeared in front of the three people.

The Shikigami Jade Dogs Black and White are very similar to Fushiguro Megumi's Shikigami Jade Dog, but there are some slight differences.

Gojo Satoru was very shocked.

This is more than just guessing other people's abilities and learning them!

When Lin Fan used the ten shadow spells just now, he didn't make the gestures like Fushiguro Megumi did! This is simply learning and optimizing!

Gojo Satoru couldn't help but clap his hands and praised generously:


Your ability is incredible!

Can you learn my technique?"

"Ah this......"Lin Fan was speechless.

It turns out that one lie requires multiple lies to cover it up.

Lin Fan quickly thought of an excuse and replied:

"Not for the time being, because your spell is quite complicated, and it is too brain-burning for me to learn, so I have not considered it for the time being."

Gojo Satoru nodded, obviously believing what Lin Fan said.

But he began to think.

If this is really the case, then his student is really amazing!

Not only does he have the ability of immortality (bjfa), but he also has the ability to learn other people's spells.

Any one of these two abilities is shocking to the world, okay!

But Gojo Satoru chuckled and didn't think about it anymore.

His students are the pillars of the future world of curses and also the innovators!

Everyone has special abilities and is very talented.

Just like Otsutsuki's ability to bind with cursed spirits. Just like the ability of scales to temporarily control luck.

Just like Itadori's ability to store Sukuna.

Which one is not shocking to the world?

It's just that Lin Fan is the most talented one among them.

Moreover, he also proposed the theory of new forces, and is a man with great ambitions!

And he is not pursuing fame and fortune, and has the same philosophy as himself.

Such a good boy, of course, the stronger he is, the happier he is!

After all, they are all students trained by himself.

The satisfaction is exploding!


Lin Fan looked at Gojo Satoru, who was smiling brightly, and suddenly felt a little confused.

Why is he suddenly laughing so happily?

What is he thinking?

If Lin Fan knew what Gojo Satoru was thinking at this moment, he would probably laugh out loud.

"Hello~......Can you let me stop?.....I feel like I'm dying......"

At this time, Yuji Itadori, who was still dancing the horse dance, said weakly.

Lin Fan quickly used the curse technique.

He was so busy chatting with Gojo that he forgot that Itadori was still dancing. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Sure enough, as soon as the curse technique stopped, Yuji Itadori fell directly to the ground, gasping for breath.

At this time, he had lost all desire to live.

Destroy it!

He can't stay on this planet anymore!

At this time, Gojo Satoru stood up and prepared to leave.

After he saw that Yuji Itadori was fine, he didn't plan to stay here any longer.

Gojo Satoru raised his hand, waved at the two of them with a smile and said:

"It looks like Hisahito is doing well in training, so I’ll leave first!


When Hisahito heard this, he sat up immediately!

He wanted to stretch out his hand and shout loudly:

Gojo teacher, don’t leave me!!!

Take me away quickly!!!

Unfortunately.......These are just his voices.......

The words came to his lips, but he couldn't say anything.

It was obvious that Lin Fan had used a curse on him.

Yuji Itadori finally realized that Lin Fan's spring-like smile was fake!

It was all to confuse you!

He is a devil!!!

The next afternoon.

Lin Fan greeted the constipated Ichi Jiegao with a smile.

Since yesterday, Lin Fan has been urging Ichi Jiegao on his mobile phone to come over and assign tasks to him!

In the end, he had to use threatening words to coerce and lure him to come!

Ichi Jiegao really didn't want to see this lunatic Lin Fan again!

He felt that not only his heart couldn't bear it, but even his body couldn't bear it!

If he didn't take some tonic medicine to do tasks with Lin Fan, his small body would definitely not be able to bear this kind of pressure!

Ichi Jiegao felt that Lin Fan was a hundred times more terrifying than Gojo Satoru!

However, under Lin Fan's coercion and inducement, he had to come.

What's more, he also accepted the task assigned to him by Mr. Gojo.

That was to assign tasks to Yuji Itadori.

However, Yuji Itadori's mission is in three days.

But Mr. Gojo didn't say that Lin Fan would go with him!

Now that he thinks about staying with Lin Fan every day, he wants to die.

Lin Fan smiled and asked:

"How are the tasks you've chosen?

No matter how difficult they are, take all the tasks above level three!"

Yidi Zhijie said carefully, sweating:

"No, Lin Fan, you can only take on tasks one by one.

You can't take on multiple tasks at once. You can only take on the next task after you complete one task.

If we bring along Tiger Stick, we'll start with level three......."

When he mentioned the word"Level 3", Yidi Zhijiegao suddenly felt Lin Fan's cold gaze and immediately changed his words:

"Let's start practicing with the second-level tasks first!"

Lin Fan nodded with satisfaction.

A young man is teachable!

Yuji Itadori, who was watching TV in the house, had already pricked up his ears to listen to the conversation between Lin Fan and Ichi Chieko!

When he heard that he had to do the task in the afternoon.

Does this mean that there is no need to train in the afternoon!

Yuji Itadori jumped three feet high with excitement!

The output of the cursed power in his hand suddenly became unstable, and he was directly knocked out by the awakened little bear cursed corpse with one punch! PS: Please subscribe to the full version!!! Please subscribe to the custom version!!! Please support!!!.

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