The one who hit him was none other than Lin Fan.

At this moment, Lin Fan was looking at Ryoumen Sukuna with a grim smile on his face.

The heat in his eyes was about to overflow!

Originally, Lin Fan was not going to take action.

Because Yuji Itadori would be able to take back the authority of the body in a while.

But after Lin Fan saw Ryoumen Sukuna's panel, he couldn't bear it anymore!

It was not easy to meet a strong enemy who couldn't use skills and could only fight in melee.

Wouldn't it be a big loss if he didn't fight!

Although Lin Fan knew that he was not Ryoumen Sukuna's opponent.

But he had an immortal body anyway.

It was still okay to have some fun!

After Ryoumen Sukuna was attacked, Yuji Itadori in his body was stunned.

He was originally going to take back the control of his body.

But he was stopped by Lin Fan's sudden punch.

At this time, Ryoumen Sukuna's eyes also revealed madness. He just met an interesting little guy after resurrection.

What could be more exciting than this!

Then the two of them attacked at the same time.

You punch me and I hit each other madly.

The speed of the punches and the speed of the body movements made people secretly gasp.

Fushiguro Megumi, who was lying not far away, was stunned.

His brain froze.

He couldn't believe his eyes.

The development of the matter was completely beyond his understanding.

What the hell is going on!!!

An ordinary high school student actually fought back and forth with Ryomen Sukuna!!! ?

Am I hallucinating?

At this time, a voice suddenly appeared in Fushiguro Megumi's ears:

"What's going on now?"

A man with white hair and an eye mask stood beside Fushiguro Megumi.

""Teacher Gojo Satoru!

Why are you here?"

Gojo Satoru didn't even look at Fushiguro Megumi. His attention was completely attracted by the fight between the two people in front of him.

He stared at them intently and slowly spoke:

"I had no intention of coming here, but when I was looking at the scenery on the way, I suddenly felt a strong curse.

So I came to take a look.

Tell me what happened."

Fushiguro Megumi looked at the fighting scene in front of him with lingering fear, swallowed his saliva, forced himself to calm down, and explained after clearing his mind:

"Ryoumen Sukuna's finger was eaten by Itadori Yuji, the red-haired boy.

Then Ryoumen Sukuna awakened......."

Gojo Satoru raised his eyebrows with interest, interrupted Fushiguro Megumi and asked:

"What's the situation with that black-haired boy?"

Fushiguro Megumi paused, then said speechlessly:

"I don't know!

I only know that he is an ordinary senior high school student.

But now it seems that he should have the same heaven and curse as Zenin Maki......."

Gojo Satoru nodded, thinking it was really interesting.

He didn't expect that buying a dessert would bring him so many surprises.

Ryomen Sukuna is resurrected.

The boy who seems to be bound by the sky and curse.

Interesting, interesting!

Fushiguro Megumi couldn't help but complain when he saw Gojo Satoru's excited look.

Oh my god!

Can't you see that I'm seriously injured?

Is it okay to completely ignore me?

However, at this moment!

Lin Fan, who had been fighting back and forth with Ryomen Sukuna just now, was suddenly hit in the abdomen by a punch and flew backwards.

Lin Fan forced his footing and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Sure enough, he is not Ryomen Sukuna's opponent now.

Whether in terms of strength or speed, Ryomen Sukuna is far superior to him.

But who made Lin Fan immortal!

As long as he is not missing arms or legs, breaking a few bones is like playing for Lin Fan.

Lin Fan sucked the remaining blood in his mouth, spit out a mouthful of bloody phlegm, and actually laughed.


This is exciting!!!

Let’s do it again!!!"

Ryoumen Sukuna, with a ferocious smile on his face, became even more excited after hearing this!

What an interesting guy! Just to his liking!

But just when Lin Fan couldn’t hide his excitement and rushed up again to fight. When his fist was only two centimeters away from Ryoumen Sukuna’s face, he suddenly stopped.

Lin Fan frowned and retracted his fist.

It turned out that Yuji Itadori had taken back the control of his body at this time.

The first sentence Yuji Itadori, who had taken back the authority of his body, came up and shouted in shock:

""Shit! No way!

Senior Lin Fan, are you so strong!!!"

Seeing that Yuji Itadori had regained control of his body, Gojo Satoru felt even more interesting.

He instantly appeared in front of the two of them.

He looked Yuji Itadori up and down.

Then he smiled and said:

"Interesting, interesting!

He really got mixed up in there!

He was able to regain control of his body, interesting!

Hey, boy.

Is there anything wrong with your body?"

Yuji Itadori felt his body a little confused, then replied:


Gojo Satoru continued:

"Then can you still switch with Sukuna now?"


"It's the cursed thing you ate."

Yuji Itadori suddenly realized, nodded and said:

"oh...Um....It should be possible."

Gojo Satoru nodded, then said while stretching his body:

"Then you switch him out, and take him back in 10 seconds!"

After the activity, Gojo Satoru stood up and looked at Lin Fan:

""Classmate, can you also let me feel Sukuna's strength?"

Lin Fan nodded with a smile and stepped aside tactfully.

This was Gojo Satoru testing Yuji Itadori's ability to exchange.

This matter concerned Yuji Itadori's life and death.

Lin Fan naturally would not intervene.

However, Yuji Itadori was a little worried,"But......"

Gojo Satoru interrupted him and then said with an inexplicable confidence:

"Don't worry.

I'm invincible!


Take this!"

After saying that, Gojo Satoru threw the bag he was carrying to Fushiguro Megumi.

Fushiguro Megumi asked with a puzzled look on his face:

"This is?......"

Gojo Satoru explained casually:

"This is Kikufuku from Kikusuian, Sendai special, super delicious!

I especially recommend the edamame cream flavor."

Fushiguro Megumi was full of exaggerations.

This guy actually went to buy a souvenir before coming!

He's almost dead!.............................................

PS: Thanks????Big votes for urging me to update!!!

Please give me monthly votes, flowers, evaluation votes, rewards, and messages!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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