After Zenin Mai and Toudou Aoi had completely left,

Zenin Maki and Kugisaki Nobara immediately surrounded Lin Fan.

But just as the two were about to ask about each other's well-being, they saw each other doing the same thing.

In an instant, the two began to be hostile again.

There were sparks between their eyes!

Lin Fan had no choice but to break free from the middle and said:

"I have to go to Principal Yega to handle the transfer procedures for the new students.

I won't accompany you for now."

Everyone was stunned after hearing this.

Kugisaki Nobara asked:

"New students?

Our new classmates?"

Lin Fan nodded and said with a smile:

"A newcomer with the ability to awaken on his own, which is similar to Fushiguro's ability, the ability to summon Shikigami to fight!

I met him while doing a mission, so I brought him back.

There are too few first-year students, can we have more people to make it more lively?"

Fushiguro Megumi paused and became interested.

The ability to summon Shikigami?......

Everyone nodded in understanding.

However, the peculiar-minded Kugisaki Nobara was not concerned about the new students, but the gender of the new students.

So she asked:

"The new student is......Male or female?"

Zenyuan Maki also pricked up her ears. It seemed that she also cared about this very much!

Lin Fan was slightly stunned and replied:

""What's wrong with a man?"

The two women breathed a sigh of relief.

Kugisaki Nobara waved her hand and said with a smile:

"Nothing, nothing!

Welcome, welcome!"

At this time, Panda 19 asked a key question:

"Will this newcomer attend this exchange meeting?"

Zenin Maki frowned and said:

"Of course not. Do you want him to die?"

Lin Fan said with a faint smile:

"It's okay, just let him join, it's a good opportunity for him to gain experience.

He will be fine if he stays with me.

Zenin Maki nodded and said with a smile:

"I'll listen to you, Lin Fan!"

Kugisaki Nobara complained with a sullen look on her face:

""Fickle girl!"

Zenin Maki's forehead was immediately bulging with veins when he heard this, and he shouted loudly:

"Who are you calling a fickle girl?"

Kugisaki Nobara made a face, stuck out her tongue, and continued to provoke:

"I'm talking about you, if you dare, bite me!"

Zenin Maki was furious:

"You!!! I'm going to beat you to death today!"

Seeing the two people about to fight, Lin Fan suddenly had a headache.

He quickly pulled the two apart and said firmly:

"What are you arguing about!

The exchange meeting is coming soon, don’t you know that you should unite! ?

When the exchange meeting starts, are you going to start a quarrel and let the enemy fall without a fight! ?"

After hearing Lin Fan's accusation, Zenin Maki and Kugisaki Nobara immediately became obedient.

Moreover, contrary to their usual behavior, they actually held hands, just like a pair of good sisters.

Zenin Maki forced a fake smile and said:

"No, no, it's just a joke. We are very united, right?"

Kugisaki Nobara quickly echoed:

"Yes, yes, it's just a joke. We are usually very united!"

Lin Fan was speechless.

But seeing that the two of them were like this, they should not be able to quarrel anymore, so Lin Fan said:

"Right? We need unity, you know?

I'll leave now, I have some work to do."

Zenin Maki and Kugisaki Nobara said with a smile:

"Okay, okay! Go to Lin Fan"

"Yes, yes, we will be very friendly, just like sisters!"

Lin Fan nodded and left. Just after Lin Fan left, the two girls changed their faces instantly, snorted coldly, turned their heads away, and did their own things.

Zenyuan Maki said coldly:

"Panda, Gojuan, let's go."

Panda followed Zenin Maki in shame.

Today, Panda has seen the saying that women are fickle.

The speed of changing their faces is indeed faster than turning the pages of a book!

At dusk.

The principal's office


You want Yoshino Junpei to attend this exchange meeting! ?

Are you kidding! ?

Although it is said that exchanges should not cause deaths, but they are not deep enough, what is the difference between you and letting Yoshino Junpei die! ?"

Faced with the roar of Ye Mo Zhengdao, Lin Fan said calmly:

"Don't get excited, Shunping will be fine if he stays with me."

Ye Mo Zhengdao frowned,"Aren't you a little too arrogant?"

Lin Fan raised his eyebrows and asked back:

"Are you too arrogant?

The higher-ups don't know my true strength, don't you know it, Principal?

Although a lot of my strength information was suppressed by Gojo, don't tell me he didn't tell you."

Ye Mo Zheng Dao sighed and finally compromised and said:

"Oh! All right.......Be restrained, don't make too much noise!

Especially be careful!

Don't let those students from Kyoto School beat you up!

If they do, it will be very difficult for me to handle this."

Lin Fan laughed dumbly and nodded in agreement:

"Don't worry, principal. I won't do anything unless it's absolutely necessary.

The main purpose is to let them exercise. If I get involved, wouldn't that be bullying a child?"

Ye Mo Zheng Dao was speechless.

You are obviously younger than them, okay! (To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But what he said is indeed correct.......

The gap in strength is too big, this is not bullying a child.......

Ye Moth Zheng Dao drank a sip of hot tea, and then said:

"That's good."

Putting down the teacup, Ye Mo Zheng Dao's eyes suddenly flashed with brilliance!

Although Ye Mo Zheng Dao was wearing black sunglasses, Lin Fan could clearly feel the brilliance of the other party.

Lin Fan was slightly stunned. What was he doing?

Ye Mo Zheng Dao smiled kindly at this time and slowly said:

"Did you know that this exchange meeting will be held in our college?" Lin Fan nodded in confusion.......What does that mean?

Ye Moth Zheng Dao continued:

"The exchange meeting between the two schools is held in our college. We must let them see the strength of our college!

We can't lose face!


Lin Fan immediately understood what Ye Mo Zheng Dao meant.

This made him feel a little funny.

The credit card he gave Ye Mo Zheng Dao with a balance of $500 million per year would definitely not be insufficient.

What school could use $500 million per year? That would be more than 60 billion Sakura Coins!

I really don't know why he needs so much money?

However, Lin Fan didn't lack this little money, so he readily agreed:

"The principal is absolutely right!

Since the exchange meeting is held in our school, we must make it grand!

We must let the opposite school see the strength of our school!

Don't worry, principal, I will provide 100 million US dollars for the college to hold this exchange meeting. What do you think?"

Ye Mo Zhengdao's eyes lit up and he praised it in his heart!

Is this the face of a rich man!?


Ye Mo Zhengdao suppressed his inner excitement and said calmly:

"How can this be so nice?......"

Lin Fan was speechless.

This old fox was still being reserved.

Lin Fan smiled helplessly and then said:

"Principal, you don't have to be polite to me. I will have to trouble you if I need anything in the future.

If the funds are not enough, just ask and I will add more at any time!"

After all, Lin Fan has been in the business world for many years, and he still knows how to speak tactfully.

Ye Mo Zhengdao nodded with satisfaction. This kid knows how to deal with things!

Ye Mo Zhengdao smiled and said:

"Well, this is all your kindness, and I won't accept it.

On behalf of all the teachers and students in the school, I would like to thank you here.

As for whether additional funds are needed?......Actually, it's not impossible. It's better to be prepared.

If you give me more now, I can also arrange more things here."


Lin Fan, who had just taken a sip of tea, spat it out directly.

Lin Fan had seen something today.

He had seen shameless people, but he had never seen such a shameless person!

Although this was a small amount of money for Lin Fan, he couldn't be taken advantage of, right?

Lin Fan put down the teacup with a wry smile and said helplessly:

370"Then I'll add another 50 million!

Should that be enough this time?"

Ye Mo Zheng Dao laughed and said:

"Enough, enough, enough!

Oh, right!

I’m asking one more question, not because I don’t trust you, but because I want to understand something."

Lin Fan nodded,"Go ahead."

Ye Mo Zheng Dao lowered his voice and whispered:

"The additional amount you added is also in US dollars, right?"

Lin Fan's forehead suddenly showed three black lines, and he said speechlessly:

"It's US dollars."

Ye Mo Zheng Dao smiled and said:

"That's good, that's good.

I don't mean anything else, I just do things rigorously."

Lin Fan was speechless.

God is doing things rigorously.

Ye Mo Zheng Dao is the first one who can say greed for money so high-soundingly!

Lin Fan didn't want to stay here for a quarter of an hour anyway. If he stayed any longer, he would feel that he would be emptied!

So Lin Fan said directly and politely:

"Since the matter has been settled, I will leave first.

I will bring Shunping here tomorrow.

Does the principal need a test?"

Ye Mo Zheng Dao waved his hand:

"No, no, I'm assured of the people you brought with you."

Lin Fan nodded speechlessly.

Money really makes the world go round!

Do you have to be so obvious?

Does Gojo-sensei know that you are so"honest"?

PS: Ye Mo Zhengdao's character is intentionally portrayed by the author. The author feels that in this way, his character will come alive and become more interesting.

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