On the other side, Kugisaki Nobara kicked the box and asked with an unhappy look:

"Hey! Why don't you explain it?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Nobara Kugisaki's eyes were filled with tears, but she forced herself to hold them back.

Yuji Itadori saw all of this.

He also said with tears in his eyes:

"I'm sorry for not telling you I'm still alive."

On the side, Lin Fan also brought Yoshino Junpei closer and said with a faint smile:

"Okay, okay, don't blame Itadori.

I didn't tell you because Itadori Yuji has a special identity, you know that.

During this period of time, Itadori Yuji has become much stronger, you guys have to work hard!"

Nobara Kugisaki and Megumi Fushiguro were slightly stunned after hearing this.

Then Nobara Kugisaki said with a strange expression:

"That is to say......You know that too!"

Lin Fan shrugged and replied as a matter of course:


Yuji Itadori scratched his head and said with a smile:

"During this period of time, it was Lin Fan who taught me. Hehe.

Now I am indeed much stronger than before!

Oh~~! Junpei! You are here too!"

Yoshino Junpei said speechlessly:

"Did you just see me?"

Yuji Itadori smiled and scratched his head and replied:

"I thought you wouldn't attend this exchange meeting."

Lin Fan said with a faint smile:

"I asked him to come here, so that he can learn from me and get used to the profession of a sorcerer faster."

Everyone nodded.

After hearing about the secret training of Itadori Yuji by Lin Fan, Kugisaki Nobara and Fushiguro Megumi stopped asking questions.

They were still frightened and couldn't help but feel some sympathy for Itadori Yuji.

These days are not for human beings.......

At this time, Zenin Maki and the others also came over.

But there was another group that got ahead of them.

That was Zenin Mayi, and behind her followed a shy girl, Nishimiya Momo.

At this time, she blushed and stood shyly behind Zenin Mayi. With her big blue eyes, she would occasionally glance at Lin Fan.

When she saw Lin Fan looking at her, she immediately blushed and lowered her head in panic.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that they were in love!

Zenin Mayi stood in front of Lin Fan with a sweet smile on her face and said teasingly:

"Brother Lin Fan, we meet again~.

Do you miss your sister?~~?"

Xigong Tao was also blushing at this time. She stood beside Chanyuan Zhenyi, holding the flying broom tightly in her little hands, and said with a stammer:

"you you you.....Hello,

I.....My name is Nishimiya Momo!

Yes, I am a third-year student at the Kyoto Prefectural Jutsu High School.

Nice to meet you!"

Then she suddenly bowed deeply, and her nervous look was so cute!

Seeing this scene, Kugisaki Nobara and Zenin Maki were immediately furious!

They stood in front of Lin Fan and said in unison:

"Go back to your school! You are not welcome here!"

Yuji Itadori was slightly stunned when he saw this scene and said:

"Fan, I suddenly found that you seem to be quite popular with women."

Yuji Itadori's words immediately attracted the attention of people around him who looked at him as an idiot.

Isn't that nonsense!

You just realized it?

At this time, Ye Mo Zhengdao coughed and began to formally read out the rules of the game.

"Now that everyone is here, I will announce the content of the competition!

This is a two-day exchange meeting between sister schools in Tokyo and Kyoto.

The first day is the team competition.......

There are no other rules!

Of course, it is allowed to hinder your opponent!

But you are all companions fighting against the cursed spirits together. The purpose of the exchange meeting is to understand your companions and yourself through competition.

Remember not to kill your opponent or seriously injure your opponent.

The above are the details of the exchange meeting!

The competition officially begins at noon!

Now! Disband on the spot!"

On the eve of the game.

In the meeting room of the Tokyo school.

Yuji Itadori held up the photo frame for the posthumous portrait, knelt down pitifully and said:

"that......In a sense, this can be called school bullying......."

Kugisaki Nobara snorted coldly and said,"Stop talking nonsense, just kneel down like this!"

Itadori Yujin wanted to cry but had no tears.

Panda scratched his face and came out to smooth things over:

"Forget it, just forgive him, he has explained the situation, hasn't he?"

When Yuji Itadori heard this, he was instantly attracted and said with a look of surprise:

"Wow! The panda actually spoke!"

Inujuki Ji also nodded and said,"Salmon, salmon."

The meaning is to forgive him.

After hearing this, Yuji Itadori asked in confusion,"What did he say?" Fushiguro Megumi explained lightly:

"Senior Inujuki is a spellcaster, and his spell can enhance speech and make it compulsory.

However, for safety reasons, he can only say fixed words."

Yujin Itadori looked at Inujuki with some surprise and asked:

"If you tell the other person to die, won’t that mean he will die?

Isn’t that invincible?"

The panda explained:

"It's not that simple. This needs to be considered specifically based on the difference in strength.

Using strong words can also have a huge backlash.

In the worst case, it can even rebound on oneself.

Therefore, using fixed words is also to protect Ji himself."

After hearing this, Yuji Itadori nodded in understanding. So that's how it is.


That's not right!!!

Why does it sound so familiar???

Yuji Itadori suddenly remembered the scene where Lin Fan asked him to do the horse dance! (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

He pointed at Lin Fan with a look of shock and said:


Everyone was stunned.

Zenin Maki frowned and asked:

"What? Explain clearly."

Yuji Itadori shouted speechlessly:

"The curse master!

That's the ability of Senior Gojuan!"


Everyone was shocked! They all looked at Lin Fan.

Lin Fan laughed dumbly and explained to everyone helplessly:

"My ability is to learn other people's abilities through observation.

Of course, this also depends on the difficulty of the ability. Even if I want to learn, it will take time.

Otherwise, I would have learned Gojo Sensei's spells a long time ago."

Everyone opened their mouths wide, with a dull look on their faces.

This is awesome

, okay! Why do you sound quite dissatisfied from your tone?

You must copy other people's abilities before you are satisfied!

This is the unanimous thought of everyone at the moment.

However, what everyone absolutely did not expect was that

Lin Fan's ability was to copy......

If they really knew, their jaws would drop.......

At this time, Fushiguro Megumi asked in shock:

"Is there a time limit for using the abilities I have learned?"

Lin Fan explained with a faint smile:

"There is no time limit. Once you learn it, it's yours."

0 Ask for flowers

After hearing the answer, Fushiguro Megumi was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

At first, Fushiguro Megumi thought that Lin Fan's ability was similar to that of Senior Ottokotsu, imitation!

But Lin Fan's answer directly denied his idea!

Lin Fan's ability is much stronger than Senior Ottokotsu!

Senior Ottokotsu's imitation ability is limited and can only last for 5 minutes!

After 5 minutes, it takes a long cooling period before it can be used again.

And Lin Fan's can't be called imitation, it's simply copying!

This made Fushiguro Megumi not shocked!

He remembered that Lin Fan could also reverse the ritual, right?

It seems that his physique is still very strong!

It seems that the cursed power is also huge! The more

Fushiguro Megumi thought about it, the more shocked he became!

This person is really scary when you think about it!

He usually looks smiling and seems to be easy to get along with.

But in fact, his strength is extremely terrifying!

And it is unfathomable!

At this time, Kugisaki Nobara said:

"Fan! It's not good for you to tell us your technique just like that."

Lin Fan smiled and said:

"We are all family, it's nothing."

Fushiguro Megumi swallowed his saliva, nodded and said:

"It’s really nothing, this is not even a dimension of ability!"

Zenin Maki also laughed. She had seen how powerful Lin Fan was.

But she didn’t expect Lin Fan’s ability to be so abnormal!

However, the stronger Lin Fan was, the happier she was.

Only a man like this is worthy of me!

But then again, Zenin Maki suddenly remembered something. She walked up to Yuji Itadori, stretched out her hand and said:

"I remember that Tsuzuma should be with you, give it back to me."

Yuji Itadori's expression froze. He immediately fell down.

Tsuzuma had been destroyed in the juvenile detention center a long time ago, where else could he go?

However, facing the powerful aura of Zenin Maki, Yuji Itadori finally thought of a foolproof plan.

That is to push the matter to Gojo Sensei and say that he returned it to Gojo Sensei!


This excuse is perfect!


Before Yuji Itadori could speak, Lin Fan took the lead and said:

"Tuzuo Mo should have been destroyed in the juvenile detention center. Facing a special-grade cursed spirit, your primary cursed tool is definitely useless."

Yujin Itadori was petrified on the spot.

You can't do this to me! Lin Fan!!!

However, Zenin Maki didn't show any angry expression.

There was nothing he could do about it.

A primary cursed tool, let it be destroyed.

But at this time, Lin Fan said again:

"Although Tuzuomo was destroyed, I have a spell spear that is quite suitable for you.

I see that you like using spears, so I will give you this first-level spell spear!"

Everyone was shocked again!

First-level spell spear!

You should know that there are not many first-level spell spears in the entire high school!

Lin Fan actually gave one away so casually!

This can no longer be described as a rich man!

By the way, how did Lin Fan get a first-level spell spear!!?

Zenin Maki took it in shock, and said at a loss:

"this....This is too expensive!"

PS: One more chapter (3500 words)!!!

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