Tokyo team, Zenin Maki team.

Fushiguro Megumi and Zenin Maki stopped.

Fushiguro Megumi whispered:

"Something is wrong.

The Kyoto school is moving as a whole, and it seems that they have collided with Yuji Itadori.

But Yoshino Junpei is also there, so I guess Lin Fan should be there too."

Zenin Maki said indifferently:

"Does that mean the target is there?"

Fushiguro Megumi denied:


As long as the second-level cursed spirit is not particularly cunning, the Jade Dog will find it.

I wonder if they want to attack Yuji?

Yuji has a special identity, and I don't think the higher-ups will miss this opportunity."

Zenin Maki still said nonchalantly:

"Didn't you say that Lin Fan is there too?

If they dare to take action, wouldn't they be courting death?"

Fushiguro Megumi nodded,"That's true.

With that pervert here, Kyoto School is in trouble!"

On the other side.

Panda Team.

Kugisaki Nobara said in surprise:

"How is it possible?

Why did Kyoto School want to kill Tiger Stick?

This is too inexplicable, isn't it?"

Panda whispered:

"I didn't feel much hostility before.

But that was before Hisahito arrived.

If it was the instruction of Principal Leyan Temple, then it is entirely possible."

Kugizaki Nobara asked in confusion:

"Is Kyoto School a useless group that would kill people just by following orders?"

Panda explained calmly:

"You can't say that.

Their perceptions are different.

You have spent 20 days with Yuhito, and we just realized that he is indeed a good person. He has a cheerful personality that is rare among sorcerers.

However, for those who don't know Yuhito, Sukuna's container is a terrifying existence!

It's almost like exorcising a cursed spirit.

For sorcerers, the boundaries in this regard are already quite vague."

Inugumaki Spine:"Salmon!"

Kugisaki Nobara's face became solemn.

However, at this time, Panda said:

"However, Lin Fan should be there too.

Although I can't sense his cursed energy, Yoshino Junpei is also there.

So there shouldn't be any problem.

He's fighting the Kyoto school alone, so people shouldn't be a problem......."

The scene turns back.

At this moment, Lin Fan is looking at the people from Kyoto School with a playful expression and says:

"You have been hiding for so long, if I don't show some respect, isn't that a bit disrespectful of you?"

Kamo Kenji said nervously, embarrassed:

"We have no hostility, we just want to observe your battle."

Lin Fan chuckled, and the next words made Kamo Kenji's face darken.

Lin Fan said playfully:

"Don't try to play tricks on me. Do you think I'm a fool?

Let's act collectively and go hunt down the leader, the Curse Spirit.......Do you want to kill Yuji Itadori?"

Kamo Kenji's face darkened, knowing that he probably couldn't defend himself.

So Kamo Kenji said coldly:

"What do you want to do?"

Lin Fan smiled coldly and looked at everyone with contempt. He swept away the amiable and sunny appearance when they first met. At this moment, Lin Fan's eyes were full of weirdness and coldness. It seemed that the air had dropped a little at this moment. Lin Fan smiled contemptuously and threatened in a flat tone:


Of course you are playing with me!

If you don't satisfy me, then none of you can leave today!"

Lin Fan finished speaking.

The inexplicable sense of oppression made Sanlunxia sweat coldly!

She held the hilt of the knife tightly, and prepared to fight.

At this time, the frivolous Chanyuan Zhenyi was also a little scared and broke out in a cold sweat.

The strength that Lin Fan showed just now was no joke!

Even if all of them were added together, they were not his opponents!

Chanyuan Zhenyi forced a smile and said:

"Brother Lin Fan, don't take it so seriously.

We are just passing by, we really don't have any other intentions."

""Shut up! Woman!"

Lin Fan shouted coldly, scaring Chanyuan Zhenyi!

Lin Fan continued with a cold face:

"Don't think you can get close to me just by talking to me.

Your attitude really annoys me!

You! Come here."

Chanyuan Zhenyi hesitated.

Lin Fan's tone dropped a little and he said coldly:


Do you still need me to invite you?"

Kamo Kenji quickly gave Chanin Shinyi a look, asking her to hurry over.

Chanin Shinyi bit her lip, and finally walked towards Lin Fan.

As soon as she came to Lin Fan's side, Lin Fan directly hugged her in his arms.

Then he slapped her hard on the buttocks!

The sound was crisp and resounded throughout the venue.

So everyone was stunned.

Chanin Shinyi's face suddenly became red, and she looked at Lin Fan with shame and anger.

Lin Fan smiled evilly and whispered: (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"I don't like strong women.

But I like to conquer strong women.

Woman, stay by my side and I will keep you safe."

Although Chanyuan Zhenyi showed shame and anger on her face, she did not dare to act rashly.

She didn't know why.

The blow Lin Fan hit her just now actually made her a little excited.

Chanyuan Zhenyi quickly shook her head and got rid of this idea.

This bad guy!

It really made her embarrassed!

Lin Fan glanced at Kamo Kenji and said lightly:

"Your name is Kamo Kenji, right?"

Kamo Kenji's eyes narrowed, not knowing what Lin Fan would do next.

Lin Fan smiled contemptuously, picked up the first-level spell tool Gatling, and then said in a flat voice:

"You are the one who talks the most."

Then Lin Fan pulled the trigger without hesitation!

The silver Gatling gun's rotating muzzle suddenly emitted a tongue of fire!

Countless rubber bullets shot towards Kamo Kenji!

Kamo Kenji was startled and quickly jumped to avoid the attack!

Ultimate Mechanical Maru and Miwa Kasumi also ran to both sides, escaping from the attack range, preparing to attack Lin Fan on both sides!

Kamo Kenji kept running all the way to avoid the attack of the barrage, and then he broke a bag of blood and used the Red Blood Manipulation Technique Kar Purification!

A dart formed by blood appeared in front of him!

He controlled the dart and struggled to resist the barrage of bullets!

The situation was better than at the beginning.

Just when Lin Fan was concentrating on attacking Kamo Kenji with the Gatling.

Ultimate Mecha Maru and Kasumi Miwa also attacked from both sides!

The elbow of Ultimate Mecha Maru's right arm transformed into a propulsion device similar to that which can spray fuel!

The wrist turned into a spiral drill head.

With one thrust addition (BoostOn), he attacked towards Lin Fan's left side!

Kasumi Miwa first came to Lin Fan's side and prepared to draw her sword!

Then she used the move:

New Yin Style!

Simple Field!

Draw the sword!

A sword-drawing slash attacked Lin Fan's right side!

Lin Fan smiled faintly and directly retracted the Gatling gun.

Then one hand once again hugged Chanin Shinji!

Just when the two of them couldn't stop their moves and thought that Lin Fan was going to use Chanin Shinji as a meat shield, Lin Fan said faintly:

"Flowing Rock Crushing Fist! Flowing Water Formation!"

Lin Fan used one hand to form a protective shield of Flowing Fist around his body, which directly deflected all the moves of the two people!

The two people immediately showed shocked expressions.

The most shocked one was Sanlun Xia!

She was shocked to find that her samurai sword was broken!

She held her broken sword with a look of despair, and then showed an expression of despair.

This sword is so expensive!!!

At the beginning, I had done a long task and used the accumulated contribution points to exchange for this third-level spell tool samurai sword!

Today it broke just like this???

Although the third-level spell tool can be bought with money.

But what she lacked was money!

Sanlun Xia suddenly felt like crying but had no tears.

She lost her fighting power and chose to withdraw from the battlefield and hide aside.

However, although Lin Fan deflected the attacks of the two people.

But Kamo Kenji obviously did not give Lin Fan any chance to breathe.

The Gatling gun stopped attacking Kamo Kenji. When he saw the attack of Ji, he controlled the darts to shoot at Lin Fan! He then added a few more bow and arrow attacks!

However, they were all easily resolved by Lin Fan with the water formation.

And in these few moments, the Ultimate Mechanical Maru had already cooperated and was about to charge up to use the triple purification cannon (Ultiate290Cannon)!

But how could Lin Fan give him this opportunity?

Lin Fan sneered, and came in front of the Ultimate Mechanical Maru in a flash, and shot out with a tooth-piercing finger! He accurately took out the cursed core of the Ultimate Mechanical Maru and crushed it mercilessly!

The Ultimate Mechanical Maru died on the spot!

Kamo Kenji was shocked and quickly winked at Chanin Mai.

The meaning was very clear, that is, to sneak attack Lin Fan!

Lin Fan was so defenseless against her, the sneak attack would surely succeed at this time!

However, Chanin Mai hesitated at this time!

Lin Fan whispered in her ear:

"If you dare to make a move, I will regard it as a provocation.

You should think carefully."

Zenyuan Zhenyi looked at Lin Fan's profile with deep meaning, but he didn't make a move in the end.

Seeing the anger behind him, Kamo Kenji shouted:


Kamo Kenji used his strongest move on Lin Fan, Hundred Blood Piercing!

He compressed his blood to the limit, and then condensed it into a point like a bullet and ejected it!

The initial velocity of the ejection reached the speed of sound!

The power was even more terrifying!

However, Lin Fan dodged it by just tilting his head slightly.

However, this move still left a scar on his cheek.

A trickle of blood flowed down.

At this time, Lin Fan's eyes revealed a trace of anger!

He said coldly to Kamo Kenji:

"you think......How did he die?"

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