At this time, in the world of Ling Cage,

Little Loli Xia Dou, Bai Yuekui, Fatty Shan Da and others were all very shocked.

Although they didn't understand what the domineering color entanglement was, they could see that wrapping the so-called domineering color domineering around the attack could make the user's strength stronger.

The power of the attack would be greatly increased.

Are you kidding? This Straw Hat Luffy couldn't even withstand a stick from Kaido before.

Now that he has comprehended the so-called Ryu Sakura domineering and the domineering color entanglement, he can actually fight Kaido?

Watching the video, Kaido's Eight-Faced and Luffy's Supreme Fast Drag confronted each other in the air.

Many viewers in the heavens and the worlds were excited.

In the world of Naruto

, Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura were all stunned.

They didn't expect that this could burst out with such power without ninjutsu.

Although they knew that in that world, there seemed to be a power called devil fruit.

It looked like a superpower.

But now the two people in the video are not using the power of the fruit.

It's pure domineering.

That's the ultimate in physical skills!! Might

Guy and Rock Lee, who saw this scene, were so shocked that they couldn't describe it in words.

Even Mr. Guy, who had mastered the Eight Gates Ninjutsu, felt the power of this domineering aura.

If he and Rock Lee could learn it, the improvement in combat power would be too great!

Might Guy:"Armament Haki can greatly increase the user's attack power...."

Both Guy and Rock Lee coveted this kind of power.

The most important thing is that it seems that no other characteristics are needed to learn it.

It's just that they have never thought about this kind of training method before. Might

Guy's training method is long-distance running, mountain climbing, push-ups, handstand walking, etc.

Although they are all very scientific training methods.

But there is no concentration.

Now seeing the power called Haki in this video.

Let these two people be eager to try.

Maybe they really have a chance to learn it.

Just like in the world of pirates, there are also ninjutsu.

In the world of pirates, a marine in the New World can learn armed color Haki.

Let Might Guy, Rock Lee and other masters of physical skills come.

There is indeed hope.

It must be said that this video gave them a lot of inspiration.


Might Guy, Kakashi, Sarutobi Hiruzen and others also felt it.

It was as if the power in their bodies was slowly increasing while watching this video.

Although the feeling was weak, it was indeed there.

It was just that the scene in the video was too attractive.

That’s why they didn’t want to stop and study it.

And at this time, what shocked the audience even more was that the shocking scene in the video was far from over.

The strong men saw that after Kaido and Straw Hat Luffy collided with each other with their domineering color, Luffy flew backwards, but soon punched again.

And this punch actually blasted Kaido out firmly!

The power wrapped with the domineering color domineering made Kaido unable to ignore it anymore.

At the same time, Luffy used another rising dragon fist to knock Kaido away.

Looking at Kaido who was knocked to the ground, many viewers in the world felt incredible.

Especially in the world of pirates.

The strong men all stared with their eyes wide open.

Obviously, even the four emperors felt that such a scene was a bit exaggerated.

In the cake shop.

The Four Emperors Big Mom was shocked.

Big Mom:"How could that little brat possibly

...How is it possible to beat Kaido away! ? This is outrageous!!"

Big Mom just saw herself in the video, being beaten down to Onigashima by a few little ghosts.

It can be said that she was in a very miserable state.

Now she sees Kaido being blown away by that Straw Hat Luffy?

We are the Four Emperors of the New World!!

Such a scene is totally unacceptable to the two emperors.

On the navy side.

Sengoku, Kizaru, Akainu and others have also realized the seriousness of the problem.

Sengoku:"This Straw Hat Luffy must not be kept! He is more dangerous than that Zoro!"

Sengoku said, damn, this genius pirate who can master the domineering color entanglement in his teens and can fight against the veteran Four Emperors Kaido.

If he keeps this, how will the World Government play in the future?

Although it is said that the power of the World Government is to crush pirates.

But letting such a little monster grow up.

Even Marshal Sengoku will not feel at ease.

Garp on the side couldn't say anything.

But he was also shocked in his heart.

Unexpectedly, his grandson Luffy could become so strong.

So young, he can fight Kaido, right?

Although, Garp knew very well that this kid had just learned the domineering color entanglement. He is still far from Kaido's opponent.

But what happened next... Garp:"Fifth Gear...The power of the sun god...Hahaha, well, let your grandpa see it too."

At this point, Garp was powerless to save the situation.

He was too lazy to think about what would happen in the future.

Including other powerful people in the pirate world.

At this time, they all wanted to have a chance to see the peak battle between Straw Hat Luffy and Kaido!

What was the final outcome and the form of the Sun God? At this time, all the powerful people also saw that Luffy and Kaido's more amazing battle broke out!

The audiences of all heavens and worlds thought that perhaps, Straw Hat Luffy's fifth gear should be coming soon!

(The third update broke out!

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