At this time, in the world of Fairy Tail,

Natsu, Gray, Erza and others were all excited.

For them, this battle had obviously entered a white-hot stage.

Straw Hat Luffy was defeated by Kaido several times in a row, but he was able to stand up again and burst out with even more powerful power.

That talent and willpower were enough for them to admire.

And Kaido was even more needless to say.

No matter how strong Luffy became,

Kaido could always suppress him.

Obviously, the strength of Kaido was also quite powerful. The dragon-like power made Natsu eager to try.

He made fists with both hands and hit them together.

At the same time, he showed an excited expression on his face and said,"I'm excited!"

Just watching them fight, they were already excited.

Natsu couldn't imagine how happy it would be if he could be there and fight Kaido with Luffy? In the world of Death God, Ichigo, Uryu, Chad Taisho and others were also shocked.

They had never thought that the two would fight to such an extent.

The power of the domineering color was also quite amazing.

The audiences in all the worlds saw it.

When the straw hat Luffy was also wrapped in the domineering color domineering.

Thunder exploded on the ghost island.

Black lightning continued to rage, and the surrounding sand and stones were all blown away.

It felt that if the two continued to fight, even the huge ghost island would fall apart in the battle between the two.

This power was enough to destroy an entire island.

It was indeed a bit exaggerated.

Especially for the protagonists who had not grown up yet.

In the world of Naruto, Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura and others were completely eye-opening.

They said that whether it was the bull head Ichigo, the terrifying Uchiha Madara, or the current straw hat Luffy and the beast Kaido, their strength was a bit beyond imagination.

Naruto knew very well that even he who could cast the spiral shuriken in the previous video might still be much worse than these strong men.

This made Naruto determined to continue to improve in the future.

In the future, he will definitely reach a level that surpasses that of Uchiha Madara.

The realm in the previous video alone is not enough.

In the Demon Slayer dimension, Tanjiro, Zenitsu Agatsuma, and Inosuke have even had their worldviews refreshed.

For them, such a battle is too exaggerated.

The three of them have experienced fierce battles with evil spirits before.

But now, they all feel that Kaido in that video is more terrifying than evil spirits.

Maybe evil spirits will appear cuter in front of him.

And the audiences of all the heavens and worlds soon saw that in the video, after Straw Hat Luffy mastered the domineering color entanglement, the battle with Kaido became more intense.

This Kaido is indeed like a terrifying evil spirit.

His expression is ferocious and excited, and he becomes more and more courageous as the battle goes on.

His Eight Precepts and Luffy's iron fists keep bombarding each other.

The amazing duel between the two made many viewers stunned.

In the world of pirates, on the Merry, Usopp, Zoro, Sanji and others were all stunned.

They are now feeling mixed emotions.

On the one hand, I didn't expect Kaido to be so powerful.

It feels like there's no way I can beat him.

Is this guy invincible? On the other hand, I was amazed at Zoro's strength.

Even Sanji had to admit that he was so strong.

Then came the

...Captain Luffy's strength.

Sanji:"I can actually fight Kaido to such an extent!"..."

Zoro:"As expected of you, you are the captain."

Zoro's face also showed excitement.

When he saw the power he showed in the video, he relaxed a little.

No matter how high his ambition was, Zoro was very satisfied. Although the strength he showed before was still far behind that of Kaido,

Zoro knew very well that he was still young and he would continue to become stronger.

But Luffy...Not at all!

After he mastered the domineering color entanglement, he felt that he had crushed Zoro at that time.

Not to mention

Usopp:"This should not be the power of Luffy's sun god, right?"

Usopp was also shocked.

To be honest, seeing Luffy has such strength.

He inexplicably felt that even if he faced monsters like Kaido and Big Mom, he didn't seem to have to worry too much.

At this time, Usopp no longer had the slightest thought of being a captain.

Compared with Luffy, he was simply a million miles away.

Usopp was also very fortunate that he followed Luffy.

Following the right captain.

The future life will definitely be very exciting!

However, when the audience of all the worlds continued to watch.

Soon they saw.

This fierce battle, in the end, ended with Luffy's failure!

Although Luffy used all kinds of means.

Whether it was the Grizzly Gun, the Hellfire Fist Gun or other moves.

They were all entangled with the domineering color domineering.

They bombarded Kaido, the beast, fiercely.

An attack of that magnitude.

Even Doflamingo, Crocodile, Moriah and other strong men felt a lot of pressure when they saw it.

Mingge even said that if that fist hit him, he would be finished!

Mingge didn't have the confidence that he could take it. This also made him pay more attention to this guy called Straw Hat Luffy. Doflamingo:"This kid is also a monster to be able to fight Kaido to this extent." Mingge couldn't help but say in Dressrosa. But

...At this time, the audiences in the heavens and the worlds also saw it.

In the video, Straw Hat Luffy's physical strength gradually ran out.

On the contrary, Kaido the Beast became more and more crazy as the battle went on.

He was completely excited.

Then, he hit Luffy with a stick and sent him flying.

At the same time, he gathered his strength and a burst of red light.

The terrifying domineering color���Qi was wrapped around this attack.

It hit Luffy directly.

The strong men saw that the straw hat Luffy was covered in blood and was directly shot down from Onigashima.

He was unconscious.

When such a scene appeared, the heavens and the worlds were silent.

All the strong men were stunned.

Some of them even couldn't help but gasp.


The combat power of this beast Kaido was completely beyond their imagination.

Gildarts:"What a powerful guy."

Uchiha Madara:"Beast Kaido? His physical skills are amazing! The power called domineering is also quite interesting. If I have the opportunity to fight him, I can look forward to it."

Bai Yuekui:"Then next, the sun god form of the straw hat Luffy should appear, right?"

In the world of spirit cage.

Bai Yuekui remembered the previous experience of Kurosaki Ichigo.

He immediately said.

This straw hat Luffy seems to have been killed?

If he has new power to explode.

It should be now!

Similarly, the other strong men in the heavens and the worlds. They also began to look forward to it.

(The fourth update is out! Is anyone reading this book? If not, I won’t write it. If anyone does, please vote to support the author. Thank you!)

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