At this time, in the Super God Universe, in the Angel Nebula, all the angels were staring blankly.

They originally thought that this was just an ordinary inventory video.

After seeing the duel between Kaido the Beast and Gear 5 Luffy, and the fierce battle between Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke, they were still interested and observed.

They wanted to see what level those humans had reached.

They didn't feel threatened at all.

But now, the scene in this video made them all unable to remain calm.

Even the Angel King on the throne, Holy Kesha herself, was a little surprised.

She had to admit that the title of Boros the Overlord of the Universe was indeed not self-proclaimed by him.

Such power can indeed be regarded as a strong man in the universe.

In particular, Boros's research on space technology should not be considered powerful.

In other words, it is not easy for him to encounter powerful creatures of other civilizations in the universe.

So, there is nothing wrong with him calling himself the Overlord of the Universe.

Although Kesha said that such power is still not a big problem for her.

But that terrifying energy cannon that can overturn the surface of the earth is already extremely terrifying.

Even in the angel civilization, it is considered a very powerful force.

On Earth, the Demon King Morgana was even more excited.

She felt that this Earth was really a magical planet.

Not only did the Earth in the Kamigawa Universe attract the attention of many god-level civilizations.

But on the Earth in another universe , there were Saitama and creatures like Boros? Morgana was not very interested in Saitama.

Although he was very powerful, Morgana knew that it would be easier for her to make Boros degenerate into a demon.

Morgana thought that if Boros was willing to become a demon to help him, he would definitely be more powerful than Atuo, especially his physical characteristics.

My goodness, Boros's ability to instantly gather just now stunned Morgana.

She immediately said, Nima

...Even that bitch Kesha doesn't have this ability....How did he do it?

What is his genetic sequence like?

Morgana felt that if she had the opportunity to study it, it would be so cool.

Yes, Morgana discovered another benefit of this inventory video and the chat group of all heavens.

That is, it can help her broaden her horizons.

For people who advocate science, such as Orochimaru and Mayuri Kurotsuchi, seeing powerful creatures from other universes, they can't help but want to catch them for research.

If there is such an opportunity, it would be great.

Unfortunately, they know that this is basically impossible.

But Morgana, Kaisha, He Xi and others are also scholars and scientists.

In addition, their power is still stronger than that of Boros. After all, angels are a civilization of divine skills.

Let alone overturning the surface of the earth.

They have the power to destroy planets.

For a civilization like the Fiery Sun, it is not difficult to detonate a supernova.

The angel civilization can suppress the Fiery Sun civilization.

In this regard, naturally, it will not be much worse.

Not to mention that the angels also have the power of cross-galaxy strikes.

There is a king's command on the Sky Blade.

As long as someone can use it and chop it with a sword, it can directly strike even if the distance is far.

In the original book, Ge Xiaolun used this kind of magical technology.

On Earth, he directly chopped a Taotie battleship in the universe.

So, if Boros's spaceship ran into Holy Kesha in the Shenhe Universe, Holy Kesha could completely chop Boros' spaceship with one sword in the Sky Blade.

At that time, Boros probably didn't know what happened and his entire army was wiped out.

It was based on this confidence.

Angels, including the demon king Morgana, felt that they had the opportunity to study Boros' physical characteristics and genetic data from other universes.

Even the main gods in the Shenhe Universe were extremely interested.

But now

...It's better to watch the video first.

After all, whether it's Holy Kaisha, Holy Hexi or the Demon King Morgana, they are all very interested in the ultimate power of this Boros. At the same time, they also want to know how this Boros can burst out such energy....Can it still be easily blocked?

Although Morgana had no idea about Saitama, she was also very curious about her strength.

Just like Frieza, all the audiences in the world saw it.

Saitama should be many times stronger than Boros.

But they couldn't be sure.

Because in the video at this moment, the energy that Boros burst out was really amazing!

In the world of pirates,

Sengoku, Garp, and Kizaru were all stunned.

They couldn't imagine how a living organism could burst out such energy.

Garp and Sengoku said that their domineering power was nothing compared to the energy released by Boros at this time.

Even before, Kaido's Fire Dragon Torch and Luffy's Monkey God Gun in Gear 5 had terrible power.

In front of Boros, they were completely useless.

The strong men saw that the thunder that burst out from Boros' body continued to rage, and the terrifying thunder became thicker and thicker.

Just this energy actually melted the sturdy spaceship.

You know, this spaceship had withstood many attacks from Boros and Saitama before, and it was not blown to pieces.

In any case, the sturdiness of this spaceship is still quite good.

But now, in the face of all the energy that Boros exploded, it can't stand it.

In the Naruto world, Kakashi, Might Guy, Sarutobi Hiruzen and others have all learned a lot.

Several people think that they are so lucky to be able to see this video.

In the One Punch Man world, all the S-class heroes in the Hero Association were watching very nervously.

Boros exploded with such power that Bang, Atomic Samurai, Tornado and others were all stunned.

At the same time, they were extremely worried.

What will happen to Saitama next? Will he be blown away by Boros's energy cannon? Or will he block it all? If even he can't stop it, it feels like humanity is doomed!

However, this is also because Boros descended into their world.

So these S-class heroes are so worried and nervous.

In comparison, many strong people in other worlds.

They all have great confidence in Saitama.

They watched all the way.

They completely trust that Saitama can definitely stop it.

He is crushing Boros.


...What kind of ability will Saitama use to resist?

The strong men are still very curious.

And at this time, they also saw that the energy released by Boros in the air was getting bigger and bigger.

Even at the end, there was an extremely clear heartbeat.

That was the sound of Boros's heartbeat.

Although it was just one, everyone felt that it was more exciting than the heartbeat that sounded when the Straw Hat Boy burst into the fifth gear.

The main thing is that when Boros's heartbeat came, many viewers said that he seemed to have really reached the level of the ultimate god!

After all, most people don't know what this stronger god is like.

Many viewers in the Naruto world, the Pirate world, and the Fairy Tail world said that the moves used by Boros at this time were already exaggerated enough.

And they also saw that under the raging energy of Boros, Saitama's motionless figure also looked very majestic and firm.

It feels that Saitama can also be called a god.

In addition, many people in the heavens and all worlds are also looking forward to it.

If it will appear again after this.

A creature stronger than Saitama and Boros.

How strong can it be? No one can imagine it.

At this time, all their thoughts are on Boros's ultimate move and Saitama's countermeasures.

Even King Frieza on Namek in the Dragon Ball universe was fascinated by it.

The main thing is that Frieza wants to see where Saitama's upper limit is.

If even Boros's ultimate move can't force him to his limit, then Saitama's true strength is indeed worthy of attention.

However, no matter how nervous and shocked the other strong men in the heavens and the worlds are , in the video, Boros's ultimate skill is also released very quickly.

Under the gaze of many people, Boros's body twisted, and even the style of painting changed.

He roared:"Crashing Star Roaring Cannon!!

" (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!

) The next second



Boros fired an extremely terrifying energy cannon.

The power was astonishing.

As soon as the audiences from all over the world saw it, they were extremely convinced that if no one blocked this cannon, it would definitely cause an ultimate storm when it hit the surface of the earth.

Even if they really wanted to blow up the entire surface of the earth, it was not impossible.

In the Fairy Tail world, Natsu, Gray, Erza and others were all stunned.

In the Demon Slayer world, Tanjiro, Zenitsu Agatsuma, Inosuke and others felt that their worldview had collapsed.

For them, this Boros was completely beyond imagination.

It was an existence that Tanjiro and Inosuke dared not even dream of.

How could they have imagined that creatures, humans, could be so strong? In contrast, they had learned breathing techniques and it was so difficult to beat an evil ghost.

It was really embarrassing.

But this also made Tanjiro's eyes gradually become firm.

He felt that maybe

...They still have room for improvement.

Tanjiro doesn't dare to hope to become as strong as big brother Saitama.

But if he really learns the Haki, Ninjutsu and so on.

It will be a great improvement for them.

And at this time, the audiences in all the worlds want to know, what will Saitama do in the video?

In the world of One Punch Man, all the S-class heroes are also staring intently.

In the universe,

Boros himself is so excited.

Boros:"That's right, did you see it? Saitama! This is my strongest energy! The Collapsing Star Roaring Cannon, its power is...Can you block it?" Boros was very excited at this time.

He was very happy when he thought that as long as he arrived on Earth, he could have a good fight with Saitama like in the video and release all the energy in his body.

However, what surprised the strong men was that they saw that in the video, Saitama no longer treated this move casually.

Everyone saw that Saitama clenched his fists and said,"Then, I will also take out my trump card!

The ultimate series, a serious punch!

" When these words came out, many viewers felt that the name of this trump card was too sloppy, right? Xia Dou:"This trump card is called a serious punch? Puff


Bai Yuekui:"If it was someone else who said this, I wouldn't care, but this is the powerful Saitama, the power of his punch would be terrifying...."

Bai Yuekui knew very well that Saitama's fist was like a nuclear bomb.

The power was extremely strong.

Every punch he threw before was completely unbearable for Boros.

To be honest, if Boros didn't have the ability to heal,

Saitama's continuous ordinary punches would have killed him.

But now, Saitama planned to use a more powerful punch....

The other viewers in the world did not despise it at all.

The name was careless, but the user was Saitama.

The power was absolutely amazing!

Kaido, Aizen, Uchiha Madara and others all watched it very seriously.

And they soon saw that in the video,���Yuna punched out seriously!

The next second...


In the shocked eyes of countless powerful people in the heavens and the worlds, they saw that Boros's Roaring Star Collapse Cannon actually......Were they forcibly broken apart! ?

Not only that, Boros in the distance was hit by Saitama's fist.

He was directly knocked away.

Even when the camera zoomed out and came to the perspective of the universe.

The pupils of the masters suddenly shrank.

They all saw that the clouds above the earth were broken!

That scene was exactly!

Zhang Chulan:"Middle parting...So this is, is this a middle part for the Earth? Oh my goodness...Isn’t this too outrageous?"

In the plane of Under One Person,

Zhang Chulan was already a little skeptical about his life.

He simply couldn't imagine how a human being could be so strong.

Zhang Chulan said that when the chat group is open, he would have to ask clearly.

This kind of opportunity must not be missed.

Damn, one punch broke the clouds on the earth.

This scene is really shocking!

In the world of pirates, the four emperors were also extremely shocked.

They used to think that every time they met an opponent of the same level, they would give a greeting gift as soon as they met.

Breaking the sky apart was already amazing.

Now seeing Saitama's operation, everyone knows what it means that there are people beyond people and there are heavens beyond heavens.

Saitama's strength!

Completely conquered many viewers.

They were extremely shocked in their hearts.

At the same time, they were more curious.

How strong is Saitama's true strength?

Obviously, all the strong men saw it.

Even Boros's most terrifying move, the Collapse Star Roaring Cannon, could not make Saitama reach his limit.

Who knows, the shocking scene that will appear next, will it still be Saitama?

Everyone doesn't know, in other universes.

What kind of powerful existence is there.

But they are looking forward to it.

And in the world of One Punch Man.

All the S-class heroes.

All took a breath of cold air.

They were all confused at this time.

Whether it was the arrogant Atomic Samurai or the arrogant Tornado.

They were all impressed by Saitama's powerful strength.

Atomic Samurai even said that he wanted to meet Saitama right now.

At the same time, he scolded those staff who evaluated the grades.

Are these guys all a bunch of idiots?

Such an awesome hero, you tell me he is only C-class? ? ?

Atomic Samurai feels that this guy should be given an SSS grade , it is probably not enough.

Even Boros, whose disaster level has reached the god level, is not enough in front of Saitama.

This is really outrageous.

Especially, the strong men soon saw.

When the scene in the video changed.

Saitama stood there calmly, and behind him.

Boros looked like a mummy.

His lower body was completely beaten away.

This scene made many strong men in the heavens and the worlds.

They were a little stunned.

At the same time, they were more and more shocked by the power of Saitama.

This bald guy is the big devil, right?

And, what is he?...How strong is it? ? ?

(Today's second���! Please subscribe!! Factory ).: Vô CựHuyễn Mộng Đạo Quân

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