At this time, in the Super God Universe, in the Angel Nebula, all the angels said that they had learned a lot.

At this moment, whether it was Angel Yan, Angel Leng, Angel Zhixin and others, they all felt that they were so lucky to be able to see this inventory video.

Unexpectedly, there are such powerful creatures in other universes.

Boros's strength is definitely a hegemon.

There is nothing wrong with this.

The last Collapse Star Roaring Cannon.

Angel King Holy Kesha is not very afraid.

But for high-level guard angels such as Yan, Zhixin, and Leng, the power of that move is already amazing enough.

If they were to face it, they would probably be seriously injured.

But Saitama, just with his fists, hit back the terrifying Collapse Star Roaring Cannon? ?

Not only that, he even combed the earth in the middle.

The angels also knew that before, in the pirate world, it seemed that the basic standard for reaching the strength of the Four Emperors was the collision of the Overlord Color, which could split the sky.

But this Saitama is completely different.

He is more than just splitting the sky.

It literally punched through the clouds on Earth.

The power of that fist was terrifying.

This also reminded the One Punch Man world that

Genos remembered that when he fought with his teacher before,

Teacher Saitama also punched him.

At that time, Genos only felt that he was dead!

If the teacher hadn't held back, he would have died. Unexpectedly , when that seemingly calm fist hit him, the sense of oppression was so strong.

The most important thing is!

In the end, Genos was unscathed, but his hair was messed up.

But behind him, the mountain was directly blown through by Saitama's fist.

At that time, Genos was only shocked and didn't look at it in detail.

It is possible that the mountains farther away were blown away.

So now seeing the terrifying strength of Teacher Saitama,"One-One-Zero" Genos admired him even more.

Genos:"Teacher is so amazing! Congratulations to Teacher Saitama."

Genos said.

In contrast, Saitama on the side regained his calm.

To be honest, when Saitama first saw Boros, he was looking forward to it.

Because he was different from all the monsters Saitama had met before.

That aura and energy made Saitama look forward to it.

If this guy could really have a good fight with him, it would be so cool!

But after watching it, Saitama also knew that

Boros was indeed much stronger than other monsters.

However...It was still far from enough!

His previous combo didn't cause any damage to him.

Even the meteorite explosion form was just that.

The last Collapsing Star Roaring Cannon, Saitama only used a serious punch to solve it.

But Saitama's true strength...It is far from being comparable to a serious punch.

Saitama is looking forward to the appearance of someone who can punch him with continuous serious punches.

Or even give him the opportunity to launch a more powerful attack!

Just like Boros.

Boros found his opponent, found Saitama.

Finally released the Collapsing Star Cannon.

He has died without regrets.

And Saitama is still waiting for his opponent.

As for the sad point

, Saitama doesn't even know if there is such a guy!

This is the most critical.

If not......Saitama will feel extremely lonely.

He may even feel that life has no meaning.

All enemies are easily solved.

If he wants to have a hearty fight, he doesn't know who to find.

Doing other illegal things does not conform to his own heroic principles.

There is nowhere to release and he suppresses himself.

With such a life, it would be strange if Saitama's emotions are not increasingly lacking.

Fortunately, Saitama later had more friends.

Bang knew Saitama's strength very well, so he respected him very much.

Saitama even found the person he could not defeat in some aspects.

That is the strongest man on the earth: King.

This hero, who is also an S-class hero, only needs to use two fingers. He can beat Saitama in the game.

No matter how hard Saitama tries, he is crushed.

This makes Saitama blush.

And what touched Saitama.

I'm afraid it was Boros in the video, who was exhausted and withered like a mummy.

He used up his last bit of strength and said,"This is really an equal battle, Saitama."

To this, Saitama did not refute at all, and responded,"Ah, yes, you are very strong."

However, Boros changed the subject and said with a wry smile,"Nonsense, you clearly still have strength left, and I am on the verge of death. I lost this battle!"...Saitama, you are so amazing."

After saying that, after a pause, Saitama turned and left.

His back was very final.

Boros continued:"Saitama, you are the same as me...."Very lonely, right?"

As soon as these words came out, many powerful people in the heavens and the worlds felt the same way.

In the world of pirates

, Sengoku, Garp, Kizaru and others had all seen it before.

Saitama didn't fight back at first, just to see how strong Boros could be.

So, after seeing Boros stop fighting, he showed an expression of disappointment and impatience on his face. He also said,"That's it, right? Not going to fight anymore?"

Now, Boros's final Collapsing Star Roaring Cannon couldn't satisfy Saitama.

The invincible feeling of being in a high place made many people seem to feel

Saitama's loneliness.

In the world of Naruto,

Uchiha Madara, Obito, Nagato and others were ignited.

They didn't expect that in other universes, there would be such powerful humans.

Humans even feel lonely because they are too invincible?

Then strong people like Uchiha Madara and Aizen can't stand it.

Madara has new ideas now���

He wants to gain the power of the six realms, and then...Fight in the universe!!

Uchiha Madara thought, maybe, in their world.

There are other powerful creatures in the universe.

Then, maybe he can go and see them.

I feel that this is more exciting than the Moon Eye Project!

And in the One Punch Man world, in a spaceship.

Boros was completely stunned.

He could never have imagined that this battle.

Would develop to this point.

His strongest Collapsing Star Roaring Cannon, was actually useless?

Boros:"Saitama, that's great! That's great! Although I know that the person in the prophecy mentioned by the fortune teller should not be you, but..."The person I want to challenge is you!"

Boros said immediately.

How can he find an opponent who can match his strength?

Saitama is so strong. It completely meets Boros's goal.

He rekindled his fighting spirit.

He didn't feel that humans were lonely and bored at all.

In order to surpass Saitama,

Boros will devote 120% of his energy to practice hard.

Boros:"Wait! Saitama, when I get to Earth, I will become even stronger. By then, I want to see your stronger power!"

Compared with the excitement and excitement of these audiences, many strong people are still immersed in the powerful power of Saitama.

In the world of death and soul society,

Hitsugaya Toshiro, Kuchiki Byakuya, Kyoraku Shunsui and others have seen it and are speechless.

Kyoraku Shunsui:"Ah, Aah, it's too strong, it's not a human at all...Fortunately, we only need to deal with the Hollows."

Harusui felt that if he had to fight that kind of monster, he would rather challenge the Great Hollow of the Wa-level.

In the Hueco Mundo, any of the Ten Espada, come and go.

Harusui is happy to take them on.

In fact, even Kenpachi had completely lost his will to fight after seeing this.

Kenpachi:"Cut it out!"...How could they be so ridiculously strong?"

Kenpachi didn't believe in any gods.

But after seeing the power of Boros and Saitama (to read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!), he had to say, is it possible that gods really exist in this world, or in other universes?

Kenpachi remembered Boros's roaring star-collapsing cannon and Saitama's serious punch.

No matter which one, he couldn't contend with it at all.

Kenpachi felt that if he touched even a little bit of that terrible power, he might be reduced to ashes.

In the Naruto world, in Konoha Village, Naruto and Sasuke were no longer immersed in the joy brought by the three-headed, six-armed nine-tailed demon fox and the Ultimate Susanoo.

In the midst of joy.

Both of them looked solemn.

They knew in their hearts that the power they would possess in the future might already be the strongest in the ninja world.

But compared with the strong men in other worlds, it was still a long way off!

The most important thing was that this was only the fifth shocking scene.

What would the sixth shocking scene be like next ? Many audiences in the ninja world expressed great anticipation and greed.

Orochimaru, Nagato, and the Kages all watched very seriously.

Including the audiences from other worlds, they all had their own ideas.

Among them, many people thought that the next one to appear might be

...It's still that big boss Saitama!

Because, Uzumaki Naruto, has appeared twice.

The first time, he only mastered the Sage Mode, and could only throw the Sage Wind Style Rasenshuriken.

The second time he appeared, he could already unleash the terrifying Yin-Yang Style Rasenshuriken.

The destructive power of the two is completely not on the same level.

If the latter attack is thrown out, even Six Paths Madara would feel his scalp tingling.

And now, this is the battle between Saitama and Boros.

Boros has given his all.

But Saitama...He is still far from showing his true strength.

So, it is very likely!

Next, Saitama will appear again.

As for his opponent, maybe he will be a being stronger than Boros.

If this is true, many viewers in the heavens and the worlds will be very excited.

After all, for them now, they can only think that Saitama is the strongest.

That kind of strength, even if you look at the entire universe, is already very remarkable, right?

In fact, let alone the strong men in the low-level martial arts planes such as the Pirate World, Demon Slayer World, and Fairy Tail World, who think like this0....

Even the audiences of the Avengers, Superman, and DC Universe all think that Saitama's power has reached its limit, right?

Damn, it

's already pretty awesome that humans can burst out with such power.

Boros's Roaring Star Cannon is enough to overturn the earth.

Saitama's serious punch can easily knock back this attack.

So...If Saitama really wants to destroy a planet, it won't be a big deal, right?

With his physical body, he can explode a planet.

This is very exaggerated for Tony, Young Master Wayne, and even Superman.


In the DC universe, Clark Superman is extremely powerful.

In the eyes of many people, he is a god.

Seeing the fight between these two people, he swallowed his saliva.

He said that this is quite awesome.

His previous duel with General Zod and his battle with Doomsday.

Although he didn't feel inferior, after all, they were all in the universe.

He fell from the universe and resisted nuclear bombs with his physical body.

He even shot down the satellites of the Wayne family.

The scene was like a natural disaster.

But the battle between Saitama and Boros was also quite amazing!

The most important thing is that Clark Superman also saw that the man named Saitama is far from showing his true strength.

So how strong is his real strength? To be honest, such a scene makes Superman, a strong man who is not warlike, feel a little itchy.

Clark saw that Saitama seemed to be eager for an opponent.

He said that when the chat group was opened, should he go find him? Superman felt that with his strength and potential, it might not be impossible for him to surpass the universe in the future? Yes, although Superman was low-key, he was similar to humans, full of love and sense of justice.

But he always had a feeling in his heart.

That was

...He felt that he was far from reaching his strongest state!

Although Superman at this time could not do starburst or something like that, he said that he might be able to reach this level in the future.

In contrast, Saitama himself did not care so much.

He felt that the next ones to appear would be him and an enemy stronger than Boros.

That was good.

If it was someone else, but they also had unimaginable power,

Saitama would also be happy.

Therefore, he was still full of expectations for this inventory video.

This made Saitama want to continue watching.

At this time, the audience of all heavens also saw that the chat group was open.

All of a sudden, the group became lively.

Xia Dou:"Too awesome! Brother Saitama, how strong are you? Saitama."

Xia Dou couldn't help it.

This little girl was so jumpy that Bai Yuekui was a little panicked.

But fortunately, there were many people who said this.

Xia Dou's news was quickly posted.

Naruto:"Die! Brother Saitama, can you teach me how you practice? I also want to be as strong as you!"

Morgana:"Boros, I am Morgana, the demon king. Are you interested in discussing cooperation with me?"

Keisha:"Humph, Morgana, you can't even maintain your level 3.3, and you're still thinking about this?" Morgana:

"Tsk, Keisha, you bitch, don't be so proud, maybe I will be on the list later! When the time comes, I will get the reward, and you will be finished!"

Angel Yan:"Morgana, are you dreaming? How can you be on the list?"

Natsu:"Too awesome! Brother Saitama, I'm excited!!"

This chat group has been established for a long time, and many viewers who don't bubble up can't help but speak in the group.

For this, Saitama didn't know how to answer for a while.

And Boros didn't have much interest.

He only has Saitama in his eyes now.

And Boros is actually a little proud.

He couldn't help but speak in the group:"Saitama! I will continue to get stronger! You wait for me on Earth! When I get to Earth, I will definitely defeat you!! This time, I will not lose! I am Boros, the overlord of the universe! I am the strongest!!"

Boros said excitedly.

And many people in the group found it difficult to refute this.

Angels, demons, etc., were too lazy to be too high-profile at this time.

To this, Saitama wanted to say:"Okay, I'll wait for you on Earth."

Saitama didn't mind, Boros continued to get stronger.

What's more, he couldn't stop it, right?

But the audience of the heavens and the worlds would never have expected it.

At this time! A person named Frieza joined the group chat.

Then when he saw Boros's speech, he laughed immediately.

And said in the group:"The strongest? Just you? It's ridiculous! With this kind of power, you dare to call yourself the overlord of the universe? It seems that you don't know what true strength is."

As soon as this was said, there was a brief silence in the chat group.

The next second, it boiled directly!!

The strong men were extremely excited.

They all stared with their eyes wide open, knowing in their hearts that they might be about to see a more powerful god....

(First update today! Please subscribe).: Vô CựHuyễn Mộng Đạo Quân

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