At this time, in the Super God Universe, in the Angel Nebula, many angels originally wanted to chat with Saitama.

They wanted to know what Saitama did to become so strong.

The angels thought that if they knew the method, they might be able to learn from it.

At that time, the angel civilization would definitely benefit from it.

This is also one of the benefits of the existence of this chat group.

Angels are not socially anxious.

Just kidding, the person they are asking for advice now is a strong man who definitely has the ability to explode stars.

Faced with such a powerful existence, the angels are of course willing to communicate more with each other to see if they can gain any new knowledge.

At the same time, Angel Yan, Angel Leng and others are also becoming more and more curious about the group owner named Su Chen. They all think that the origin of this group owner must be even more terrifying. Otherwise, how could he get such a wonderful video. The battle between Saitama and Boros completely shocked the angels. They are only now realizing that the strength of those two people is quite terrifying. But

...Even the Angel King Holy Kesha on the throne.

Never expected that at this time, a guy named Frieza would suddenly pop up in the group.

He said that Boros had such little power, and he dared to call himself the overlord of the universe? He also dared to call himself the strongest?

In an instant!

Kesha, Hexi, Morgana and others were all stunned.

They even thought, did they see it wrong?

After Kesha read it a few more times, she was very sure.

That's right!

That's what Frieza said. This is what he meant.

That's awesome! Suddenly, Kesha's breathing stagnated.

She looked at Frieza's avatar.

And suddenly felt that this guy...It seems that they are indeed not ordinary people.

Could it be that there are people stronger than Boros and Saitama in other universes?

How is this possible? ?

If it is true, even the main gods like Kaisha and Hexi would be shocked.

Are you kidding? Boros, with his strongest power, is enough to overturn the surface of the earth.

Saitama can definitely explode a star. Even with the technology of the Lieyang 04 civilization, it is impossible to destroy a planet with their energy.

The reason why the Lieyang civilization can make stars explode is mainly to accelerate stellar activity and accelerate their aging.

Yes...The essence of the Fiery Sun Civilization is actually to let the stars explode on their own.

It is not that they apply external force to blow up the stars.

And this is not the power of time. It is purely because they have done in-depth research on stars and the sun.

Therefore, to be honest, the main god of the Fiery Sun Star is far from reaching the level of star explosion.

If a star is still very young, then they want to stimulate it to reach the stage of explosion.

That requires considerable time and energy.

Therefore, this star explosion operation is considered very awesome even in the Kamigawa Universe.

Morgana only had the opportunity to use the space-time gene in the later period.

She developed a technology that can transfer planets with the power of space and smash people.

And the energy required is also very much.

But now, this Frieza bubbled up for the first time and mocked Boros.

So what is his strength?

Could it be that he can defeat Boros as easily as Saitama?

Even...Kaisha also thought!

Could this Frieza be from Saitama's universe?

And could he be Saitama's next opponent?

Kaisha felt that there seemed to be nothing wrong with this idea.

The audiences from other worlds were also confused and shocked.

They didn't expect that Boros was so powerful.

Even Saitama was happy to praise him, saying that he was very strong.

Although this was due to Saitama's personality, if Uchiha Madara, Aizen, Kaido of Beasts and others were asked, they would never say that Boros would say such a thing.

But Frieza said so.

In the Naruto world, in Konoha Village,

Naruto immediately expressed some dissatisfaction.

He made a fuss:"Damn it! What's wrong with this guy? So arrogant! No, I want to refute him a few words!!"

Kakashi stopped him immediately after hearing this.

His eyes were solemn.

In fact, Kakashi at this time was also very shocked.

He knew that this was the battlefield of the gods.

It would be better for people like them to watch now.

Kakashi:"This Frieza...Who is this person? It's unbelievable. It feels like the world is going to be in chaos...."

Kakashi sighed lightly.

He had no way to deal with it.

However, it was not just Kakashi.

Even Uchiha Madara, Aizen, Whitebeard and other world's combat ceilings were silent at this time.

They actually wanted to talk.

But they all knew their own limitations.

This topic was not something they could get involved in.

However! These guys were not panicked at all. They were just watching the show. They all wanted to know how strong Frieza was. It was similar to Kaisha's idea.

These people also thought that Frieza might be the same as Saitama?

Maybe he would be Saitama's next opponent. In other words, they would see another amazing battle and the shocking scene that shook the heavens.

It must be said that before, Boros's Roaring Star Cannon and Saitama's serious punch, and the scene of combing the earth in the middle, were already shocking enough.

More and more people in the group expressed satisfaction with this inventory video.

However...What shocked all the strong men was that after Frieza appeared, he not only mocked Boros, but also said to Saitama:"And you, Saitama, I heard that you feel lonely because you are too strong? It's ridiculous, but I still admire you. How about it, are you willing to work under me, Frieza?""

"If you are willing to submit to me, I can fulfill your wish."

Frieza said this lightly.

But when it was posted to the group and seen by the audience, it caused a huge wave in their hearts!!

At this moment, countless strong men were shocked.

In the pirate world,

Sengoku, Garp, Kizaru and others all broke out in cold sweats.

They clearly did not see any battle scenes.

But Frieza shocked them all with just a few words.

Sengoku:"This...Who is this guy? Why did he let Saitama work for him?...How strong is he?"

Zhan Guo couldn't imagine.

He couldn't keep his composure any more.

If he had seen the battle between Uchiha Madara and the Five Kage, and the duel between Kaido and Straw Hat Luffy,

Zhan Guo could still analyze calmly, and even felt a little excited. He even had the urge to fight himself.

But now, he didn't have such an idea at all.

Zhan Guo knew very well that this chat group would probably soon become a battlefield of the gods.

Saitama was so ridiculously strong.

In the eyes of Zhan Guo and Garp, they all believed that this big guy was worthy of the title of god.

As a result...In front of Frieza, it seems...Still not enough? ?

This is too exaggerated.

In the world of Bleach, in Hueco Mundo.

Even Aizen widened his eyes.

He was obviously shocked.

At this time, Aizen wanted to maintain his status.

He wanted to have the mentality that everything was under control and there was no need to panic.

But he couldn't do it at all!

There was no way, what this man named Frieza said was too shocking!

Many viewers in the heavens and the worlds.

They were still immersed in the powerful power of Boros and Saitama.

As a result, suddenly, this Frieza appeared.

He started to diss without any concern.

How could the strong men not be shocked?

And in the world of One Punch Man.

Saitama saw this and his eyes moved.

But he didn't react.

In fact, the other strong men were very surprised.

But Saitama's heart, to be honest, still didn't fluctuate much. (To read the exciting novels, go to Flyu Novel Network!)

However, he also rekindled hope.

Could it be that this Frieza has a stronger power than Boros?

Saitama felt that he had to see it with his own eyes.

Otherwise, if Frieza and Boros were of similar nature,

Saitama didn't really need it.

He knew that after the battle between him and Boros, he was definitely far from satisfied.

It was still far from enough.

But in the universe, on a certain spaceship,

Boros was not convinced.

He originally didn't want to pay attention to it.

But this Frieza actually let Saitama be his subordinate?

Where did this guy come from, so arrogant? ?

Boros now only felt that looking at the entire universe, his opponent was only Saitama.

There could be no one else!

He was still very confident in his own strength.

After all, he had been fighting in the universe for so many years.

But it must be said that Boros's experience...It is indeed very short-sighted.

And his mouth is still very hard.

So, facing Frieza's ridicule, Boros immediately replied:"Haha, is that so? I didn't expect that there would be a clown like you in this group. Seeing my strength, you dare to say that. Do you think that the universe is too big and I can't find you?" In the Dragon Ball Universe, on Namek.

Frieza saw this and felt no anger in his heart.

Instead, he found it funny.

Sabo and Dodoria on the side also laughed.

Frieza was very interested and was happy to play with these ants.

He asked Sabo and Dodoria to speak for him.

The two of them immediately sneered.

Then Etboros said in the group.

Sabo:"Boros, with your little power, you are not qualified to call King Frieza a clown? It's ridiculous, hahaha!"

Dodoria:"What a pathetic guy, to deal with you, King Frieza only needs to glare at you, but there is no need for King Frieza to do it himself, I can hang you up and beat you"

"If you don't believe me, you can come and try."

On that beautiful planet, Dodoria shook his hair confidently.

He was not afraid at all. After all, he was a man with more than 20,000 combat power. It was easy for him to defeat Boros.

And these words made Boros even angrier!

He didn't believe that those guys were so awesome.

This completely overturned his cognition.

Boros felt extremely angry at the moment.

If he met this guy named Dodoria, he would definitely make him pay the price!

In fact...Boros is so confident because he has the characteristic of fast healing.

In other words, he may not be unable to defeat Dodoria.

After all, he can be resurrected many times.

But he can't imagine how strong Frieza is.

And the audiences in other worlds were even more shocked.

In the world of Ling Cage, the little loli Xia Dou, Bai Yuekui, the fat man Shan Da and others were all stunned.

They couldn't imagine at all what kind of strength the people who were speaking now had.

But their words were quite shocking.

Xia Dou:"The person named Dodoria said that if Frieza wants to defeat Boros, he only needs...Just stare! ?...This is the end...What's going on?"

Xia Dou's mind went blank at this time.

There was no way. Their previous worldview made them think that the king-level beasts were difficult to deal with.

But after this inventory video came out, they realized that there were so many powerful people in other worlds.

There were even people like Uchiha Madara who claimed to be gods.

But now seeing the power of Boros and Saitama, Xia Dou, Bai Yuekui and others knew what the strength of gods was like.

But when they just accepted the power of Saitama and Boros, their bodies exploded, and Frieza appeared.

From his tone, it seems that defeating Boros is as easy as eating and drinking water? So how strong is Frieza? Let the audience in the heavens and the worlds be shocked.

���There is much more to it than that.

When they continued to watch, they saw that in the chat group,

Frieza continued to bubble up and said,"To be honest, Saitama, I still admire you very much. What do you think? If you are willing, you can come to Namek to find me. I believe that you will become a capable man under my command! Saitama."

Frieza still cherishes talent.

In fact, whether it is to Vegeta or Son Goku,

Frieza has extended an invitation.

And the invitation was very sincere.

If Vegeta and Son Goku agreed at that time,

Frieza might not necessarily do something to them in a short time.

Of course, with Frieza's character, it is hard to say when he wants to launch a sneak attack. It all depends on his mood.

And now, Frieza said that if Saitama is willing to surrender, he is also willing to let him work under him.

But if this guy disagrees...Then Frieza had no choice but to get rid of him.

After all, this Saitama seemed to be a threat.

Frieza's invitation was actually ill-intentioned.

However, the conditions Frieza offered were still very generous.

He continued calmly:"If you are willing to join my Frieza Corps, you can choose any planet. I can give you whatever you want, including...An opponent who can make you use all your strength! A hearty fight with you, roo roo roo, how about it? This condition is very tempting, right?" Frieza can accurately grasp people's hearts.

It must be said that his words surprised Saitama. But...Frieza obviously underestimated Saitama.

Saitama was not moved at all.

Unless! He could really see that strong man appear.

But, compared to this.

Many people in other worlds.

They all looked a little dry.

In the plane of Under One Person.

Zhang Chulan, Wang Ye, Zhuge Qing and others all had cold sweat on their backs.

Zhang Chulan:"I'm going to...What did this guy say? You can choose any planet? Does he own many planets? Isn't he too rich?"

Zhang Chulan didn't expect that the rich people on this earth all own a lot of real estate.

But Frieza owns many planets?

It feels a bit inhumane.

And in the Super God Universe, in the Angel Nebula, the angels also looked solemn.

From those words, they can fully understand that Frieza is not only powerful, but also seems to be not bad in technology.

Has the interstellar invasion begun?

In fact, the main god-level civilization in the Super God Universe can also do this.

But what they advocate is the spread of faith, not war.

Only evil people like the God of Death and the Demon King Morgana will do that.

However, this also made many people in the Super God Universe more clearly aware of

Frieza's strength.

The most important thing is! He also said that if Saitama is willing to join him, he can let Saitama find the opponent who can fight with him.

This is said...Obviously it was him!

So what kind of existence is this Frieza?

Many powerful people in the heavens and the worlds are looking forward to it more and more! (Today's second update! Please subscribe! Please vote for the monthly ticket! Mua!).

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