At this moment, in the Super God Universe, in the Angel Nebula, all the angels widened their eyes.

Obviously they couldn’t believe what they saw.

They were just recalling the scene of Sun Wukong transforming into a Super Saiyan.

That scene was very shocking.

Even angels like Angel Yan and Angel Leng who had lived for thousands of years had never seen such a scene.

The sky and the earth changed color, and thunder roared.

To be honest, when the golden flames rose from Sun Wukong’s body, all the angels were shocked, their brains went blank, and they were completely speechless.

Especially the terrifying aura coming from Sun Wukong.

Even the Holy Kesha on the throne was moved.

The angels all felt that Sun Wukong should be the so-called true god of the universe.

In other universes, even if there are real gods, they should be......That's it, right?

With the power of Super Saiyan Sun Wukong, it would be easy for him to destroy the planet.

This kind of divine power is already exaggerated enough.

He doesn't need any backup resources.

He can do it with his own strength.

The angels coveted this.

At the same time, they were also horrified by that kind of divine power.

But the result...Angel Yan, Angel Leng and others didn't expect it.

When the group leader came out.

Frieza scolded him, and he immediately hit back.

Then, such shocking news was revealed?

Angel Yan:"That Super Saiyan...There is more than just Sun Wukong! ?"

Angel Leng:"Heaven...Oh my god...How terrifying is that universe?"

Originally, the angels thought that the existence of a Super Saiyan was already incredible.

If this Super Saiyan were placed in the Shenhe Universe, he would definitely be able to reach the level of a main god.

He wanted to create a god-level civilization by himself.

That would be no problem at all.

But it turned out that...There are so many Super Saiyans?

In the world of Death Gods, in Hueco Mundo.

Aizen's expression froze.

For him, such news was too shocking.

He glanced at the Espadas in front of him.

But the Espadas, whether it was Ulquiorra, Grimmjow, Bylergan and others.

Their inner pride was gone.

Even as Hollows, they did not have too many emotions.

At this time, these Espadas were still completely shocked.

Grimmjow:"This is simply...It's incredible..."

Bylergan:"That universe...What are other universes like?"

At this moment, even the proud Ten Espadas were yearning for other universes.

They wanted to see them....It will definitely be very refreshing.

In the Naruto world,

Uchiha Madara, Nagato, Obito and others were also shocked.

At this time, they were a little dry-mouthed.

There is no doubt that the power of the Super Saiyan has completely exceeded their imagination.

Even Uchiha Madara felt that such a powerful existence must be the most powerful god in the universe, right?

Result...There is more than just Son Goku as a Super Saiyan?

Who else could it be?

After being shocked, the audiences from all over the world were all very curious.

In the round spaceship in the Dragon Ball Universe,

Vegeta himself even held his breath.

He was also very interested when he saw the man named Su Chen appear.

He wanted to see who this man was.

But he didn't expect that Su Chen would reveal such explosive news as soon as he opened his mouth.

This was of course great news for Vegeta.

He immediately thought that there was more than just Son Goku.

Could it be that......Can he become a Super Saiyan in the future?

Vegeta thinks that this must be possible!

Vegeta:"If I, the prince of the Saiyans, can't reach that level, I...I absolutely don't believe it!!"

Vegeta gritted his teeth.

He was unwilling to admit this.

If this was true, then Vegeta felt that he would have to devote every minute and every second of his future to training.

He felt that wasting any time would be a huge sin.

As for what Vegeta saw, he was killed by Frieza in the previous video.

Vegeta felt...He will definitely not die so easily!

This is a kind of mysterious confidence.

However, Bear Grylls is actually not sure.

He even wants to ask Su Chen.

Vegeta can't help it.

On Namek, Frieza saw Su Chen's response.

He was stunned.

Then his anger surged again.

Frieza:"You guy, what did you say?"

Frieza was not polite at all.

His killing intention towards Su Chen has reached an extremely high point.

If this guy is in front of him.

Frieza will make him feel a feeling more terrifying than hell.

However, when Frieza saw the scene in the video that Su Chen had just uploaded.

He was shocked.

Because Frieza saw that he in the video.

There were even mechanical parts?

It looked very strange.

Frieza couldn't accept this look at all.

The main thing is, who is the blue-haired boy with a sword on his back?

Frieza thought about it carefully and found that he didn't know him at all.

And even his father, King Kurd, was there.

The audiences in the heavens and the worlds also clicked to watch it at the first time.

When they saw this scene, they were all confused.

They were thinking about the identity of the boy and the fate of Frieza.

However, when the strong men saw the boy fighting with Frieza and he transformed into golden hair, they suddenly felt familiar.

Many strong men in the heavens and the worlds held their breath.

They said that no matter how many times they saw it, the god-like posture was still amazing.

Aizen:"Sure enough, another Super Saiyan!"..."

At this time, Aizen felt that he had learned a lot.

The power of the Super Saiyan is so much stronger than the Hogyoku, isn't it?

In the world of pirates,

Sengoku, Whitebeard, Kaido and other strong men all thought that it was truly powerful. It was much stronger than their domineering aura.

The posture of the Super Saiyan shocked the hearts of many viewers.

They said that they would never forget it in their lives.

That amazing scene.

And the audiences of the heavens also saw it soon.

The fate of the mechanical Frieza was even more tragic when facing the blue-haired boy.

Before, against Super Saiyan Son Goku, Frieza was cut into several halves by his own Qi Yuan Zhan.

But when fighting against this blue-haired boy, Frieza was not cut into several halves.

Instead, he was cut into pieces again.

Frieza himself saw this scene. His anger completely broke out!

Frieza:"Damn Saiyans!!"

Frieza has never hated a race so much.

If he is given another chance.

Frieza swore that he would not let those Saiyans go so easily.

Frieza would torture them one by one!

In the Dragon Ball Universe, on Earth, in the ward.

Son Goku, Krillin, Gohan and others saw this scene.

They were all stunned.

They did not expect that there was someone else who could become a Super Saiyan!

Goku:"That boy...What is this?"

Wukong was a little shocked.

But deep in his eyes, there emerged more passion.

Yes! Wukong felt very happy! (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

This is great!

There are other Super Saiyans.

It means...He will have many opponents to spar with in the future.

And that boy doesn't look bad!

He killed Frieza, so he must be a good guy.[]

This is indeed easy to see.

Krillin, Bulma, Yajirobe and others beside him were also shocked.

At this time, they could not imagine what the future would be like.

Yajirobe:"It's really a scene of gods fighting. Fortunately, these have nothing to do with me." The thing that

Yajirobe was most grateful for was that he didn't show up at all in the battle with Frieza. Yajirobe was very happy. Otherwise

...He didn't want to see himself facing that kind of monster.

Yajirobe would be scared.

Bulma looked at Trunks in the video and didn't say anything.

Of course, she didn't know at this time that the person in the video was his son!

In the circular spaceship, Vegeta saw Trunks.

He also didn't realize that the child looked a bit like him.

At this time, Vegeta was actually similar to Frieza and was also very angry.

Vegeta:"Damn it! Damn it! Why isn't it me again? Could it be that I......Will I never be able to become a Super Saiyan? Did I really die in that battle?"

Bai Ye said that he couldn't accept this ending.

Fortunately, Vegeta's resilience is still very high.

After his anger and unwillingness, he

��He regained his confidence as soon as he saw it. Vegeta

's eyes were firm, and he swore.

In the video, he was miserable. He was beaten to tears by Frieza.

But now, in reality, he will never make the same mistake again!

After seeing the power of this Super Saiyan, Vegeta will work hard for it.

The scene in the video will definitely change.

Vegeta:"In the future, I can definitely become that Super Saiyan!

" Vegeta thought that if he went to Namek later, he would first find the kid named Dandy.

Then he would injure himself and let him help with the treatment.

Vegeta didn't believe it.

If he came a few more times, would he be able to break through? If not, he would kidnap the kid.

Vegeta felt that he had found a blind spot.

And the audiences in other worlds, after witnessing another Super Saiyan displayed by Su Chen, were all impressed.

Moreover, everyone was not only in awe of the power of the Super Saiyan, but also admired the identity of the group leader.

In the chat group.


I didn't expect that there are actually two Super Saiyans? This is incredible.

" Uzumaki Naruto:"I say, Brother Suchen, what level of strength have you reached? Can you show it to us?" Naruto asked without any malice.

But this scared Kakashi, Sarutobi Hiruzen and others.

They didn't want to be misunderstood by this group of people.

They thought Naruto was provoking them.

However, before they could explain , Suchen laughed and said,"Two? Luffy!

You are naive.

There is more than one Super Saiyan, but...

...There are far more than two!"

Of course Su Chen didn't mind their inquiry.

On the contrary, Su Chen was quite happy.

Because the more active the atmosphere in the group is, the more his video will be played.

They are all equivalent to fans.

However, Su Chen's words once again set off huge waves in the hearts of the audience in the heavens and the worlds.

The moment he saw these words, on Namek,

Frieza's originally angry expression froze.

In the circular spaceship,

Vegeta was also stunned for a moment!

His body was trembling a little at this time

"So, there are more than two? I will definitely have a chance in the future!!"

Vegeta was looking forward to it at this time.

He did not hesitate at all and could not help asking:"Excuse me, can I transform into a Super Saiyan in the future? Su Chen."

Even the aloof Vegeta was very respectful at this time.

He dared not make any rash moves.

In the ward, Goku, Krillin, Yajirobe and others were shocked again.

For them, this news was also very shocking.

Especially when several people saw Vegeta asking questions.

Everyone couldn't help but look forward to the answer of this big guy Su Chen.

Goku still hoped that Vegeta could transform.

He could not forget the previous battle with Vegeta.

I don't know why, but Goku felt very much when fighting with Vegeta.

Maybe this is the feeling of a nemesis.

And the audiences in other worlds also looked over immediately.

Waiting for Su Chen's answer. In response, Su Chen smiled and said:"Of course, Vegeta, Son Goku, Trunks, and even Gohan and Goten can become Super Saiyans in the future."

Su Chen was not stingy at all.

And this news was like a bombshell.

It made many audiences in the heavens and the worlds boil!

At this time, they were all very excited.

Angel Yan:"So, there are so many Super Saiyans? It's amazing."

Uchiha Madara:"That universe...It's a bit beyond imagination."

Thanos:"Hmm...A very troublesome existence."

Bruce Wayne:"Am I dreaming? There are so many creatures that can destroy a planet with ease? And...That guy called Gohan, seems to be still a child, right? Does Su Chen mean that he can also become a Super Saiyan when he grows up?"

Master Wayne felt that this must be the only explanation.

Otherwise it is too exaggerated.

In the Dragon Ball universe, in the circular spaceship.

Vegeta seemed to feel relieved.

Vegeta:"Great! Great! I am also a Super Saiyan! Hahaha! In the future, I will definitely be the number one warrior in the universe! No matter whether it is Frieza, Kakarot or others, they will definitely not be my opponent!!"

Vegeta was very excited.

On Earth, in the ward.

Krillin, Yajirobe, Bulma and others were also a little surprised.

Krillin:"Damn it! I didn't expect that even Gohan could become a Super Saiyan, but who are Trunks and Goten?"

Yajirobe:"Goten, will it be Goku's future child? Gohan's younger brother?"

Master Roshi:"It is very likely. This is completely good news for us. Although Vegeta can also become a Super Saiyan, we have at least three Super Saiyans on our side...."

Master Roshi thinks, how can this lineup lose?

To the God of Martial Arts on this Earth, the Super Saiyan is the true God of the universe.

Not to mention, there will be at least three more on Earth in the future.

Goku, Gohan, and Goten.

As for Trunks, everyone thinks that he should be the blue-haired boy who killed Machine Frieza before.

It’s just that no one knows where he came from and which side he is on.

And with Su Chen’s understated words, the audiences from all over the world naturally respect him more and more.

At the same time! The powerful ones are also looking forward to the shocking scene that will follow.

And, including the angels, there are many audiences.

They all want to learn more and more shocking information from Su Chen.

To them, this group of big guys feels like omniscient gods, right?

Yes...Some people realized this.

The Super Saiyan might be very strong.

But this group leader should be even more powerful, right?

I don't know what realm he has reached.

But no one expected it.

At this time! Then Su Chen said again:"However, the Super Saiyan is actually nothing, because above this Super Saiyan, there is also the Super Saiyan 2 form! Everyone, if you want to see���"

As soon as these words came out, the heavens and the worlds were instantly silent! Countless strong men were sweating coldly on their backs, and they simply couldn't believe their eyes

(Second update! Please subscribe! Please vote!!!).

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