At this time, in the Super God Universe, in the Angel Civilization, all the angels held their breath.

Cold sweat oozed from their backs, and they were completely confused.

Angel Yan:"What did Master Su Chen say?"

Angel Zhixin:"Beyond this Super Saiyan, there is also a Super Saiyan 2 form!? This...Isn't this too incredible?"

Angel Leng:"What the hell!

? The Super Saiyan is already incredibly strong, how powerful would this Super Saiyan 2 be?" If we say that before, when the angels saw this Super Saiyan, they were impressed by the power.

Now, seeing the group leader reveal that there is a Super Saiyan 2 who is stronger than the Super Saiyan, Angel Yan, Angel Leng and others have been shocked.

They can't imagine what level the strength of this Super Saiyan 2 will reach.

Could it be that there are really powerful gods in other universes that can easily destroy galaxies? For them, if there really is such a thing, it would be too scary.

On the throne, Holy Kesha was also shocked at this time.

She had to admit that Su Chen's realm might be very high.

Because before, she had seen from the group that the battle between Frieza and Son Goku was a matter of the future of that universe.

But how could the group leader know? Obviously, this group leader can master the power of time!

This is a very powerful technology in the Shenhe universe.

Kesha remembered that her former sister, the demon Liang Bing, was obsessed with time and space technology.

It's a pity

...With the angels' technology, it was relatively simple to study space.

In the end, the angels developed technological products such as the Big Bug Bridge and the Space Bug Gate. However

, there has been no breakthrough in time.

At least, Kesha has not yet mastered the power of time....Kaisha thought that Morgana's predicament would definitely not work.

But in fact, Morgana did succeed.

She injected her life's work, the time and space gene, into Rose's body.

Then, Rose upgraded to the fourth generation of divine body, the divine body was perfected.

She came into contact with the power of time....It was just contact.

Rose had found a cosmic singularity, where she saw the past of the Apocalypse King Liang Bing.

And Liang Bing also sensed Rose's gaze from the future in the past.

She also left a message for Rose.

But to change time or something, this involves a higher realm.

Now, Kaisha sees that Su Chen can fully know what will happen in the past and future of other universes.

In Kaisha's eyes, this Su Chen may be a god from a higher dimension.

She was shocked.

Especially when Su Chen said.

That universe also has the power of Super Saiyan 2.

Kaisha's awe and curiosity about Su Chen became stronger.

On Earth, the Demon King Morgana.

Was also stunned. In the Dragon Ball Universe, on Namek.

Frieza was even more stunned on the spot!

He was about to collapse.

Frieza:"Super...Super Saiyan 2! ? How is this possible? Are you kidding me?"

Frieza gritted his teeth in hatred at this time.

How he hoped that all this was fake!

If there really was the power of Super Saiyan 2... To be honest, Frieza was not sure what level he could reach after practicing hard.

But Super Saiyan 2 must be much more powerful than the Super Saiyan form, right?

Although Frieza had great confidence before.

At this time, he did not dare to guarantee that he could pass the Super Saiyan 2 form, which was more powerful than the Super Saiyan.

And Su Chen certainly would not take the initiative to tell Frieza what level he could reach in the future.

In fact, Frieza was still quite powerful.

But now Su Chen was not afraid at all.

While he was calmly looking for those powerful props in the forum mall.

While continuing in the group:"Doesn't anyone want to see it? I won't upload it if no one sees it."

As soon as these words came out, the group became lively and lively!

Many viewers turned around.

And then spoke frantically.

They were afraid that Su Chen would really not upload it.

Now, they didn't look aloof at all.

Su Chen felt a little uncomfortable when he saw it.

Aizen:"Don't! Group leader, please upload it!"

Uchiha Madara:"I want to see it! Can you let me see it?" Kaido of Beasts

:"Don't! Brother Su Chen, I'll be the first to raise my hand'!"

Looking at these people who are at the ceiling of combat power in their respective worlds.

At this moment, they look humble in front of Su Chen.

Many viewers were a little dazed.

Sengoku, Garp, Hitsugaya Toshiro, Sarutobi Hiruzen and others.

Seeing this scene, they were a little stunned.

But...Their performance was not much better.

Because they also wanted to have a chance to see it!

Luffy:"Super Saiyan 2, that must be very powerful! I want to see it, I want to see it!"

Uzumaki Naruto:"Brother Su Chen, there is also me! There are many people here who want to see it!"

Kurosaki Ichigo:"Of course I have to see that kind of scene! I beg the group leader to help!"

Many powerful people in the heavens and the worlds know that Su Chen is likely to have extremely strong power.

Therefore, even arrogant audiences such as Kaido and Aizen are willing to be inferior to him.

What does it matter?

Just kidding! The group leader is likely to be a powerful person who is many times more powerful than the Super Saiyan.

The appearance of the Super Saiyan alone is enough to shock Aizen, Gildarts, Uchiha Madara and others.

Not to mention the mysterious group leader.

In the face of everyone's requests, Su Chen did not keep them in suspense.

Because he knew very well that in fact, this Super Saiyan 2, looking at the heavens and the worlds, is not at all powerful.

But since so many people in the group want to watch it.

Then Su Chen will not be stingy.

Of course, he also said:"Okay, but you have to give me more likes, coins, and forwards, understand?"

When Su Chen said this, many people in the group were stunned.

However, the next second, they immediately responded.

Uchiha Madara:"Don't worry! It turns out that the group owner needs this. I ignored it before. Now, I will like you like crazy!"

Sengoku:"I will give you a hundred likes! Boss Su Chen! Su Chen."

Luffy:"I want a thousand! Su Chen!"

Uzumaki Naruto:"Then I will give you ten thousand likes! Leave it to me!"

Seeing that everyone was so active, Su Chen was naturally quite satisfied.

This is a win-win situation.

Thinking of this, he didn't hesitate much.

Just make the video and upload it.

The audiences in the world can't wait.

The first moment they see a new video uploaded.

Just click to watch.

In the world of pirates.

Sengoku, Garp, Kizaru and others are all ready to go.

They know in their hearts that this is definitely a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Not to mention that through this video review, they saw a god-like existence. They were also fortunate to join the group chat and communicate with those big guys.

They had previously asked about the King of Kings and Spirit Bombs of Sun Wukong.

The big guy Sun Wukong did not hide anything and spoke directly.

This made many strong men excited.

They felt that perhaps, there was really a chance to learn many powerful moves in this group.

The sharing of the big guy Sun Wukong.

Even the angels took it seriously.���Record it.

In addition, now that these masters have appeared, no one knows what kind of realm he will reach with the powerful gods and the unimaginable technology he will describe later. But...Anyway, this must not be missed.

No matter whether it is Uchiha Madara, Aizen or Gildarts and other strong men, none of them are willing to miss even a little bit of that wonderful scene. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

And in the Dragon Ball universe, on Earth, in the ward,

Goku, Gohan, Krillin and others were stunned.

They were all stunned.

Krillin read the group leader's speech several times before he was sure, and then a look of horror appeared on his face.[]

Klin:"Super...Super Saiyan 2? There is such a form? It's so scary..."

Krillin had previously said that the Saiyans were indeed a fighting race.

Their talent was something that an Earthling like him could not match.

But he had never expected that

Goku could transform into a Super Saiyan, which was already very powerful.

Even the Emperor of the Universe, Frieza, was no match for him.

That should be the strongest warrior in the universe, right ?...Now there is a Super Saiyan 2.

How strong will Goku become in the future?

Yes, here, Krillin agreed.

The only one who can transform into Super Saiyan 2 is Goku.

After all, Goku must be the first one to successfully transform, right?

Gohan is still young, and Goten has not spoken yet.

Krillin also thinks there is no hope for Vegeta.

When Goku successfully transformed, Vegeta was still buried in the ground.

As for that guy named Trunks,...

Krillin is not sure.

But he has confidence in Goku.

Krillin believes this, that's enough.

Even Goku, Kame-sennin, Yajirobe and others think so.

Goku must be the first to enter this Super Saiyan 2 form.

Only in the circular spaceship.

Vegeta is looking forward to it.

He firmly believes that this Super Saiyan 2 form!

The person who will appear later...It's definitely him!

Vegeta:"Kakarot, just wait, I will surpass you! You were the first to achieve the Super Saiyan form, but...In the future, I will be the first to transform into Super Saiyan 2!"

Vegeta didn't want to admit defeat at all.

Of course, he also thought that even if it wasn't him, as long as he could have the opportunity to transform into Super Saiyan 2 in the future,

Vegeta would be satisfied.

Only on Namek,

Frieza gnashed his teeth in hatred.

He now hated Su Chen to the core.

Frieza felt that if this guy hadn't suddenly made this inventory video, he might still be in a good mood, waiting for his subordinates' reports.

Sabo and Dodoria would not have died.

Frieza was so angry that he didn't want to talk.

At this time, his only thought was to get the wishing beads as soon as possible , and then get the superpower of immortality.

In this way, no matter what kind of power the man named Su Chen has,

Frieza said that he would defeat him in the end.

For this reason, Frieza even wanted to go out in person to search for those wishing beads.

However, when this new video came out, even Frieza hesitated.

After hesitating for a moment, he chose to concentrate on watching the video first.

Frieza:"Huh! Let me see what this so-called Super Saiyan 2 is like...."

Frieza thought, if that Super Saiyan 2 form of Son Goku could still beat him and defeat him, then Frieza felt that he would definitely vomit blood.

However, when that scene appeared,

Frieza, and even many viewers in the heavens and the worlds, were shocked.

Because they saw that in that video, there were several people with golden hair.

The strong men couldn't help swallowing their saliva.

Angel Yan:"A lot of...Super Saiyan..."

Kaido:"This scene...Isn't this too exaggerated?"

Saitama:"Damn it! So many powerful beings! How can we get to that universe?"

In the One Punch Man world,

Saitama saw this scene and his eyes immediately turned cold.

He said that this was a hundred times more exciting than when he played games.

If he were to fight with these strong men,

Saitama would definitely not feel bored.

Nor would his emotions slowly disappear.

Instead, he would find the fun of life and regain those lost emotions.

In the Dragon Ball universe, Goku, Gohan, Vegeta and others were also dumbfounded.

Especially Gohan and Vegeta.

They both saw it in astonishment!

Their hair was also golden.

Krillin immediately smiled and said,"That's great, Gohan, you really turned into a Super Saiyan, and it seems that you have grown up."

���Lin smiled.

In the circular spaceship, Vegeta also became excited.

Vegeta:"Is that what I look like when I transform into a Super Saiyan? Great!! Frieza! You are dead, I will definitely torture you in the future!"

Bear Grylls was suddenly floating.

He felt that Kakarot, after transforming into a Super Saiyan, could beat Frieza.

The guy named Trunks also used this power to kill Frieza.

Then Vegeta must not be missed.

He must avenge the humiliation of these years.

Although working under Frieza saved his life,

Vegeta lived in pain every day. What he needed most was self-respect and dignity.

But he didn't have any of these things in front of Frieza....

It was so frustrating.

However, it was his opponent that attracted Vegeta's attention.

Vegeta:"What's going on? What are those little things? I'm a Super Saiyan, but I'm fighting with a few little ghosts?"

Vegeta was stunned when he saw his fighting scene in the video.

The other strong men in the universe were the same.

Uchiha Madara, Kaido, Aizen and others realized it immediately. (Well done) Could it be that those blue spotted little things are stronger than the emperor of the universe Frieza?

This is too incredible.

But the key point is not here.

Because all the strong men saw it.

The attractive protagonist in this video.

It is obviously the green strong man.

Everyone soon learned that his name is Cell.

He has power far beyond that of a Super Saiyan!

The audience in the universe was fascinated.

They also saw the growth history of this Cell and his amazing power.

It turns out that this Cell has the ability to devour others and obtain energy continuously.

But no matter how many humans he devours, the power he can obtain is limited.

If he wants to evolve, he must devour two androids named No. 17 and No. 18.

However, after some twists and turns, he also successfully devoured No. 17 and No. 18.

And obtained the so-called ultimate power.

With this powerful divine power, Cell can easily defeat Super Saiyan Vegeta, Super Saiyan Son Goku and others.

When the strong men saw this, they were a little stunned.

Because they saw! In this video, except that Cell is obviously the protagonist.

Son Goku is lying on the ground, Vegeta, Trunks, Piccolo and others are fighting with those little guys.

Only Son Gohan stands in front of Cell.

Everyone saw that Cell crushed the head of the robot named No. 16 with one foot.

And Son Gohan, with a look of disbelief, witnessed all this.

The next second, Son Gohan roared!


An extremely terrible power erupted from his body.

At that moment, countless strong men in the heavens and the world were shocked.

A shocking thought popped up in their minds.

It turned out that this Super Saiyan 2 form was not achieved by Son Goku?

Instead, it was achieved by Son Gohan first?

The audiences in all the worlds were suddenly excited! (The third update! Please subscribe! Please give me a monthly ticket! My goodness! The results are very poor! Please support me! Thank you! Your support is my greatest motivation!).

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