At this time, in the Super God Universe, in the Angel Nebula, all the angels widened their eyes.

Such a scene was quite attractive to them.

The angels could not have imagined that in addition to the powerful Super Saiyans, there were also Super Saiyan 2s in that universe. When they saw so many Super Saiyans appearing in the video at once,

Angel Yan, Angel Leng and others were actually shocked.

You know, each of them was like a god.

But now, the one who is about to appear is the Super Saiyan 2, who is more powerful than this Super Saiyan. The burst of momentum alone shocked all the angels.

They all said that this Super Saiyan 2 is indeed very powerful!

On the throne, Holy Kesha was also fascinated.

She wanted to see how powerful the power of this Super Saiyan 2 is.

And...Is there a stronger power than this?

If Kaisha had seen the power of the Super Saiyan before, she would have thought that this was the most powerful god in the universe.

Now, after seeing the power of the Super Saiyan 2, Kaisha knew.

Perhaps...This is just the beginning.

Destroying planets easily can make you the strongest god?

Keisha also came to her senses.

She felt that she was a little too naive.

But if you really tell Keisha that in other universes, there are gods who can destroy nebulae and even galaxies with a thought.

Then Keisha really can't imagine it. She can't think of what kind of existence it is?

With the current technological level of angels, they can be called the strongest civilization in the universe.

Then the powerful gods in other universes have really reached that level.

Wouldn't they crush the angels?

Every time Keisha realizes this , she will find it incredible.

But at this time, she can no longer deceive herself.

As for the audiences in other universes, they were all shocked by the powerful power that Gohan burst out in the video.

On Namek,

Frieza's expression was extremely ugly.

At this time, he was completely confused.

Frieza could never have dreamed that this......Is there really a Super Saiyan 2?

Frieza felt that this was too outrageous.

The most important thing was that the power that burst out from Gohan.

Even Frieza felt it.

He felt that it was indeed too strong.

Much stronger than the Super Saiyan.

And when Frieza saw that in the previous video, the Super Saiyan Vegeta could not beat No. 17 and No. 18.

He was stunned. What he meant was...I am the emperor of the universe, but 310 is not as good as two androids?

Fortunately, the king can comfort himself. He thinks that it is because

Vegeta is too weak....When he thought about how he was cut into pieces by the Saiyan named Trunks,

Frieza had to admit the strength of the Super Saiyan.

But in the Avengers Universe and the DC Universe,

Tony, Bruce Wayne and other technology people saw the androids created by Dr. Gro and they all coveted it.

If they could learn this technology and use it in their own universe, wouldn't it be great?...Take off?

By integrating various cells and data into the appropriate organism, such a strong android can be created.

Tony, Bruce Wayne, and even Holy Keisha, Morgana and others, all looked at it with envy.

However, what shocked everyone was the strength of the android Cell.

It actually surpassed the Super Saiyan by so much.

The audiences in all the heavens and the worlds knew very well that the power of this Cell was definitely above that of the Emperor of the Universe Frieza.

And this also made Saitama in One Punch Man feel eager to try.

He couldn't keep calm at all at this time.

Saitama didn't expect that he would see so many powerful beings.

If it was said that before, the Super Saiyan and the Emperor of the Universe Frieza only made Saitama interested.

Now, the Super Saiyan 2 that appeared again made Saitama very excited.

There was a feeling of rushing into the screen now.

And the idea of competing with the opponent.

Saitama felt that such a strong man would definitely be able to satisfy himself.

At that time, a serious punch or something might not be enough.

The most important point is.

Saitama knew very well that this might

...It's far from over.

Saitama looked at Su Chen's name card.

He also knew that this man...Maybe he is really a god.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to understand so many things.

And, for these powers, this man named Su Chen doesn't seem to care at all?

What level has his strength reached?

And, what kind of powerful existence is there in this universe?

Saitama really wants to know at this time.

And when other viewers in the universe continue to watch, they will soon see that after Son Gohan burst into the Super Saiyan 2 form, his strength has also increased a lot.

The little Cell that Super Saiyan Vegeta, Super Saiyan Trunks and others had a hard time fighting against, in front of this Super Saiyan 2 Gohan, he can be kicked one by one.

In the Dragon Ball Universe, (afad) Earth, in the ward,

Krillin, Goku, Yajirobe and others were all shocked.

They couldn't help but look back and look at the harmless little Gohan on the hospital bed.

And then look at the determined eyes of Super Saiyan 2 Gohan in the video.

No one can associate these two people together.

Krillin:"Too..." amazing...I didn't expect that Gohan would enter the Super 2 realm for the first time, and his strength is so strong...."

Krillin had to sigh again.

The talent of the Saiyans.

Whether it was the Super Saiyan or the Super Saiyan 2 form.

It was beyond his imagination.

Such terrifying combat power was simply amazing.

However, what the masters were more concerned about was whether Super Saiyan 2 Gohan could deal with Cell?

Many viewers had seen the power of Cell before.

He also had strength far beyond that of a Super Saiyan.

As the masters continued to watch, they soon got the answer.

The answer was...Sure!

Everyone in the heavens and the worlds saw that although Cell was powerful, he was still completely defeated by Super Saiyan 2 Gohan. He was defeated soon.

This was almost a crushing battle.

In the Dragon Ball Universe, in the round spaceship.

Vegeta was so angry.

His mood was ups and downs.

From the beginning, he thought he was the Super Saiyan.

Later, he, Vegeta, really succeeded.

He could beat Frieza.

As a result, Cell appeared.

With his powerful strength as a Super Saiyan, he actually fought hard with a few little Cells?

And he was not the first to enter the more powerful Super Saiyan 2 form.

Vegeta at this time was not sure.

Would he step into Super Saiyan 2 again in the future?

But this scene alone made Bear completely unacceptable.

Vegeta didn't want to see himself being defeated.

Fortunately, this had no effect on the strong people in other worlds.

Whether it was in the world of the spirit cage.

Little Loli Xia Dou, Bai Yuekui, Fatty Shanda and others.

Still in the world of Demon Slayer.

Tanjiro, Zenitsu Agatsuma, Inosuke and others.

They are all immersed in the shocking battle between Gohan and Cell.

The strength of those two has reached the realm of gods.

And what touched everyone is.

This Gohan looks like he is only about ten years old, right? (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

I didn’t expect that he is already so strong.

Although it can be seen from his previous battle with Frieza.

This Gohan has extremely high potential.

Even a proud person like Vegeta took the initiative to praise Gohan.

But when such a fact appears[]

Many people were still scared.

Especially Ichigo Kurosaki, Uchiha Madara, Kaido and others.

They looked at the little Gohan, who kept showing his powerful strength. They all felt a little uncomfortable.

Ichigo Kurosaki:"Maybe, this is the boss."

Ichigo Kurosaki said that his bull-headed form didn't seem to be a monster at all.

The future battle with Ulquiorra and others.

It seems that it is no longer something to be afraid of.

Just kidding, the opponent of the little Gohan in this video.

But that terrifying Cell!

Children in other worlds have to deal with such monsters when they are ten years old.

So what does Ichigo Kurosaki have to complain about?

Now all he has to do is get stronger and that's it!

However, what surprised the strong men was that they soon saw that in the video, little Gohan could have defeated Cell.

As a result, he actually became arrogant?

This gave Cell a chance.

Everyone saw that Cell was going to self-destruct and destroy the entire planet.

At the critical moment, it was still Son Goku who stood up.

He used the ability of teleportation to transfer Cell away.

This ability also surprised many strong men.

Angel Yan:"Teleportation? It's hard to imagine how this is done.���"

Angel Yan said that although there is technology in the Kamigawa universe that can open a space worm gate and drill in, and come out to the other side, but if the space worm gate is only done by using its own dissolution ability, the distance it can be transferred is not long, and it takes a lot of time.

And using the big worm bridge, it goes without saying.

It takes a considerable amount of time.

But the Monkey King in the video obviously teleported from one planet to another in the blink of an eye.

This is indeed a very exaggerated power.

In the Naruto world, the Pirate world, and the Fairy Tail world, there are also many people who are shocked by such ability..

But when they thought about the powerful strength of the big brother Son Goku, they were relieved.

If he can easily destroy a planet, it is normal to be able to teleport, right?

Tony, Banner, and Bruce Wayne are actually fantasizing in their minds.

Will they see more terrifying gods appear soon?

For example, a galaxy can be evaporated with just a thought.

If there really is such a creature, the world views of Tony and Bruce Wayne would be completely shattered.

It's too scary.

At this time, when everyone continued to watch, they soon saw that Son Goku transferred Cell to King Kai's planet.

The next second


A terrifying explosion was heard, and both Goku and King Kai died on King Kai's planet.

Interestingly, when

King Kai, who was watching a video leisurely in the Dragon Ball Universe, saw this scene, he immediately spit out a mouthful of tea.

King Kai:"Goku, this bad guy!! I will never allow him to do this!!"

King Kai said, with a thousand alpaca running through his heart.

He felt that he was too unlucky.

The audiences in other worlds thought that the video should end here.

But unexpectedly, everyone continued to watch. They actually saw that Cell was back again?

And based on the characteristics of Saiyan cells, he not only resurrected, but also became much stronger!

He turned into Lightning Cell, and the lightning covered outside the golden flame was exactly the same as the form of Super 2 Gohan!

When this scene appeared, everyone in the heavens and all the worlds immediately held their breath!

They were excited again, and at the same time they knew that this big one was coming again!

Sure enough, when everyone continued to watch, they saw it.

Under the guidance of the dead Goku, Super 2 Gohan and Lightning Cell.

Fighting again.

This time, Cell fired a terrifying Kamehameha wave.

And Gohan, using one hand to fight against it!

The scene of firing the wave while walking forward.

Made many viewers , were all shocked.

They thought that this scene was so cool!

And the power that Gohan burst out was also quite amazing.

In the end, Gohan still won.

This time, his Qigong wave completely destroyed all of Cell's cells.

Including Cell's most important part, the place where he could be reborn, was also shattered.

Cell was completely defeated.

Seeing this scene, the audiences in the world breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, they had an infinite yearning for that universe.

Whether it was angels, demons, or Tony, Superman, Master Wayne and others.

They all felt that the universe was really amazing.

Not only was there the terrifying cosmic emperor.

The powerful Super Saiyan.

Now there is the terrifying Lightning Cell and the even more powerful Super Saiyan 2.

The chat group became lively again.

Many viewers were talking about it.

They were extremely excited and were discussing the amazing scene just now.

Luffy:"God damn! Gohan is so strong! It's amazing!"

Ichigo Kurosaki:"Compared to him, I feel like a waste."

Uzumaki Naruto:"I have to work harder too! I can't lose!""

Natsu:"Haha! This video is so cool to watch. By the way, what kind of powerful existence will we see next? Brother Su Chen, will there be a Super Saiyan 3?"

When Natsu said this, the originally lively chat group fell silent again.

Many people in the heavens and the worlds were stunned.

They seemed to be awakened. They had never thought about it before, and thought, it should be gone, right?

This Super Saiyan and Super Saiyan 2 are already very strong!

What if there is also a Super Saiyan 3?...

In the Dragon Ball Universe, on Namek.

Frieza's expression has become extremely terrified.

Frieza:"Impossible! Absolutely impossible, how can there be a Super Saiyan 3? Damn it!!"

Frieza wanted to kill that guy named Natsu at this time.

It can be seen that he is quite panicked.

In the circular spaceship, Vegeta also immediately focused.

He prayed and swore in his heart

"If there is a Super Saiyan 3! It must be me! It can't be Kakarot!" In the Dragon Ball Universe, on Earth, in the ward.

Krillin, Gohan, Yajirobe and others.

Don't think it's that outrageous, right?

But they couldn't help fantasizing.

Krillin:"Haha, maybe Gohan can transform into Super Saiyan 3 in the future, although I don't know what it will be like."

Goku:"It's really exciting! Gohan, you must practice well in the future! Your strength is stronger than mine!"

Goku turned his head and said, his eyes full of expectation and kindness.

Although he was a little afraid of Chi-Chi, since watching this video.

Even Goku felt that it would be a pity for Gohan not to practice with such a talent.

And little Gohan still didn't understand it very well.

However, he thought of the days of training with Piccolo.

Gohan was not at all opposed to this.

He nodded and said,"I know, Dad, I will practice well."

In the room, several people couldn't help laughing when they heard this.

But in the chat group, Su Chen replied calmly:"Of course there is! Super Saiyan 3 is even more powerful than Super Saiyan 2! Do you want to see it? If you want to see it, please give me a thumbs up!"

Su Chen naturally didn't mind at all.

But after seeing these words, all the powerful people in the heavens and the worlds were stunned.

They couldn't believe their eyes. (First update today! Please subscribe! Please give me a monthly ticket! My performance is very poor! Please support me! Thank you! Your support is my greatest motivation!).

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