This is another castle in the Balkans.

As the Demon King, Woban naturally doesn't need to solicit real estate or anything.

As long as it is pleasing to the eye, his magic society will naturally buy those properties for the Demon King to use occasionally.

However, Woban prefers to live in castles of the cultural relics level, and for him, these castles that are one or two hundred years old may be similar to the buildings he saw when he was a child.

Liliana Kranichal, a female knight belonging to the Bronze Black Cross of the Magic Society, is a genius who has become a Grand Knight at the age of just sixteen.

In the wizarding world, there are not many great knights, and there are even fewer geniuses who arrive at great knights at such a young age as Liliana.

Of course, there are people who can match her.

Now, this rare genius, the maiden known as the Sword Fairy, was standing respectfully in front of the castle living room, looking nervous.

She couldn't help but be nervous, what she wanted to meet was the legendary and famous wolf king of Eastern Europe.

"Bronze Black Cross Knight, Liliana Clanichar has come to meet the Marquis of Woban!"

Slightly nervous, she announced her name at the door.

She didn't know what the Marquis had called her for, but she knew that if she didn't deal with it properly, the magic association behind it might be wiped out.

"Come in!"

A grim voice rang out, and the knight in the state of the living corpse pulled the castle gate open.

Liliana swallowed nervously.

This is the fate of being an enemy of the Marquis of Woban, being manipulated by power, and death cannot escape.

Walking into the castle, Liliana looked up cautiously.

Unexpectedly, there was not only the Marquis of Woban sitting on the top seat, but also a woman who looked very gentle and beautiful, and a man with black hair and black eyes, and a refreshing and handsome appearance.


She paused for a moment and quickly bowed her head.

Anyone dares to be on an equal footing with the Marquis of Woban?

How audacious is that?!

Liliana felt that she might be caught up in something terrible.


"Look at the kids. "

Looking at the silver-haired girl knight in the center of the living room, who was trembling and half-kneeling on the ground, Lu Yu, who had been back from the secluded world for a day, couldn't help but feel a little funny.

"Huh, do you mean we're scary?"

Aisha looked down at her dress.

"It's very ordinary, and everyone's reaction is normal when they're outside!"

"Probably the Marquis de Vauban. "

Lu Yu teased: "I don't think the two of us can reach the scary level of appearance." "

Hearing Lu Yu's ridicule, Liliana trembled with fear.

She had no doubt that the Marquis of Warban would suddenly rise up and use his power to directly crush the disrespectful man in front of him.

However, it was unexpected.

The Marquis of Warban was not angry.

"If the wolves don't have a deterrent, I don't think there's any problem with how to command the wolves. "

That's exactly what he thought.

In fact, the Marquis of Woban is not bad-looking, if his expression is a little sunny, he is an old gentleman.

It doesn't look so scary.

The point is that his temperament is really not like a good person, but like a hungry wolf lurking in the grass.

Although I don't care about this, that's it.

"This is the magician you want who is proficient in Greek culture, and I will be at your disposal from now on. "

This sentence was said to Lu Yu.

Then, he shifted his gaze to Liliana.

"No problem, right?"

The wolf king's scrutinizing gaze was extremely oppressive.

"Yes, no problem!"

Although Liliana didn't know where the young man came from, she could only agree.

Demon kings are not allowed to resist, this is common knowledge in the magic world of Eastern Europe.

"Sure enough, it's easier to ask the marquis to help, if you want me to go, I'm afraid it will take a long time to negotiate!"

Lu Yu expressed his gratitude to the Marquis of Woban for his help.

"Hmph, if you reveal your identity as a godkiller, how many will you have to join your magic association!"

The Marquis of Vauban snorted softly.

"Forget it, I don't plan to live in this world forever. "

Lu Yu waved his hand, obviously not having much interest in managing the Magic Society.

Liliana in the center of the living room was stunned.

The identity of the Godslayer......

Could it be that a new godkiller has been born?

The man in front of him is actually the seventh newborn godkiller?!

It seems that he still has a good relationship with the Marquis of Woban......

Thinking of the Burning Crescent a few days ago, Liliana guessed that this was the battle in front of the man in front of her to defeat the God of Disobedience.

If both of them are godkillers, then the remaining woman is likely to be also a godkiller.

Unexpectedly, the small Balkan Peninsula actually gathered three god-killers, which was simply a top-level danger alert.

Just when she was still thinking nonsense, Lu Yu's voice sounded.

"Liliana, huh?"

The tone was very soft.


She replied with a grim look on her face.

Then such a command was heard.

"You don't have to be so nervous, I mainly need a tour guide for you this time, please take us to visit Greece!"


Liliana reflexively agreed to Lu Yu's request.

Only then did I react.

Eh, eh-

Is it just to find a tour guide for such a big battle?

How willful do these demon kings have to be?

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