Naples was originally a colonial city of the ancient Greeks.

The remains of a quarry where slaves worked at the time, the remains of sewers and water tanks built by the Romans in later generations, and even the remains of underground warehouses for storing grain and alcohol from the Middle Ages.

Those buildings are still in the vicinity of the old town and are still being built as underground ruins.

Naples Sudrania, also known as the 'Underground Naples'.

“...... Although the underground ruins of the old town have been turned into tourist spots, the ruins in this area are not open to the public, but are sealed and hidden by the witches of Naples. "

Li Yana, who was in front of the guide, said.

Santa Lucia area.

It is a tourist attraction facing the Bay of Naples and includes the port of Santa Lucia and the castle of Eggs.

They entered a second-hand clothing store in the area.

Deep inside the store—a place that is impossible for non-witches to see.

There is the entrance to the underground ruins.

On the uncovered ground, a four-cornered cave suddenly opened, and a stone staircase extended into the ground.

Step into the underground ruins, a slender path that resembles an abandoned mine.

Both sides of the road are covered with murals.

A lot of snake-like creatures are painted on the walls.

There are large snakes with long bodies entrenched in curls, hydras with several heads, and snakes with bream-like wings, and various snakes depicted on the walls.

As long as people with a little magic cultivation can see it, they will know that these are all symbols of Mother Earth Goddess.

"This was formerly the site of an underground secret temple. "

Liliana continued.

Since Christianity became the state religion, shrine maidens who possessed divine powers in the past have been hunted down as "witches".

So they fled underground, and in order to protect their myths, they built these underground temples for the purpose of conveying messages.

"Mother Earth, Serpent ......"

Lu Yu looked at the mural in front of him and asked casually, "So, is this the legendary Temple of Hera?"

"Yes. "

Liliana nodded.

The general perception of Hera is that she is the wife of the god king Zeus in Greek mythology.

In reality, however, this goddess was originally the Earth Mother Goddess of the Peloponnese.

After being invaded and conquered by the Indo-European equestrian peoples who worshipped the god of the sky, the prototype of Zeus, Hera was forced to become a subordinate goddess of Zeus.

"Wow, I feel the breath of a powerful god!"

Aisha, who was alone in front of her, shouted at the front of the passage.

"The breath of God?"

Hearing this, Lu Yu showed an expression that was really like this.

Liliana, however, suddenly became very flustered.

"No, how is it possible?!The divine tool should have been sealed!"

She hurried forward.

"It's been fine for hundreds of years...... Could it be the influence of the Stone of Gorgon?"

The god-killer feels the breath of the gods, which is a very bad thing.

Lu Yu followed her forward, but it took only half a minute to come to the main hall of the underground temple.

In the center of the main hall, a dark stone pillar stands in the center.

The obsidian-like stone pillars exude fluctuations of mana.

"The Pillars of Hera. "

Lu Yu found the goal of his trip.

This is one of the gods in the original book that can easily attract the god of disobedience.

"Is this what the store manager is looking for?"

Aisha circled around the pillar a few times, but didn't notice anything wrong.


Hearing this, Liliana froze.

She turned her head to look at Lu Yu and found that Lu Yu was holding a gorgeously shaped long sword.

"Excuse me, O king, what are you going to do?"

She looked at Lu Yu with an expression that was about to cry, and her tone became stiff.

"I didn't do anything, I just thought that if I cut it down, there should be a god of disobedience, right?!"

Lu Yu said with a hearty smile.

The content of the words made Liliana's heart sink.

She should have known a long time ago that a demon king like the Godslayer would come to her because of the matter of a mere tour guide!

Looking at the situation, the other party was clearly prepared.

It's for the god of disobedience!

"Please calm the king's anger, if the magic power here gets out of control, maybe the whole of Naples will not be spared!"

She immediately half-knelt down and admonished.

"You have a point. "

After a deep groan, Lu Yu nodded.

Liliana finally breathed a sigh of relief.

However, Lu Yu had no intention of stopping.

He returned the Star Sword to the King's Treasure, and then pulled out a golden bronze sword from it.

"If you use this sword to slash, you don't have to worry about losing control!"

Although it is an unfinished version of the Xuanyuan Sword, it still has the function of basic leyline tuning.

Western mythology is mostly a dichotomy, with the god of steel and the goddess of the earth symbolizing the transition from a matrilineal society to a patrilineal society, and the two can almost be said to be incompatible.

However, the Chinese mythology, which attaches importance to the unity of heaven and man, is actually not suitable for this paradigm.

For example, in the war between the Yellow Emperor of Yan and Chiyou, the Yellow Emperor, which symbolizes nature, won the victory, and Chiyou, the heroic god of steel who represents advanced smelting technology, failed.

This is enough to show the difference between the two.

Therefore, although it is a smelted copper sword, the Xuanyuan sword has the function of regulating the earth's veins, sheltering the peasants, and communicating with heaven and earth.

Naturally, it is also possible to mobilize and control the mana of the Earth Mother God on the Hera Stone Pillar to prevent uncontrolled explosions.

"So that's not what I meant!"

Liliana wanted to cry without tears, but she couldn't think of any good reason to stop the new king.

Then, she watched as Lu Yu slashed the Hera Stone Pillar with a sword.

"It's over!"

She covered her face and sat on the ground weakly.

The magic power of the Hera Pillar was unleashed, and the entire underground palace began to shake.

If it weren't for the Xuanyuan Sword absorbing and stabilizing the leylines here, the entire Hera Temple might have collapsed.

But even so, the top of Hera's stone pillar was opened by the magic power to open a huge gap.


Above the sky seen from the gap, a dragon with a wing length of at least thirty meters was soaring.

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