In terms of strength, the strength of the immortal bird Marco is definitely above the rest of the Whitebeard Pirates.

With his fruit ability, he can completely compete with any general.

It's hard to say whether you win or not, but you shouldn't lose.

The Flame of the Undead Bird, which can heal injuries, is perfect for fighting a war of attrition.

Compared with it, Ace's strength is a little worse.

There is still a level difference with the top powerhouses.

Why didn't Whitebeard choose Marco?

Heard Lu Yu's question.

Whitebeard smiled helplessly.

"Kuralala! Marko's strength is indeed okay, but his personality is not suitable to be the leader of the pirates!"

As if thinking of something, he took a sip of rum.

"If the old man is the king of a country, then it is no problem for the successor to be handed over to a man like Marko. "

"But the Pirates are not a kingdom, even if they have the name of the Four Emperors, they are a completely different organization. "

“BIG· MOM, Kaido, Blackbeard, Navy Headquarters, in such a harsh environment, Marco can't lead everyone down. "

"If Marco inherits the Pirates, then even if I die, the Pirates will still be the Whitebeard Pirates, this will not work!

"Only a guy like my old friend Roger can gather people's hearts, lead the entire pirate group, and lead everyone forward!"

"Ace is my son, and he also has Roger's blood! I see in him the temperament of a leader!"

"So, only Ace has the ability to become the successor of the Pirates!"

"Under his leadership, the Whitebeard Pirates may become the Ace Pirates, and such a pirate group will have a future. "

"The old man is a person of the old era, a pirate group in the new era, and he shouldn't bear the old man's name!"

Maybe it's the trust in Lu Yu.

Maybe it's because I haven't confided in my heart for a long time.

Whitebeard took advantage of the strength of the wine to express his innermost thoughts and plans.

"I didn't expect you to have such insight! If the world government were to be handed over to you to manage, it would be much better than the five old stars!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but applaud.

is worthy of being a person who has fought against the wise generals of the Warring States.

Even if he bears the name of the strongest in the world, his brain is still beyond ordinary people.

The same is true of insight and vision.

Lu Yu, who knows the plot of the original book, naturally knows.

The timeline of the original book, after the death of Whitebeard and Ace.

The pirates led by Marco were still known as Whitebeard, and then they were defeated by the other side in the constant conflict with Blackbeard.

In the end, it became a stepping stone for Blackbeard to step onto the throne of the Four Emperors.

Marco has more than enough to keep it, but the next sea is turbulent, and there is no room for it to be defended at all.

No wonder Whitebeard did everything in his power to save Ace.

It's not just because of his father's love for Ace.

Or is it because of the future of the entire Pirates.


Hearing Lu Yu's praise, Whitebeard was very happy.

This is the approval of the manager of the Dimension Store.

However, he has a different opinion on the latter sentence.

"If you let the old man take care of the world government, maybe the first thing to do is to tear down Mary Joy!

He doesn't have a good impression of the Tianlong people.

"Mary Joa...... Celestial Dragons!"

Lu Yu thought of this stubble.

"If that guy from Ibuki Morika runs into the Tenryu, maybe he might really smash Mary Joa. "

He thought so.

After all, it is a ghost clan, and there is no Xi of looking ahead and backward.

Gensokyo's style has always been that if you can do it, you won't force it.



Said Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrived.

I just thought of Ibuki Suika.

The revamped portal of the Dimension Store initiates a white light.

This is Ibuki Sanka is finally here.

It seems that he also has two companions with him.

"Store manager, we're here!"

The figure of Ibuki Suika soon appeared,

is the same height as a little girl, and she is carrying a wine gourd that is half her height.

He just staggered over.


Whitebeard originally thought that the female powerhouse in Lu Yu's mouth would be like BIG· MOM-like monsters.

Unexpectedly, it was such a cute little girl who came here.

He looks like he's only eight or nine years old.

Not yet knee-high with a white beard.

The posture of staggering and walking is even more cute and cute!

Seeing such a little girl, I also want to go to his world to compete for One Piece.

Whitebeard's fatherly love immediately burned!


It seems that he is afraid of scaring the little girl.

Whitebeard's laughter was much softer.

Forget about Lu Yu's previous evaluation.

He assumed the gesture of a kind old father.

Stretch out your right hand to Ibuki Suyaka in front of you and invite.

"Will you be my son...... Daughter?"


Shocked Lu Yu.

He didn't expect that Whitebeard would be so bold and dare to accept the ghost king of the great rivers and mountains as his daughter.

It's really an old birthday boy who eats arsenic......

Wasted a treatment of the happy egg.


Equally shocked, there were also Hakurei Reimu and Marisa who appeared after Ibuki Sanka.

"Someone dares to accept watermelon as a daughter?!"

Reimu and Marisa, the eyes that look at Whitebeard have changed to the eyes of remembrance of the hero.

If you really want to be a ghost king, you don't dare to kill people!

Ibuki Tsuika became the Ghost King back then, and he killed all the way.

Ordinary gods don't dare to attack him directly.


Ibuki Suika's eyes are naturally dangerous.

Her brown eyes sparkled, and she turned her head to look at Lu Yu.

"Store manager, in this case, it's understandable for us to do it, right?"

"I can't argue with that!"

Lu Yu covered his face.

If it was a dispute that was usually initiated because it was not pleasing to the eye, he naturally didn't bother to pay attention to it.

But Whitebeard's speech was completely self-inflicted.

If only Whitebeard dared to say such a thing to himself.

He felt like he wanted to beat him up, too.

...... Even if you don't let the two of you fight now.

After going to the world of pirates, the two will inevitably fight.

It's better to fight under your nose, so that you can control it and not die.

"I'll arrange a venue for you!"

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