Fights, naturally, can't be fought in the dimensional store.

Lu Yu directly opened the dimensional world and let Ibuki Suzuka and Whitebeard go to fight.

The Pokémon are all there.

Even if there is a case, Happy Egg can save Whitebeard in time.

Of course, there is a fee for the treatment.

As for the aftermath of the battle, don't worry.

The venue chosen by Lu Yu is some distance from the Pokémon's residential area.

The strength of the Pokémon is not weak either.

After all, watching the mythical beasts and Charizard fight every day, the Pokémon's self-protection ability is safe.

Not to mention, there are lightning birds, frozen birds, and fire-breathing dragons guarding them.

"Kuralalalala! Store manager, wait until I win back!"

Whitebeard, who didn't know what was going to happen, took the naginata in his hand and strode into the space gate and entered the battlefield of the dimensional world.

For him, it is a normal process to accept a son (daughter) and be refused, and then fight to subdue the other party.

So he wasn't surprised when faced with the challenge of Ibuki Sanka.

Although it is not interesting to bully little girls.

That's what he thought.

After the white beard, Ibuki Suika also swayed and walked over.

The small body looks a little weak.

But there is an unimaginable strange power hidden.


She also took a sip of wine before entering.

I'm still in the mood to drink, so I shouldn't be angry......

Lu Yu pondered.

Before stepping into the dimensional world, Ibuki Sanka stopped.

An innocent smile was given to Lu Yu.

"Don't worry, the store manager, we'll be merciful!"

As the king of the ghost clan, although it is not a magnanimous type.

But Ibuki is definitely not stingy.

However, being insulted in front of people, not to return the color, is not the Xi of the ghost race.

Besides, this is a dimensional store, and you have to give the store manager face!

Hearing her words, Lu Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as you don't kill on the spot, you can save it with the means of a happy egg.

After a few seconds of silence, he said:

"As long as you don't kill you, everything else is easy to say. "

Anyway, Whitebeard did his own thing.

The more serious the injury, the more points of origin are needed for treatment.

The more he earns.


Seeing Lu Yu say this, Ibuki Tsuika also showed a happy smile.

She hadn't intended to kill anyone anyway.

Shaking the horns on her head, she stepped into the battlefield as well.

Lu Yu didn't plan to watch the battle.

Ibuki Suika's strength level is orange, which is equivalent to the ordinary disobedient god level.

Although Whitebeard's strength is not weak, and he can even destroy the island with all his strength, he is a very powerful divine beast level on the whole.

Although the combat effectiveness of the two is not very different.

But the outcome is indeed predestined.

Nothing to look at.

Rather than watching the battle, Lu Yu cared more about Reimu and Marisa, who came with Ibuki Sanuka.

At this time, the two girls were about thirteen or fourteen years old, and they still looked relatively immature.

"Aren't you going to see it?"

He asked curiously.

"Fight that big guy, watermelon won't lose!"

Reimu Hakurei is full of confidence in Ibuki Suika.

"The fragrance is very strong, don't worry about it at all!"

Marisa Kiriyu is also very free-flowing.

"Well, I already know how much you trust your companions......"

Lu Yu nodded with a strange expression, and then said:

"But...... Red and White Shrine Maiden, why are you looking at me like that?"

Hakuri Reimu, who was wearing a red and white armpit witch suit, came to Lu Yu at this time, put her hands on her chest, and looked at Lu Yu with pitiful teary eyes.

It's like a puppy begging for food from its owner.,People look pity.。

"The store manager just calls me Reimu!"

A pitiful voice sounded, and Reimu Hakurei blinked her eyes, and the red bow on the back of her head shook.

"To tell you the truth, I haven't eaten rice for three days, and now my life is in danger......"

Reimu...... You're here again!"

Marisa covers her face, ashamed to admit that the shrine maiden is her friend.

Hearing her complaint, Hakuri Reimu immediately glared at her fiercely.

Then he quickly changed his face, still looking at Lu Yu with a pitiful look, and his eyes drifted to the many foods on the table from time to time.

The speed of changing his face made Lu Yu begin to doubt his dynamic vision.


At the right time, the red and white witch's stomach let out a cry of hunger.

Thinking of the various settings of Gensokyo, the fact that Reimu is poor and can't afford to eat does exist.

Lu Yu sighed.

"The food I ordered was originally for you, and if you don't need to eat, of course you are welcome to eat together!"

"Thank you, manager!"

Heard Lu Yu's permission.

Hakurei Reimu switched from a pitiful expression to a cheering expression in an instant.

Then directly a "sub-hole" moved to the dining table in an instant, picked up the unopened food, and prepared to put down the chopsticks!

"Ah, it's meat!"

Swallowing a bite of the beef in the sauce, Reimu burst into tears.

"I can actually eat the legendary sauce......d beef! Is this the kingdom of heaven?!"

Speaking of which, Reimu aren't Shinto shrine maidens, why do you believe in the Christian kingdom of heaven!"

Marisa Kiri complained and thanked Lu Yu, then sat down at the table, curiously trying these delicacies that she had never seen before.

Gensokyo is a small, closed world where the main output depends on the rice in the human world.

As a result, the food is not plentiful, and the variety of delicacies is very small.

Although the Yokai Sage has the ability to carry food in from the outside world, for some reason, she has never done so.

So,The dishes in the school city are rare and delicious for the two girls.。

"Manager Lu Yu! God will bless you!"

For the first time in my life, I ate to the end.

Bo Li Reimu looked at Lu Yu very gratefully, and folded her hands to help him pray.

The girl's flat little belly is eaten to stretch out a small arc.

Reimu alone ate food for ten people.

Seeing this pretty girl like a starving ghost, Lu Yu didn't know what expression to use to face it.

He simply handed over a cup of hot tea sympathetically.

"Thank you, manager!"

After taking a sip of hot tea, Reimu burst into tears again.

"It's not the end of the tea leaves, but the green tea brewed with whole tea leaves...... It's still tea imported from China!"

Feel the fragrance of tea.

Bo Li Reimu's eyes turned into reverence when she looked at Lu Yu.

"I was wrong just now, it's not God forbid, the store manager, you are a god in the first place!!

"As for that exaggeration?!"

Lu Yu was a little speechless.

"Local tyrant store manager, don't care, just get used to Xi. "

Marisa said as if she had come over.

"That's what Reimu looks like. "

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