"Put aside what Xi are used to...... Why do you call me the local tyrant store manager?"

Lu Yu didn't have any opinion on the word local tyrant.

I have no problem with the store manager.

But the local tyrant and the store manager together are like fat sheep that are easy to be slaughtered.

"Being able to raise so much food, isn't it a local tyrant?"

Marisa said as a matter of course. Even in Gensokyo, only the big forces can afford to prepare a large banquet.


Reimu nodded as well.

Obviously, he also thinks that Lu Yu can be regarded as a big local tyrant.

Although for her, those who can afford to drink full tea are local tyrants.

"These things don't add up to much money, do they?"

Although he knows that Gensokyo is generally poor, Lu Yu really doesn't care about money now.

"That's just a few hundred thousand yen of food. "

He said lightly.

There is no intention of showing off, it is just a fact.

As the permanent chairman of the school city, his cash flow far exceeds that of ordinary companies, comparable to the national budget of a small country.

Hundreds of thousands of yen, it's really nothing.

But in the eyes of Reimu and Marisa, hundreds of thousands of yen is already an astronomical amount.

The price of Gensokyo has remained unchanged since it was stripped from the world, and it is still the price of hundreds of years ago.

You can buy a lot of food for 10 yen.

Hundreds of thousands of yen is enough to buy the world!

In some rumors, it was even enough to buy a Hakurei shrine maiden.

Of course, that's just rumors!

However, it did not prevent the two girls from feeling speechless about Lu Yu's local tyrant level.

He sat dumbfounded in his chair for a moment.

Hakurei Reimu seemed to remember something.

got up from the chair, came to Lu Yu's back, and tapped him on the back with a smile on his face.

"What are you doing here?"

Lu Yu was puzzled by her bewildering behavior.

"Nothing...... I just wanted to ask, Mr. Store, do you have any plans to take your daughter?"

Reimu asked expectantly.

It seems that he got inspiration from Whitebeard's actions.

If it was Lu Yu, the store manager of a god-level local tyrant, Reimu himself would be willing to be his daughter.

It's a pleasure to say yes!

Thinking that after becoming Lu Yu's daughter, she would be able to eat and fish every day, Lingmeng couldn't help but smirk.

As for the festival or something, those things don't matter at all.


Marisa, who was drinking water, squirted out all the juice.

She knew that Reimu had no discipline, but she didn't expect it to be so undisciplined.

actually recognized his father directly......

She didn't expect that.

"I'm not old enough to be a dad......"

Lu Yu was also quite speechless.

He touched his face, obviously he was still young!

He's not much older than Reimu, so he's a generation behind!


Hearing Lu Yu's words, Lingmeng pondered for a moment and said:

"If it's not a daughter, I don't mind if it's a sister. "

It's only natural for my sister to ask my brother for pocket money or something, right?

Seeing Reimu's younger sister, it wasn't a non-negotiable expression.

Lu Yu knocked on it with a hand knife.

"You don't mind, I don't mind! How can anyone suddenly stick to be my sister! You're obviously just for my family property!"

He can be regarded as having recognized the true face of the Hakurei shrine maiden, and it is simply outrageous that it is undisciplined.

“...... Not. "

Reimu took a few steps back and covered her head.

If Marisa had done this, she would have smashed it a long time ago.

But in front of him is a local tyrant, and the local tyrant's hand knife is not an attack, but a body language that expresses intimacy!

It's useless to see the routine of taking the initiative to recognize relatives.

Ling dreamed about it and decided to break through from the side.

"Marisa, you know I've been adopted by Hakurei Shrine!"

She mentioned suddenly.

"I don't know! This is the first time I've heard you say - it hurts!"

Halfway through speaking, Marisa felt like she had been stepped on hard.

Under Reimu's obscenity, she immediately changed her tune.

"Yes, I did hear you say that Reimu was adopted when you were a child!"

After seeing his friend's cooperation, Reimu nodded with satisfaction.

"According to Old Lady Purple, she didn't know whose child I was, so she adopted me and raised me as a Hakurei shrine maiden. "

"But, according to her, when I was found at the time, I was crying in my swaddling clothes, and in my swaddling clothes, there was only a note with the word 'Lu' written on it......"

Speaking of this, she asked with a feigned distress:

"Marisa, what do you mean by that?"


The meaning is too obvious.

Marisa thinks Reimu is making a fool of others.

I didn't want to answer her words, but after being stepped on again, she chose to give in.

Using an emotionless voice, Marisa reads:



Seeing that the effect she wanted came out, Bo Li Reimu stared at Lu Yu with anticipation.

"Store manager, do you feel the blood connection between us?"

“...... Do you think I'm stupid?"

Lu Yu looked at Bo Li Reimu speechlessly.

"All I can feel is your intemperance!"

It's obviously a cute girl, why is it so tiring?



PS: A lot of people are very concerned, so let's explain. Gensokyo character combat power reference 1, character reference 2, the content of this book follows my setting, Gensokyo combat power is the highest orange, and it will not be repeated in the future.

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