I don't know what kind of education I grew up with.

Hakuri Reimu has no rejection of finding a local tyrant to be his father.

On the contrary, extremely enthusiastic.

So much so that people like Lu Yu who adhered to their principles were almost relieved by her undisciplined tactics.

Fortunately, at this time, the battle was over,

Sanka Ibuki and Whitebeard have returned from the space door.


Lu Yu breathed a sigh of relief, and was almost about to give away his selfless fatherly love.

It's dangerous!

Ibuki looked very happy, drinking as she walked.

Whitebeard was a little unbearable, and both eyes were bruised.

It is clear who wins and who loses.

"Edward, what's the matter with your eyes?"

Lu Yu asked curiously.

After the battle, Happy Egg has given Whitebeard a wave of healing.

The treatment fee Lu Yu was also charged through the Dimension Store.

However, if it is the power of the happy egg, the bruising of the eyes should be easily eliminated!

It's kind of funny now.

White beard and dark circles...... It's a bit of a giant panda.


Whitebeard was speechless for a moment.

It's not like he hasn't lost in his life.

But being beaten like this by a little girl is very humiliating anyway.

Not to mention, he actually invited the other party to be his daughter before.

It's so embarrassing!


He chose to drink and avoid the problem.


Ibuki said happily.

This is considered punishment for Whitebeard's offense...... Although it is not heavy, it is quite in line with the child's heart of Ibuki Suika.

"However, Uncle Whitebeard, you don't have to be so embarrassed! you are also one of the rare strong people who can wrestle with me!"

Although she won, Ibuki still recognized Whitebeard's strength.

Whether it was his strength or the destructive power of the Shock Fruit, it was extraordinary.

It is a rare opponent who can wrestle with Ibuki Suika.

So this battle, she also had a rare fun.

- Gensokyo's strong abilities are strange, but there are not many who are particularly powerful.

Hearing her say this, Whitebeard was also relieved.

The dimensional world is full of wonders.

It is normal to lose to such a powerful little girl, and the opponent's strength is real.

Although he is known as the strongest man in the pirate world, he may not be ranked at all in the dimensional world.

It's just a defeat, so you really don't have to worry too much about it.

"Kula la la! It's the old man who has drilled the horns of the bull! In the dimensional world, there must be as many strong as stars!"

Thinking of those beast-like animals exuding powerful coercion in the dimensional world, Whitebeard felt that he didn't need to cling too much.

Maybe even Ibuki Aka, who defeated herself, was the target of instant killing in front of the store manager!

I have to say, in a sense, Whitebeard is the truth.



After the battle, both Whitebeard and Ibuki were a little hungry.

The food on the table was also a lot colder.

Lu Yu called directly and ordered another batch of food.

These cooled ones were not wasted, but heated again.

Even if these things are not valuable, he has no Xi of wasting food.

Judging from the amount of food eaten by several people, there is no possibility that these foods will be wasted.

Watching a few people don't speak, they concentrate on eating.

Lu Yu focused his gaze on Hakuri Reimu's face.

"So, you obviously ate it all just now, why did you eat it again?"

At some point, Reimu began to eat again.

"This kind of delicious thing, I may be able to eat it once in my life, I want to eat enough at one time!"

Hearing Lu Yu's question, she made such a declaration.

"It's up to you to eat as much as you want......"

Lu Yu looked at Bo Li Reimu's stomach curiously.

"I just want to know, where have you eaten so much food, why hasn't your stomach burst yet?"


Noticing Lu Yu's gaze.

Hakuri Reimu did not have the slightest shyness, but rolled her eyes slyly and said:

"Would you like to touch it and try it? 10,000 yen at a time!"

“...... Reimu. "

Marisa looked earnestly into Reimu's eyes.

"Anyway, you're a girl, can you not be so undisciplined?"

"Hmph! can you eat it as a meal?"

Hakuri Reimu pursed her lips, disdainful.

The bow behind him also swayed vividly.

“...... Not. "

Lu Yu pondered for a second.

He is not short of 10,000 yen, it seems that he can try?

See the way he moves.


Tao Li coughed beside him, and then stared at Lu Yu with unadulterated eyes.

"Forget it, I can't use money to insult a girl's temperament!"

Lu Yu shook his head and said with a straight face.

Very upright and gentlemanly.

As for the words in Hakuri Reimu's mouth—"I'd rather be insulted by money!Sale of 10,000 yen a pound on the festival," he selectively didn't see it.

Of course, Reimu herself isn't serious, and Marisa wouldn't agree to such a thing.



After the meal, Lu Yu and both parties talked about going to the Pirate World.

Since there are three people crossing this time, an additional 20,000 origin points will be charged.

Reimu's origin point is more than enough to pay for this, and Marisa doesn't have much after paying 10,000 origin points.

Before leaving, Ibuki Suyaka was suddenly invited.

"Does the store manager want to go with us to the Pirate World?"


Lu Yu was a little surprised.

"Yes, do you want the store manager to come?"

Whitebeard is also looking forward to the invitation.

"Thanks to the store manager, my body has recovered, and my children will definitely want to thank you in person!"

“emm...... No problem!"

Lu Yu thought about it, and it would be good to go and take a look.

In the previous life, One Piece was a popular manga, and it was interesting to see the current Whitebeard Pirates, so I gladly accepted it.

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