Going out from the dimensional gate, Lu Yu came to the world of pirates in one step.

On the other side of the door, connected is the Moby Dick, the main ship of the Whitebeard Pirates.

The ship is very large, and the deck is completely open, which can be used as a small square.

After several people appeared through the dimensional gate.


"Daddy is back!"

"It seems to have friends with you!"

The members of the Whitebeard Pirates all came together.

It's not that they don't have a sense of crisis, it's that Whitebeard is right in front of them, so there's no need to worry about anything else at all.

"What are you guys doing, don't scare Daddy's guests!"

The pineapple-headed Marco walked over and dismissed the crew members who were watching the excitement.

His captain and ship doctor was still quite dignified, and the crew dispersed at his words.

None of them were surprised by the dimensional gate.

After all, this is a world with Devil Fruits, and any strange abilities can exist.

The only one who really knows where Whitebeard has gone is Marko.

- Whitebeard can't take the Devil Fruit with him, and he went back to his own world before.

"Daddy, these guys are—wait!"

Originally, he was going to ask for the name of the guest, but in the middle of Marco's speech, he suddenly noticed that Whitebeard was different.

"Daddy, are you getting younger?"

He asked hesitantly.

As a doctor, he is well aware of Whitebeard's physical condition.

The previous white beard often needed injections to maintain.

But now the white beard is full of red light, and the posture is vigorous, how can he look a little sick?

"Kulalalala! This is all thanks to the store manager Lu Yu!"

Whitebeard let out a hearty laugh that was loud enough to be heard by nearby frigates.

"Little ones, thanks to Mr. Lu Yu's help, all the dark injuries on my body have been healed! Let's have a banquet together!"


Marco was pleasantly surprised, he knew that the pain on Whitebeard's body was not something that ordinary medical treatment could solve.

But looking at Whitebeard's current appearance, it is clear that he has returned to his heyday.

This not only made him happy, but also added a lot of confidence to the upcoming war.

It's not just him, the members of the Whitebeard Pirates, there is nothing that they don't cheer when they hear the news.

"Oh oh oh! Daddy's injuries are all healed?!"

"You look a teenager younger!"

"Then we will win this war!"

"Hahahaha! Whitebeard Daddy is the best in the world!Save Ace!!"

"Mr. Lu Yu is amazing!"


Although the crew members did not know the specific physical condition of Whitebeard.

But every day when you get a hanging injection, no matter how you look at it, your physical condition will not be good.

Now that they learned that someone had cured Whitebeard's injuries, their morale suddenly lifted and boiled.




All the pirates began to cheer.

"Oh oh oh!

Ibuki Suika, Hakurei Reimu, and Marisa Kiri blended in without hindrance, cheering the banquet together.

Obviously, I just ate a meal before, but I am still in high mood at the moment!

Under Marko's command, the members of the Whitebeard Pirates skillfully brought out food, drinks, and various cooking utensils.

Whitebeard took out all the wine that Lu Yu gave him.

Everyone began to prepare for the banquet enthusiastically.

After Marco had finished directing the group, he returned to Whitebeard's side and accompanied the four new guests.

"Ahem, ahem!"

After a large bowl of two pots handed over by Whitebeard, Marco choked as expected.

There was a slight drunkenness on his face.

Although there was only a slight drunkenness, Marco still used the strength of the wine to ask questions that the other pirates did not dare to ask.

"Daddy, what's the matter with the two dark circles on your eyes?"


Whitebeard, who was laughing because he had cheated his son, was directly interrupted by laughter.

What kind of question is this unlucky boy asking!

"We beat it!"

Ibuki Suika put down her wine gourd.,While tasting other fine wines from the school city,,Say。

"Hahaha! Little girl, you really know how to tell jokes!"

Naturally, Marco would not believe that a little girl of eight or nine years old could beat Whitebeard.

He thought it was a joke by Ibuki Sumika.

"By the way, are you interested in joining our pirate group and being Daddy's son together!"

and the white beard carved out of a mold.

Unconsciously Marco made the same invitation as his father.


"We're girls!"

Who wants to be a son?

The puffing Ibuki shouted loudly, and then punched Marco in the stomach with a small pink fist.


The unstoppable force directly knocked Marco into the air.

After crashing into the side of the ship, Marco fell directly above the sea, then bounced off and hit several waters.

Directly hit by a punch and flew thousands of meters!

Fortunately, in the end, Marco turned into an immortal bird form, otherwise he would have almost sunk into the sea.

Everyone who saw this scene was stunned.

Such a petite girl actually knocked the captain of the Ichiban team, Marko, so far away with one punch?!

And it looks like the little girl hasn't used all her strength yet!

"What an amazing strange power!"

"Even Mr. Marco can't resist it?!"

"Too strong, Daddy's guest!"


Since Whitebeard didn't make a move, it means that he was just having a normal exchange just now.

So the crew didn't see Ibuki as an enemy.

but was amazed at the strength she showed.


Being smashed so far away, Marco's slight drunkenness was completely sober.

If it falls like a chicken in the soup, it flutters its wings and flies back.

"I'm sorry!"

Apologize immediately to Ibuki Sanka.

Such a strong man must be unwilling to be subservient, and his proposal just now can be regarded as offensive.

After all, no one would ever propose to the other Four Emperors that they be the sons or daughters of Whitebeard.

See Marco deflated.

Now you know how my dark circles came about, right?"

Whitebeard said with a slightly gloating laugh.

“...... Daddy!"

You know you can't say that, but remind me!

Marco gave Whitebeard a bitter look.

Hurt him to get a fist in vain.

Lu Yu looked at this farce with some amusement, and suddenly remembered something.

"By the way, Edward, can you copy your abilities? I'm very interested in the overlord color domineering!"

"Ability replication?"

Whitebeard was a little surprised, then immediately nodded.

"No problem!"

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