Whitebeard is sincerely grateful to Lu Yu, so he does not hesitate to copy his ability.

Lu Yu is naturally not a person who is greedy for small profits.

After receiving the ability copy, he immediately transferred the corresponding origin point to Whitebeard.

Several of Whitebeard's abilities have reached the purple level.

Shock Fruit, Physical Fitness, Armed Color Domineering, Overlord Color Domineering, Seeing and Hearing Color Domineering, Swordsmanship, Physical Skills......

Every ability in the pirate world belongs to the top one.

Other abilities, Lu Yu didn't care.

Whether it is armed and domineering or seeing and hearing domineering, it is of little use to Lu Yu.

Only the overlord is domineering, and Lu Yu is very interested.

This is a sharp weapon for pretending to be forced and not hurting the small soldiers.

"It turned out to be a purely spiritual oppression......"

Adding the ability of the overlord color domineering to himself, Lu Yu quickly understood the principle of the overlord color domineering.

"I'll try new abilities!"

He reminded the few people present.

"New abilities?"

Ibuki asked curiously.

"Did you grasp it directly?!"

Whitebeard was also very surprised, he didn't expect that the ability to obtain it would be so easy.

"What ability?"

Marco was confused.

"Overlord color domineering. "

Lu Yu said casually.

Then start trying it out right away.


Invisible fluctuations spread rapidly, and the air vibrated at high frequencies.

The domineering spirit of the overlord suddenly exploded, and under Lu Yu's precise control, he did not oppress the spirit of others.

However, the spiritual attributes of the orange rank are unusual.

The orange level itself is equivalent to a natural disaster, and the overlord color domineering that erupts with such a majestic spiritual attribute as him, no matter how limited it is, it also has terrifying power.

The clouds above the sky were directly shaken open by the domineering power of the overlord color.

The waves stretching on the surface of the sea also seemed to be suppressed by some powerful force, and they were suddenly as calm as a mirror!

The tide is quiet!

Even the members of the Whitebeard Pirates, in the state where Lu Yu took the initiative to eliminate the mental oppression and damage, were still affected by the overlord color domineering.

There was a void in everyone's consciousness at the same time.

Originally, they were preparing for the banquet, but the lively crew suddenly stopped in place, their bodies stopped moving, and their spirits were blank.

If you look at it from the perspective of the sky.

After the overlord color domineering exploded, the whole world seemed to press the stop button, as if it stopped at the same time.

Straight still!

Of all the people present, except for Ibuki Sanka and Hakurei Reimu, who were not affected.

Only Whitebeard, who also has the color of a bully and domineering, can barely maintain consciousness.

Although his body was still oppressed and unable to move, he was able to observe everything that was happening in front of him, and saw the wonder of the whole world being suspended.

Even Marisa and Marco are temporarily unconscious.

- This is still the result of Lu Yu's reining in mental damage.

Wait until Lu Yu retracts the overlord color domineering.

The boiling crowd suddenly returned.

The clamor that had just been cut off continued.

No one realizes what had happened before.

It was as if everything Whitebeard had seen before was just an illusion.

"Mr. Store's strength, it's really terrifying!"

Whitebeard didn't gasp, but just shook his head with a wry smile and took a sip of wine.

Just with the overlord color domineering he just got, the store manager can kill him in seconds.

This gap is even greater than the strength that Miss Ibuki showed before.

"This ability is a killer for opponents with relatively weak mental power. "

Azuka Ibuki commented.

Not all strong people have a tenacious spirit and will.

Some characters with difficult abilities may not be able to do it themselves.

When encountering this kind of opponent, the overlord color domineering is very useful.

Mandatory will test, but if you don't pass the GG.

"It's similar to stopping at a time, but you can touch people......"

Bo Li Reimu thought about this ability, her eyes suddenly became weird, and her little face was a little crimson.

She pushed Marisa Miriyu, who looked ignorant beside her, directly to Lu Yu's side, and then said:

"Manager, if you want to do anything to Marisa with that ability, I won't interfere!"

Then the voice changed, revealing her true nature.

"But the hush money or something, the store manager should still give a little!"

"Reimu, what are you talking about?"

Marisa tilted her head to look at her small hair, completely unaware of her words.

Lu Yu didn't have any expectations for Bo Li Reimeng's discipline.

"Don't do this to your friends!"

But there is still a need for a lesson.

"If you want money so much, you can go to the treasures of this world!"

Lu Yu said.

He didn't think it would be useful to reimu education money that wasn't important or anything.

Saying to the poor that money doesn't matter or anything is either stupid or bad.

The solution to the problem is simple, just let Reimu have money.

"In addition to the big secret treasure that Roger doesn't know what it is, there are quite a lot of treasures in this world, and there are still places like the golden city of Shandora that are full of gold!"

"As long as you find those treasures, Reimu will not have a problem even if you use gold to build a Hakurei Shrine!"

"Really?Can you build a golden Hakurei Shrine?!"

Reimu Hakurei's eyes lit up, and the corners of her mouth began to drool unconsciously.

"I've also heard the legend of the Golden Mountain Dora. "

Whitebeard said with a smile, adding a guarantee to Lu Yu's words.

"I've heard that Roger has also found it, and it's true. "

"I love you, store manager! If I find Jinshan, I'll give you half of it!"

Hakuri Reimu's whole body was as excited as if she had been beaten with chicken blood, and she couldn't wait to go to the Golden Country immediately and move all the gold back.

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