After attending the banquet, Lu Yu returned to the dimensional store.

The blonde girl had arrived at the store.

"Xiao Qi, good afternoon!"

Lu Yu said hello, and then looked at the girl carefully.

"How do you feel like you're getting bigger!"

I haven't seen it for more than ten days, but the bee-eating caustic prayer seems to have a little change that can be detected by the naked eye.

The airfield on his chest seems to have a hint of green arc.

Hearing Lu Yu's question, the bee-eater puffed up his chest a little shyly.

She said proudly:

"People said before, I just haven't reached the development period, as long as I want to grow up, people can grow up at any time!"

“...... Not. "

Taoli glanced at the bee-eating figure with some envy.

After touching her cliff in a little frustration, her eyes became a little suspicious.

"Xiao Qi, are you cheating without using your ability?"

Dorily asked keenly.

"Ahaha...... How could I cheat? I hate it, Dori, you're suspicious of your friends!"

The bee-eater had a few drops of cold sweat on his forehead, looked around with weak eyes, and stammered in retort.

"Although I've been studying human hormones Xi recently, people haven't gone out of their way to learn Xi things about growth hormones.

There is no explanation for the three hundred taels of silver here.


Xiao Qi's reaction is too easy to understand.

Dorily couldn't help but stare at her best friend.

"It's not okay to sneak away, if you cheat, please take me with you!"

Then he made such a declaration with a bee-eating prayer.

"That's no problem, I promise to make Momika-chan improve your femininity!Much stronger than Mikoto Misaka!"

Seeing that Dori does not condemn her actions, but asks for sharing.

The bee-eater breathed a sigh of relief.

The two girls glanced at each other and smiled in a way that only girls understand.


Lu Yu thought about it, and the two girls were also very eye-catching to him when they got better.

wisely did not get involved in this topic.

"Where is Sister Misaka's progress now?"

He asked.

It's been more than ten days since he left the Demon Forbidden World, and Sister Misaka's research should have made progress.

"The emotional program was completed and delivered long ago. "

The bee-eater replied with a smile on his face.

"The existing sisters have been adjusted both physically and emotionally and are allowed to move freely. "

It is the same as Lu Yu's estimated progress.

Sister Misaka's adjustment has been completed.

"Where's the intermediate genetic repair solution?"

Lu Yu asked again.

Now that he has taken over Sister Misaka, he naturally won't let these clones remain like the original.

Like a doll, you need regular treatment to be able to continue to be active.

He is going to use the gene repair solution to repair the genetic problems of the Misaka sisters, so that all the Misaka sisters have LV5 qualifications.

The internal price of the intermediate gene repair liquid system is 100, and a thousand Misaka sisters are 100,000.

Therefore, instead of taking the goods from the system, it is better to rely on research to crack the composition of the gene repair solution.

After all, it's just a blue-level potion.

With the level of life science research in the school city,It's really not that difficult to study it.。

The basic principle cannot escape the transcription and reverse transcription of DNA and RNA, and it is even easier to mass-produce.

The Nobel Prize-winning PCR technology, which has long been matured, can easily complete the mass production of DNA.

"The analysis of the gene sequence in the gene repair solution has been analyzed three days ago, and the test effect is good, and now it has been put into mass production, and the sisters will be able to receive gene repair tomorrow. "

The bee-eater replied as he flipped through the information in his hand.

"Tomorrow, it seems that Taoli doesn't have to work as hard as before. "

Lu Yu nodded and said.

"Eh, really!"

Dori's face was full of surprise, she was about to be exhausted by the ability development course recently.

"You can't skip the development of the human body such as drugs and electric shocks, but there is no problem with the development of your own ability formula. "

Lu Yu pondered for a few seconds and said.

"Misaka sisters are connected to each other by the Misaka network, so no matter what kind of development results they have, they can be shared in real time using the network. "

"In other words, there is no physical experimental development, and you can develop it a thousand times faster than you alone. "

Generally speaking, the abilities of each person are different, and even if the principle is the same, there are subtle individual differences.

Therefore, the formula for the operation of superpowers must be developed to suit your own personal version.

This is the biggest difficulty for other students, but for the Misaka network, it is the easiest.

They clone people, and all of them have the same abilities.

Just like the Hokage's shadow clone technique adds to the number of cultivators.

The speed of the Misaka network for real-time communication is even more efficient than that of the shadow clone.

So, once the Misaka sisters have completed genetic repair and have LV5 level literacy.

A thousand of them promote each other to develop superpowers, and they can advance to LV5 in a very short event.



At night, in the world of pirates, the Whitebeard Pirates are on a passenger ship.

After bidding farewell to the store manager, the Whitebeard Pirates specially cleaned up a passenger boat for the few remaining guests to live in.

Probably for fear of scaring the little girls.

They were the only ones on the ship.

Ibuki Suyaka and Marisa Kiriyu were already asleep after eating and drinking.

Reimu Hakurei, who had obviously eaten a sea jam, did not fall asleep.

Instead, he came to the deck, jumped lightly, jumped onto the mast, and leaned against the mast to admire the moonlight.

The slender and thin body was completely blocked by the mast, so that the sentry did not notice that anyone did not sleep in the middle of the night, sitting on a high place and blowing the wind.

"It's a bit cold. "

Reimu Hakurei clasped her hands to her chest to keep warm, but she had no intention of leaving.

is different from the undisciplined expression in front of everyone during the day, the expression on her face at this time is cold and alienated like the moonlight in the sky.

The dark and clear eyes reflect the moonlight.

"What a familiar feeling......"

Hakuri Reimu muttered softly.

I always feel that when I was very young, there was a woman who often held herself to admire the moon at such a time.

"Little Reimu...... Doesn't this moon look like a mooncake?"

I vaguely remember that women don't have any artistic cells.

"What are mooncakes?"

The young little Reimu seems to have asked.

“...... I've never eaten it either, but I've seen it from afar, Goodong!"

The woman seemed to drool as she spoke.

The memory is blurred to the point that only fragments remain, and if it is related to the name, it will be completely disconnected.

Who is that man?

Hakurei Reimu often recalls, but she can't think of any clues, in her cognition, she should have been brought up by the youkai sage Yakumo Purple since she was a child.

A completely inexplicable memory, but it has always touched the depths of her heart.

The only thing I can remember when I dream back in the middle of the night, the only thing I can remember clearly, is only one sentence.

"When Xiao Lingmeng earns the money and changes the cash box to gold, I'll be back!"


Reimu shook her head, no longer thinking about these things.

However, before the moon viewing is over and you fall asleep.

A word popped into her mind.

"Wait until I turn the cash box and the entire Hakurei shrine into gold...... That guy will definitely come back, right?"

Red and white butterflies flying...... The money-hungry shrine maiden consciousness is deeply asleep.



PS: I was originally going to improve the strength of the protagonist in the form of a plot, and if everyone thinks that the protagonist is too weak now, I will advance this plot of increased strength. I just charged the money, and I can finally speak in my own book review area, I hope that book friends who have opinions will put forward their ideas in the comment area, and I will refer to it carefully and correct it with my heart!

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