"Lu Yu!"

After hearing all this, Intix suddenly felt a little overwhelmed.

The two enemies who have been chasing him are actually his companions.

They only do this to themselves because they don't want to suffer the pain of losing their joyful memories.

Her clear eyes were full of confusion, and she didn't know how to face the two who were still bad guys before.

So she looked at Lu Yu, the only one present who she felt was reliable and trustworthy.

Seeing Intix's confused eyes, Lu Yu said seriously.

"Don't force yourself to accept them, no matter why you make that choice, it's you who will be hunted down, even if you hate them as much as you want. "


The Divine Cracker shook his body, his eyes filled with mist, but he didn't dare to refute.

"But if they're telling the truth, you don't have to think of them as badasses. "

This sentence made her feel a lot better.

As soon as he thought so, the next sentence made the fire of the God Splitting Fire Weaving surge.

"They're just stupid. "

Lu Yu commented.

"What is stupidity? Is there a better choice for us in this dilemma?"

The god cracked the fire weaver's tone angrily, feeling that this evaluation was completely trampling on her feelings.

How much they hurt Intix, how much pain they felt inside.


Lu Yu said mercilessly: "In the end, there is no dilemma at all, complete memory ability will never cause the brain to be blown up by memory, you are completely deceived by the upper echelons of your church!"

"From the very beginning, it was a complete scam!"



Lu Yu, who knew the original work, directly spread out all the doubts about the whole incident.

A reasoned analysis of the situation of Antix is nothing more than a collar added by the English Puritans in order to control the "catalogue of forbidden books".

After spreading everything out, Lu Yu's explanation can explain all the doubts.

God Cracked Fire Weaving couldn't help but start doubting life.

Awakened, Steele also heard Lu Yu's analysis.

Unlike the Divine Cracked Fire Weaving, after understanding Lu Yu's words, he quickly accepted this explanation.

This is in line with his view of the upper echelons of Puritanism.


And locked up the culprit, which is the Puritan Supreme Bishop, Lola Stewart!


Intix, who knew everything, naturally trusted Lu Yu the most.

Hearing that she was really regarded by English Puritanism as a lamb to protect the knowledge of the strong, she said that it was impossible not to be sad.

The whole person also fell down.

She also always thought that if she returned to England and found the Puritan church in England, she would be able to escape from the hunt.

I didn't expect that the hunt itself was a conspiracy of the English Puritans.

This made her, who was kind, also begin to doubt the meaning of her guardianship of the magic guide book.

Can protecting the knowledge of the Book of Magic for such an organization really make the world a better place?

Seeing Intix's appearance, Lu Yu comforted.

"It's okay, you can go and stay with me, there will definitely be no English Puritans there. "

He was referring to the school city.

Only this base camp on the scientific side is completely devoid of the power of the church.


When Steele and God Cracked Flame Weave heard this, there was no room for rebuttal.

Nor did they want Intix's to remain in dark English puritanism.

Before that, though, there's another problem.

"What Mr. Lu Yu means is that the female fox has set up a control spirit suit in Intix's body, so she must clear her memory at a certain time every year...... Is there a way to break this control spirit?"

God Cracked Fire Weave asked worriedly.

If English Puritanism held the power of life and death over Intix, then quitting the church was purely delusional.

"That's fine......"

Lu Yu nodded.

"Although I can't say that I can kill the demon god now, there is no problem in killing a mere spirit suit. "

His eyes, for some time, had turned into rainbow magic eyes.

"This is the dead eye of the god-king Balor?!"

The instinct of Intix's forbidden book catalogue was activated, and Lu Yu's power was immediately analyzed from the nature.

"That's right. "

Lu Yu nodded and said to Intix.

"These eyes can destroy your control suit, will you trust me?"

"Well, I believe in Lu Yu!"

Without pause, Intix nodded immediately.

Then obediently knelt in front of Lu Yu.

God Crack and Steele ate lemons on the side, not daring to speak.

"Come, open your mouth!"

Lu Yu gestured to Intix.


The nun was obedient.

No wonder you don't need to dip your baguette in water.

His eyes skimmed over the white teeth, and he saw the magic circle deep in his throat.

That's the "collar" that controls the spiritual suit.

It is part of the automatic clerkship.

It is also the control device that Intix needs to fix the cleaning memory.

Picking up a chopstick, Lu Yu gently crossed the dead line of the "Collar" magic array.


Quietly, this magic array was completely wiped out.

Even the automatic secretarial system failed to react.

"That's it?"

Crack and Steele couldn't believe their eyes.

Obviously, for themselves, it is the conspiracy and power that has deceived them for several years.

Right here, poked by the man in front of you with a light stroke of chopsticks?

They can't help but start doubting life.

"What else are you going to do, fight with her in the state of automatic secretary, and go through a lot of difficulties to complete the goal?"

Lu Yu glanced at them.

"Reality is not a myth, and it doesn't need so many twists and turns. "

After erasing the "collar", he immediately erased two other hidden dangers.

- Remotely control the outfit!

This is a system that can remotely control Intix.

However, under the power of the Eye of Death, all the waves were eliminated.

After cutting off the spirit costumes, he glanced at them again, and only relieved himself after making sure that the automatic secretary only had the self-protection function left.

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