Lu Yu broke the three shackles left on Intix by the English Puritans in front of him.

This is enough to prove that what he said is true.

Whether it's God Split, Steele, or Intix, they are all deceived by the lies of the English Puritan elite.

I have been deceived for two or three years.

As a result, the deceived two have no face to face Intix, who was hurt by them.

Instead, he chose to go back to England and find the Supreme Bishop to match.

Although Lu Yu felt that these two Hanhan would never be able to play with the Patriarch Lola of the English Puritan.

"Intix is up to you!"

In the end, the Divine Cracked Fire Weave knelt down in front of Lu Yu in the posture of sitting under the earth.


Steele smoked his cigarette butt and didn't speak.

If you follow his character, he will definitely arrogantly say things like "if you treat her badly, I'll kill you".

If it is in front of other good people, it is naturally okay for him to say this, and he will be regarded as caring.

But if you say this to Lu Yu.

Steele had no doubt that he would immediately be reduced to ashes scorched by the flames.

No, after the sun burns, there may not even be any dust, and all of it has evaporated.

"No problem, after all, this kid is now an acquaintance of mine. "

Lu Yu didn't say anything, and naturally took over the custody of Intix.

With their righteous and courageous deeds, the two of them still trust Lu Yu very much.

Before leaving, they took a deep look at Intix.

"Wow~Wow~ This creamy potato is also delicious!"

The nun who was happily enjoying lunch next to her didn't care about this side of the matter.

Although she knew that these two men had been her companions before, but had been hunted down so many times, Intex reflexively wanted to run away when she saw the two of them.

I really can't overcome this emotion, and I don't know how to face the two.

Simply choose to turn a blind eye.


The door closed sound, and the two finally left.

After eating what was in front of her, Intex did not choose to continue eating, but came to Lu Yu.

"Lu Yu Lu Yu, what should I do in the future!"

She asked, tilting her head a little confused.

Although he has been living a life of being hunted down and killed before, he still has a goal.

When you arrive at the Puritan Church in England, you can get rid of the hunt.

But now, the goal is gone, and the church that I once wanted to reach is the base camp of the bad guys.

Intix, who has nowhere to go, is naturally willing to stay by Lu Yu's side.

After all, it's a place to eat, and it's full.

For the young nun, this is complete happiness.

However, as a nun, she can't sit idle all day.

She still understands the truth that if you don't work, you can't eat.

"What do you want to do?"

Lu Yu asked rhetorically.

In the original book, although the conspiracy of English Puritanism was recognized.

But due to the complexity of the situation, there is also the reason for the crack.

Intix was not too disappointed with English Puritanism.

So even if you're in the school city,,Still carrying out her own mission.,That's her magic name.。

- Dedicatus 545 (the lamb sacrificed to protect the knowledge of the strong)

But now she has become completely disillusioned with English Puritanism.

Think of it as a base camp for the big baddies.

Therefore, she was already reluctant to carry out the tasks assigned by the English Puritans.

"Although I don't want to continue to protect these magic books, I also don't want them to go out and harm people, and I also want to help you. "

Intix said.

The Demon Dao Book is poisonous, and ordinary people can't read it at all.

The average magician can't read much, and he will have a splitting headache.

If the contents of these Demon Dao books were to be lost, they would really kill people.

"With your current strength, as long as you control your appetite and don't eat indiscriminately, you shouldn't have to worry about this problem, right?"

Lu Yu said.

Those magic books were in Intix's head.

As long as she is not caught, no one will be able to see the contents of the Demon Dao Book.

If it was the previous Intix, he might still be caught.

Because she can't use magic except for the Mobile Church.

But now, after being broken through the shackles by Lu Yu, she has regained the ability to use magic power.

With the guidance of the automatic secretary, plus the 103,000 magic books in his mind.

Intex now has the strength of the Holy Domain.

In the rating of the dimensional store, there is also an orange level!

During this period of time when the strong are not out, it can be regarded as a first-class combat power.

Ordinary magicians, as long as they don't take advantage of her gluttonous shortcomings, are completely impossible to defeat her.

Hearing Lu Yu's words, Intix was stunned.

"Makes sense. "

She subconsciously thought of herself as a nun with little power.

Forget that you are already a mage who can use Sanctuary-level magic.


"What do you mean by controlling your appetite!Lu Yu, do you have any misunderstanding about a nun like me?"

"And it's not for nothing that there are people who can defeat me, for example, if a villain like you Lu Yu suddenly became beastly and wanted to do something to a pure nun...... Then I'm just- I'm sorry not to eat the nest poke!"

Intix, who slandered Lu Yu for his greed, complained angrily, grinding his teeth as if he was going to bite Lu Yu's head.

It's a pity that halfway through the complaint, Lu Yu pinched his cheek to stop it, and finally had to obediently admit his mistake and apologize.

After the joke, Lu Yu said.

"If you're worried about the leakage of the Demon Dao Books in your head, I have a way to help you keep those Demon Dao Books, of course, I also want to see those Demon Dao Books. "

With that, Lu Yu introduced the existence of the dimensional store to Intix.

Ten minutes later.

"Hmm...... In other words, the magic book obtained through the dimensional store will automatically increase the user's ability to bear it, so that the user can completely digest the power of the magic book, and there will be no toxicity?"

Intixes asked.

"Yes, as long as it is not a defect in the product itself, the general side effects will be completely eliminated. "

Lu Yu nodded.

"Then I am willing to hand over the Demon Dao Book to Lu Yu. "

With a blink, Intix said.

"In fact, as long as the toxicity of the Demon Dao Book will not harm Lu Yu, I will actually agree to any book you want to read!"

With a gentle smile, the nun said.

She was not stupid, so she naturally saw that Lu Yu was still very interested in the 103,000 Demon Dao books.

But as she said.

As long as the toxicity of the Demon Dao Book would not affect Lu Yu, no matter what Demon Dao Book he wanted to read, Intex himself would not refuse.

This is the greatest trust from Miss Nun.

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