Gold is the highest level, known as 9=2 in the Forbidden World.

That is beyond the monolithic universe, from law and reason, the power is completely enough to affect the existence of the multiverse level.

Even in the Dimension Store, this is not a level that can be achieved by relying on the origin point.

But it is possible to achieve this with product templates.

The origin point is so versatile that sometimes Lu Yu will use it as the only indicator to measure the property of the dimensional store, and sometimes ignore the existence of product templates.

However, in reality, product templates are as important as the origin point.

At present, the number of product templates is not large, but it already has a lot of fragments of the cosmology.

Together, these fragments will one day be able to form a complete view of the universe.

And now, there are already some results.

"Okay, then I'll choose to learn Xi Avista!"

With the possibility of reaching the gold supreme level, Lu Yu was naturally willing to give it a try.

Anyway, it is more than 800,000 origin points, which is nothing to him today.

"Roger, the knowledge of the original text of the Demon Dao of "Avesta" is poured into the middle ......"

"The original text of the Demon Dao of "Avesta" has been poured in. "

In the blink of an eye, the power of the dimensional store allowed Lu Yu to completely grasp the original text of this magic guide book.

Lu Yu's strength rating has also been upgraded from the top combat power in orange to bronze.

In other words, it becomes a 7=4 level being.

It's not just magical knowledge that has reached the level of a leader.

Even the magic power has been directly exercised to a level commensurate with one's mental and physical fitness.

Also, unlike the normal bronze of the fire on the right.

Lu Yu's strength, even in the bronze realm, belongs to the top group.

For the Zoroastrian rite of enlightenment.

He also has a full understanding.

Originally, Lu Yu also planned to upgrade himself to the all-round realm with the origin point again after mastering the original text of "Avesta".

But with the magical knowledge he has now.

But there is no need to rely on the power of the dimensional store at all.

All you need to do is perform the right rituals and analyze enough information, and you will be able to ascend to the all-powerful realm on your own.

In this way, millions of origin points can be saved.

"No wonder even I have to spend more than 800,000 yuan to master the power of this original text, it is indeed a penny. "

Lu Yu said with satisfaction.

The system's recommendation is really worth the money.

However, more than 800,000 origin points allowed him to achieve bronze, find his way to silver on his own, and have the possibility of achieving gold.

It's just one step, killing three birds with one stone.

After he sorted out the techniques he had mastered, as well as the catalog of the dimensional store.

"Knock knock!"

A polite knock sounded at the door.

But there were guests coming.



Half an hour ago.

The heart of the Vatican, the residence of the Pope, in St. Peter's Basilica.

The gray-haired Pope Matthew Leith was sitting on the papal throne, looking at the clergy in front of him and asked.

"Did you find out about the previous explosion?"

The blow that cut off the Tiber River, even in St. Peter's Basilica, he felt the movement.

This is not a commotion that ordinary people can cause.

It must belong to the mysterious side.

Therefore, as the Pope, for the safety of the people under his command, he must be held accountable to the end.

"Report to the Pope, it has been found out, it is a fire-nature disaster, which swallowed the field within a radius of several kilometers in an instant, and it is suspected that it is a technique that uses the power of the sun. "

The clergy half-knelt on the ground and reported.

"Which sect's technique?"

Pope Matthew Leith asked.

"Hey, sorry, we haven't found out yet!"

Cold sweat oozed from the clergy's foreheads.

"About the caster...... Don't you have any clues?"

Matthew Leith asked with a frown.

"No, no clues have been found for the time being, and the magic search has no results. "

The clergy bowed their heads in shame.

"Okay, then you stand down. "

Matthew Lees sighed, but did not blame the clergy.

After the clergy evacuated, behind the papal seat, a man in a suit with red vertical stripes walked over.

Unlike the clergyman in front of him, this man had no respect for the Pope in his eyebrows.

"With this level of attack, you can't catch people if you look for those waste. "

The man known as the Fire on the Right spoke contemptuously, and then sat down disrespectfully in the Pope's seat.

The Pope was not in the slightest angry at this transgression.

He was Xi to it.

"Are you God's Right Seat going to make a move?"

He asked the man.

"Or are you going to take it personally?"

Hearing this, the fire on the right sneered.

"Uncle Ben doesn't have the time and energy to play peek-a-boo with irrelevant people, but those who make trouble in the Vatican do need to be sanctioned......"

"Then I'll go!"

A deep man's voice came from the darkness.

The middle-aged man, who was holding a steel stick and looked very taciturn, proposed calmly.

"Water in the rear. "

Seeing the arrival, the Pope was somewhat relieved.

If he had gone, he would have been able to capture the prisoner who was causing a commotion!

After all, this is a saint who has the dual nature of "Holy Son" and "Holy Mother" and has the dual nature of Stigma in history, and also has the technique of the right seat of God.

It can be said to be one of the trump cards of Roman Orthodoxy.

"Your Excellency!"

The water behind bowed respectfully.

He is one of the few beings in the Right Seat of God who truly respects the Pope.

"In the rear, your strength should be enough. "

The fire on the right nodded, although he was confident that he could easily defeat the water in the rear, but he also recognized the strength of the water in the rear, and he was only below him in the right seat of the gods.

Having received the order, the water from the rear came to the spot where it had been scorched by the sun.

Carefully scouted the scene and judged the possible direction of the attack.

After some attempts, locking on to an area, he stood high and glanced down.

Suddenly, I noticed a small shop that looked like a tea room.

Although the appearance is ordinary, but inexplicably, the water in the rear is attracted by this small shop.

- Let's go and have a look!

After hesitating for a few seconds, he made his decision.

stepped forward and knocked on the door of the tea room.

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