
Lu Yu routinely greeted new guests.

Misaka No. 00001 was learning Xi hospitality process while Intex watched TV in the room inside.

"This is ......"

The water behind him was stunned, and he realized that there was a lot of information in his mind.

"This is the Dimension Store, you should know the specific information. "

"Dimension Shop ......"

The water behind him looked in a trance, feeling a little dreamy.

I didn't expect such an inconspicuous tea room to exist across countless dimensional worlds.

Completely upended his worldview.

"According to the information in my head, can almost everything be done here?"

The water in the rear asked tentatively.

"It's not a free wishing house. "

Lu Yu shook his head.

"It's possible to get everything you want, but only if you have the origin and enough luck. "

"Well, I see. "

The water in the rear nodded, and then it felt a lot more real.

Miracles are always conditional.

Even God will not save the world unconditionally.

"Do you have anything you want?"

Lu Yu asked.

In the original book, the action of the water in the rear, in addition to obeying the orders of the fire on the right, is basically to help Britain and save the world.

This is a man who has almost no selfish desires.

Therefore, Lu Yu was a little curious about his thoughts.

"Do you want ......?"

The water behind was lost in thought.

Each of the magicians of this world has his own wishes.

The magic name of the magician is not only the name of killing, but also the name that symbolizes one's own wishes.

His magic is called "Flere210" - the one who changes the reason for tears.

To put it simply, it is the desire to save the world with an attitude of compassion.

Rather than mourning the past, he hopes that people will be happy to welcome the future.

Switching tears of sadness to tears of happiness is the reason why he became a magician.

Now, he has joined the right seat of God.

It was both to observe the movements of the Roman Orthodox Church and to protect Britain from the outside.

During this time, he sensed that the fire on the right seemed to be carrying out some dangerous plan.

That plan threatens not only the UK, but the whole world.



The water in the rear replied succinctly.

"I need enough strength. "

At least strong enough to stop the actions of the fire on the right!

"No problem, you can choose to smoke a jar or buy it outright. "

Lu Yu nodded and said.

If you are pure strength, it is indeed not difficult to do.

Many of the product templates of the dimensional store are directly linked to power.

"Store manager, please ask, how many origin points do I have now?"

The water in the rear looked at Lu Yu.

The prices of goods in the Dimension Store range from low to high, and he needs to know his purchasing power.

"Wait a minute. "

Lu Yu instructed the system to list the data of the water in the rear.


Guest: William Orville

Race: Human

Trust: 50

Abilities: Magic: God's Power, Stigmata of the Son, Stigmata of the Virgin, Water Magic

Origin point: 190000


"You currently have 190,000 origin points, and if you draw a can, you can only do one high-level jar ten consecutive draws. "

Lu Yu touched his chin.

"If you want to greatly increase your strength, your origin point is not enough. "

"It is recommended that you either choose to sell some of your knowledge or abilities in exchange for Origin Points, or choose to buy other goods. "

"Although there will be an orange item in ten draws, the specific effect is not guaranteed. "

"You don't need to gamble on your luck when you buy what you already have, although it may be a little more expensive. "

"It's up to you to choose. "

Hearing Lu Yu's words, the water behind him fell into deep thought.

Two methods, one risky, but the rewards can be great.

A safe, but no surprises.

After thinking about it, the old man's steady personality made him make a choice quickly.

"I want to see what's available in the store, but before I can do that, I'd like to exchange some of the Origin Points for it. "

The more origin points you have, the more choices you have.

So, after negotiating with Lu Yu, the water in the rear chose to trade in the form of a copy card.

This is the way to ensure that one's strength is not lost to the greatest extent.

After getting the 10,000 origin points of the ability to sell.

The balance of the water in the rear reached 200,000 origin points.

After looking at the list provided by the Dimension Store for a long time and studying it repeatedly.

The water in the rear has finally found a strength that suits itself.

"Manager, can I buy this?"

He asked, pointing to the list.

"I'll see. "

Lu Yu took a closer look and saw a familiar commodity.


Card Type: Ability Class

Card Quality: Orange

Card description: The angel aura that can be used by rubbing can directly give the identity of a creature angel and a treasure

Card description: Angel's aura

Evaluation: From the chief graduate of the heavenly realm, Jia Baili, the quality is guaranteed


This is what Ivas smoked not long ago, when he was smoking a jar.

Before that time, Lu Yu had the Xi of collecting all the product templates that the cans were opened into the system list.

All product templates recorded in the dimensional store can be copied infinitely by relying on the origin point.

Therefore, as long as it is a product that has appeared, the dimensional store will automatically collect templates and sell them in batches.

Silk Banner's favorite divinity is exactly the same as that of Charizard, and it is also copied with the origin point.

The price of this angel aura is exactly 200,000 origin points.

"This ability is quite suitable for you. "

The name Jiabaili can actually be translated as Gabriel.

She herself is an angel with strong Gabriel attributes.

And the water in the rear is exactly in line with Gabriel's characteristics.

In the right seat of God, it also happens to occupy Gabriel's position.

He and this angelic aura are very compatible with each other.

If you use this Angel Ring and completely eliminate the water behind the original sin, your strength will definitely be greatly improved, and even if you don't use the power of a saint, you can reach the angel level.

"However, using this ability means that you will be free from your human identity. "

Lu Yu reminded.

He himself had no problem with such a transfer.

As long as you agree that you are a human in your heart, it doesn't matter if you turn into a god or demon.

It's just that I don't know if the water in the rear cares about it.

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