Gojo Satoru didn't have much of a reaction to Mikujima Aoi coming to Tokyo to find him. After all, they had spent a lot of time together.

Of course, the most important thing was that his mind was full of Shibuya's Kikufuku


In the evening,

Gojo Satoru sat on a bench in a park, eating Kikufuku with a happy look on his face.

Looking at the empty bag of snacks next to him and the one in his hand, it was obvious that this was only his second helping.

""Yeah, I'm full."

After eating the last Kikufuku, Gojo Satoru patted his stomach with satisfaction.

If someone asked him when was his happiest moment, he would definitely say seriously that it was when he was eating Kikufuku.

"It's time to go home."

After cleaning up the remaining garbage and bags, Gojo Satoru looked at the dark sky and murmured.

The current time is half past ten.

Three hours ago, Komari called to ask where he was and what time he would be back, but he wanted to go around Shibuya to see if there were any other good dessert shops.

So he told Komari that she should order takeout tonight, as he might be back later.

Hearing that her brother would be back later, Komari's tone instantly became resentful, and she said,"You must be back before one o'clock."

Ah, are you a sister or a nanny?

Why do you order people to be back before one o'clock?

After stretching, when he felt comfortable all over, Gojo Satoru was ready to use the unlimited technique to teleport back to Chiba.

The scene changed.

Gojo Satoru instantly appeared on the deserted street.

"Go home and take a hot bath. If you don't take a bath for a day, your body will feel a little uncomfortable."

Walking on the street, he said to himself.

"Should I let Komari come over? Well, forget it, or I'll get scolded again.……"

As he was talking, his voice suddenly stopped, and even his footsteps stopped after his right foot took the last step.

There was silence for a few seconds.

"Tsk, what a hassle."

Gojo Satoru paused under the pale white light of the street lamp and couldn't help curling his lips.

"It's late at night, and I want to take a shower." He turned his body to the back, and his eyes under the eye mask stared straight into the dark distance.

Two kilometers away, there was a foul smell!

Even ordinary people were dragged into the disaster!


Where on earth is this place, and why are there monsters?

The fear in the heart of Nakano Nino, who was running in the decaying and dilapidated building, was almost materialized.

Just ten minutes ago.

She suddenly remembered that there was no lettuce in the sandwich for tomorrow's breakfast, so she wanted to go downstairs to a 24-hour convenience store not far downstairs to buy lettuce.

After saying goodbye to her other four sisters, she went downstairs.

Originally, Nakano Ichika wanted to accompany her, after all, what if she encountered bad guys in the middle of the night, but she said it was not necessary and came back in a few minutes.

After leaving the community, Nakano Nino heard a faint roar from all directions.

This roaring sound was not like a human, nor an animal.

In fact, the sound gradually became louder, as if it was right next to her and speaking to her ears.

Fear could not help but rise in her heart. She wrapped her coat and prepared to run to the convenience store quickly. After buying lettuce, she asked Ichika and others to pick her up.

However, as she ran, a crack suddenly appeared in front of her, and on the other side of the crack was a scarlet world.

After entering the crack, no, it should be entering the disaster field, Nakano Nino was stunned.

How did I suddenly come to another world?


A huge gasping sound was heard.

It was like the greedy gasping sound of someone who had not eaten for several months seeing food.

Nakano Nino's body stiffened, and she couldn't help swallowing the saliva secreted by nervousness.

Then she turned around carefully and looked behind her.

She saw a 3-meter-tall humanoid monster with a black body and unknown halos around its body.

Monster, it's a monster!

Her blood and heart seemed to stop at this moment.


Nakano Nino's brain issued a command, and she ran subconsciously.

She must leave here alive!


The monster, no, it should be the filth that saw its prey running away.

It did not rush to chase after it, but just drew a smile at the corner of its mouth, which was very strange.

The game of hunter chasing prey has officially begun!

If there were other Yin Yang Masters present at the scene, when they saw this filth, they would definitely judge that it was a real snake-level filth.

Not only the strong smell of filth, but also the intelligence and expression, can be 100% confirmed!

"Where on earth is this place?"

While running, Nakano Nino could also observe the surroundings from the corner of her eye.

The more she observed, the more desperate she felt.

This place was no longer the world she was familiar with!

Decay, rot and the unpleasant smell in the air, this undoubtedly said that this was another world.

Wiping her eyes that were already full of tears, Nakano Nino regained her courage.

She must leave here alive and return to reality to see her four sisters.

Ichika, Miku, Yotsuba, May, wait for me to come back!

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