In a dilapidated building, Nakano Nino curled up in a corner.

Due to long-term running and hiding, her pajamas were also dirty, and her fair face was stained with dust that had been silent for many years, black and white, and the whole person looked like a little cat.

If it were normal, Nakano Nino would definitely not be able to tolerate this dust, even a little bit.

But, now.

She can't care so much, it's good enough to be alive


Huge footsteps came from outside.

Nakano Nino's heart tightened, she hugged herself with her slender arms, and her body trembled unconsciously.

Don't see me, don't see...

She prayed silently in her heart.

The prayer seemed to work.

After the footsteps outside lingered for about a minute, they finally slowly faded away, as if they had left here.

Hearing that the footsteps had gone away, Nakano Nino suddenly felt relieved, and the whole person was sweating profusely, as if she had run a ten-kilometer long-distance race.

Survived for the time being.

Gently patting the dust on her palms, Nakano Nino carefully leaned against the wall, her eyes looking at the rotten black ceiling.

She couldn't help but think

"I don't know. I haven't been back and I may never go back. Will they be sad? They should be sad. After all, after all... after all, we are quintuplets, five sisters."

Thinking about it, Nino Nakano finally couldn't control her emotions and choked up.

Tears fell drop by drop on the floor, staining the ground.

During this time of escape, she finally despaired and accepted the reality.

The only regret is that she may never have a boyfriend in this life and attend the weddings of her other sisters.

"Ichika, as the eldest sister, you must be the first to accept the fact that I am gone. You have to take care of them in the future. You should cook the meals in the future. Maybe the taste won’t be that good. As for Miku, you should read less Warring States history and play less Warring States games in the future. How can you be fascinated by these things?"

"Siye, you too, why are you so warm-hearted every day? Instead of spending your money on helping others, you might as well spend more time with us four sisters. Where is May? I scolded you this morning for eating so much, like a pig. I'm so sorry, I'm sorry, May."

"And dad, I'm so sorry for leaving so suddenly without saying goodbye."

"I will not be around anymore, you, you must take good care of yourselves, here, promise me."

After saying these words like a last will, Nakano Nino burst into tears.

She is also an ordinary person, a girl, she will also be afraid and emotional.

Faced with the sudden appearance in another world and even being chased by a monster, it was a miracle that she did not completely collapse and even managed to escape.

After crying for almost two minutes, Nakano Nino calmed down and wiped her eyes that were blurred by tears.

After standing up from her slightly numb feet after sitting on the ground for a long time, she prepared to move to another place to continue hiding.

But at this moment,


A familiar panting sound suddenly sounded.

Nakano Nino's body stiffened, and her head looked towards the right window like a machine, and her pupils dilated instantly.


The filth is back, no, it should be said that it has never left. It has deliberately not seen Nakano Nino, just like a hunter teasing its prey.

But now, as a hunter, it can no longer bear its hunger.

The filth tilted its head, and a strange smile appeared on its mouth.

The two (?) looked at each other for two seconds, and Nakano Nino ran away without saying a word.

Although she was desperate, she didn't want to be eaten by this monster so easily.

This was her last stubbornness.

But after running out of this floor, Nakano Nino's remaining fluke mentality was finally shattered.

The whole person was stunned.

Monsters, all monsters!

Yes, there are filth everywhere outside!

They are standing outside densely, like small black dots.

There are even a lot of filth following closely in the distance.


Nakano Nino smiled bitterly.

In front, on the left, on the right, and behind, the roads were all blocked.

Mother, I am here to accompany you...

She closed her eyes and whispered softly.

I am not willing to accept this, I really am not willing to accept this!

The real snake-level filth jumped behind Nakano Nino, slowly stretched out its dark big hand, and was ready to enjoy the cursed power of this human.


The arm exploded.

It was a little confused.

Why did its arm explode?

"Hey, girl, are you desperate already?"

The strange voice was a human voice.

Nakano Nino was startled, and a glimmer of hope appeared in her despair.

She opened her eyes quickly.

She saw a tall man in black clothes with extremely elegant white hair.

Although he was facing away, according to her intuition, this man was definitely a handsome guy.

No, why am I thinking if he is a handsome guy?

"Are you okay?"

The man turned his head and asked softly.

Mother, I may be in love.

Staring at the other person's profile, Nakano Nino's heart beat fast.

And that person is...

Gojo Satoru!

(Among many heroines, one of my favorites is Nino, so I will spend more chapters on Nino.)

(Also, this is the extra chapter I promised you.)

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