"Oh~ It seems that your condition is not serious."

Looking at the girl who looked like a stray kitten in the street, Gojo Satoru chuckled and praised

"You are quite strong, girl.

Although she looked very embarrassed, she had no obvious injuries. There were only minor wounds caused by friction while dodging. A little disinfection would be enough.

Moreover, in the pursuit of the real snake-level filth, the other party did not give up the hope of escape.

It was quite surprising.

You know, ordinary people would be so scared after seeing it for the first time that their legs and feet would not straighten, let alone run away.


Hearing these two words, Nakano Nino pursed her lips, and tears seemed to overflow from her eyes.

She didn't know how she persisted.

At that time, her mind was full of going home, returning to the arms of the other four sisters.


She was about to speak

"Evolution, Curse... Power... I want to... evolve."

The True Snake-level Filth behind suddenly interrupted.

As it spoke, its exploded arm actually regenerated at a speed visible to the naked eye.


The ordinary filth on the left and right sides of the front also roared, with greed in their eyes.

They had no emotions at all, only greed, the instinctive greed for the cursed power.

If it weren't for the real snake-level filth still there, they would have attacked you without thinking twice.

"It's so noisy. Forget it. Now is not a good place to chat. Then, I'll take you away from here first."

While saying this, Gojo Satoru picked up Nakano Nino in a princess hug.

If they deal with the filth here, the rubble and dust from the explosion may affect the other party.

So the best way is to stay away first, and then think carefully about whether to torture them or go home quickly.

After all, Gojo Satoru is very angry now.

Not sleeping in the middle of the night (?), and even wanting to hurt people, and most importantly, disturbing him from taking a shower.

Not torturing you is his conscience.


Feeling the separation of the earth's shadow force and the touch on her thigh, Nakano Nino blushed and screamed.

But she didn't resist, and let the other party hold her up, and her head subconsciously rested lightly on the warm chest.

At this moment, she felt really relieved.

When her eyes darkened and brightened again, Nakano Nino found that they had arrived at a tall building.

Looking down, she could even see the raging filth not far away.

Instant, teleport?

She screamed in her heart.

Although she was a little uncertain before, she is now 100% sure.

This person. This must be the legendary Onmyoji!

After putting Nakano Nino down, Gojo Satoru rubbed her hair and said.

"Then, wait for a while. After I deal with these filth, I will send you back to the real world."

Real world!?"

The brain automatically filtered out the touch and the words said before, leaving only"return to the real world". Nakano Nino's eyes lit up.

Finally, I can finally go home.

"Then, please be careful……"

Looking up, Nakano Nino spoke seriously, but halfway through her words, her expression suddenly changed.

""Be careful!!!"

In her peripheral vision, she saw the filth that was chasing her.

The filth had locked onto the position of Gojo Satoru and the other person, and jumped up.

In his hand, he was holding a five-meter-long metal bar that he had taken out from nowhere.

The metal bar stabbed Gojo Satoru, who had his back to it. Nakano Nino, who seemed to have anticipated that the two of them would be roasted together, closed her eyes in fear.

But at this moment, a voice came from her ear.

"You are so naughty."

Are you okay?"

Nakano Nino opened her eyes carefully and looked forward.

Her pupils gradually expanded, and her worldview collapsed again.

Gojo Satoru put one hand in his pocket and grabbed the front end of the tendon with his right hand.

His face was full of boredom, just like a child who was angry at you, but you didn't care.


The real snake-level filth roared with great effort. No matter how hard it tried, it could not stab forward with its tendons again, even a millimeter away.

It didn't know how strong the human in front of it was.

But it only knew that it was hungry and wanted to eat humans to absorb the cursed power to evolve itself.

Loosening the tendons, the real snake-level filth twisted its body and fell to the top floor.

But before it hit the ground,

【Unlimited techniques, use, and palm strikes】


In an instant, the body exploded!

The aftermath of the attack even affected the high-rise apartment building in front.

A huge hole appeared in the middle of the apartment floor, and the surrounding vacuum sound was accompanied by a slight tinnitus.

The sound was also blown up!

The black aura floated in the air, and the real snake-level filth with only the head left gently fell to the ground.

Stepping on the head, Gojo Satoru stretched out his index finger with a calm expression and looked at the large amount of filth below.

Decided to go home early.

The cursed force was mobilized.

【Unlimited Reversal Technique: He]

A scarlet light appeared, and a round black sphere appeared at the tip of the index finger.

Like a small super planet, the roaring filth stopped one by one, as if they had realized the end of their"life".

The rotating scarlet light gradually dissipated, and the black sphere gradually turned red.……


A scarlet shock wave appeared!

The earth was torn apart, the houses turned to ashes, and all the filth was gone without even a trace of residue.

Looking at the pentagram flashing below, Gojo Satoru nodded with satisfaction.

You know what, this is pretty good looking.

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