Ka...mi (God)?

Looking at the ground below that seemed to be washed by missiles, Nakano Nino nervously swallowed her saliva, her body trembling slightly.

This was not her fear of Gojo Satoru, but her body's instinctive fear of everything that happened.

This kind of destructive power is no longer human. It

's like a human-shaped natural disaster, just like a god in mythology.

After taking a deep breath and barely calming down her fear, Nakano Nino turned around and prepared to ask when we will return to reality.

However, as soon as she turned her head, a shocking scene appeared in front of her.

"Hello, hello, can you still hear me? I think you can (uncertain tone), it means you are still alive, hey, I'm not saying anything bad about you, you are filthy late at night……"

I saw Gojo Satoru took out a branch from somewhere and poked the head on the ground, while he was talking, and he seemed to get angry while talking, so he slapped it a few more times.

It seemed that the slapping was not enough, and he even kicked it.

The whole person was like���Like a child, very funny.

This scene instantly changed Nakano Nino's impression of Gojo Satoru.

At the beginning, she was saved, and she had a girlish mind, but after the other party used his power, she was afraid and respectful. But after the last scene, she felt that he was just an ordinary person? Even a little childish.

""Puff—hahaha—" She finally failed to control her expression and laughed out loud.

It was over.

She quickly covered her mouth with a red face.

Why did she laugh out loud all of a sudden?

Hearing this laughter,


Gojo Satoru's body stiffened, he silently retracted his feet, turned his head and stared at the other party.

Although there was a blindfold between them,

Nakano Nino felt that the other party was looking at him with resentful eyes. He pretended to cough a few times, whistled, and looked into the distance, as if to say, I didn't see anything, and the laughter just now was not made by me.

Seeing that the other party understood the"worldly ways" so well, Gojo Satoru nodded with satisfaction, but he did not play with the filthy head of the real snake level, and kicked with his right foot.

The head flying in the air exploded directly, and the pentagram appeared again.

"Come on girl, I'll take you back to reality."

With his hands in his pockets, Gojo Satoru said while yawning. I'm a little sleepy, let's go home and take a hot bath and go to sleep.

Back to reality?!

Hearing this, Nakano Nino, who was pretending to be looking at the scenery, suddenly had her eyes lit up, and ran over excitedly.

After running over, she looked at the other's hands in his pockets, hesitated for a second, and hugged him.

The dark and gray little face instantly blushed, but it was a pity that it was too dark to see.

Gojo Satoru didn't care about this.

With the powerful curse power, they tore open one of the gaps between the two worlds, and the two walked directly in.

As for the talisman that the Onmyoji carried with him to open the Gate of Disaster.

Gojo Satoru said,"What a broken talisman, it's too troublesome, I won't bring it."

Ten minutes after they passed.

A"human" with a black body, a black cloak, and a mask on his face appeared on the high-rise building


Looking at the broken earth and the gradually dissipating cursed energy in the air, the 'human' fell into deep thought.

If he didn't solve the hidden danger of Gojo Satoru, the filthy side would never be able to defeat the Yin-Yang world, and his plan would never come true in this lifetime.


"This is the downstairs of your neighborhood, right? I should leave now."

According to Nakano Nino's description, Gojo Satoru brought the other party here using the"Unlimited Technique" to teleport.

"Yes, that's right."

Looking at the familiar streets, Nakano Nino's eyes were dazed for a moment.

I'm back.

"I'm leaving now. See you again, girl."

Waving his hand, Gojo Satoru was ready to leave.

"Please wait a moment!"

Suddenly, Nakano Nino grabbed Gojo Satoru's arm.

""Can you give me your social account?"

Her voice was a little trembling, and she was nervous.

This was the first time she took the initiative to ask for the social account of the opposite sex.

Her blue eyes stared at the other person until Gojo Satoru showed a surprised and hesitant expression.

"Give you my social account? If I give it to you, what will I use it for? It’s so troublesome to register an account."


Nakano Nino was petrified.

No, brother, is there a problem with my language or your understanding? I just want to add your contact information.

Suppressing her twitching expression, Nakano Nino took a deep breath and wanted to explain.

The bright mobile phone screen appeared in front of her eyes.

"Yes, please add me"


Nakano Nino smiled.

It was obvious that he was just teasing her before.

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