Time passed quickly and it was already afternoon.

As the bell rang in the corridor, Sobu High School was over.

"Hongxu, Zhenliang, Ming-chan, and I are leaving first. We have things to do this afternoon.

Kitagawa Kaimeng said to Hanano Hongxu, who was also packing her bag, while packing her bag.

"Uh... okay."

Huan Ye Hongxu was stunned. Although she felt a little disappointed, she nodded in response without changing her expression.

In the past few days, they went home from school together and walked together, but today, she was left alone.

This was the first time for her to make friends after being lonely for several years, and it was also the first time she felt lost.

As if she had noticed that something was wrong with Huan Ye Hongxu's mood, Xia Chuan Zhenliang, who had already packed up, felt a little bit reluctant, but still restrained herself immediately.

I'm sorry, Hongxu, this is the first time and the last time in the future!

Jian Qiming next to her pursed her lips, lowered her head, and packed up silently.

After the three girls had packed up, they left together.

Looking at their departing backs, Huan Ye Hongxu was stunned, but immediately patted her face with both hands, and tried to use a normal voice to warn herself

"Don't try to make ordinary friends. You are the Onmyoji Huaye Hongxu. You are not from the same world as them. Yes, not from the same world!"

It seems that this warning worked.

After packing up his things, Huaye Hongxu also quietly left the classroom.


Stopping on the sparsely populated bridge, Huaye Hongxu quietly looked at the clear river below


A burst of white mist dispersed, and the yellow powder sat on the shoulder

"If you ask me, Master Hongxu, they are not worthy of being your friends. They left you alone. Isn't this a naked rejection of you?"

Huangfen said with his arms folded in an anthropomorphic manner.

He was defending his young master.

He had seen the naked"rejection" scene just now. At that time, he wanted to come out and beat the three of them with his claws.

"Stop talking, Huangfen."

Huanye Hongxu rubbed Huangfen's head with a lost whisper.

"But..., Lord Hongxu……"

Looking at the lost face, Huang Fen felt inexplicably uncomfortable.

Gradually, the master and the servant fell silent.

The gentle wind blew through Hua Ye Hongxu's hair, which calmed her mood for a while.


""Oh no, oh no, Master Hongxu, there is a lot of filth gathering in the southwest!"

Huang Fenmo screamed, very panicked.


Huaye Hongxu locked the location at a glance.

Her green eyes became firm, and she ran forward without hesitation.

However, what she didn't know was that across the road behind her, there was a white-haired figure who had been watching her silently.

It was not until the other party ran to Huoye that he disappeared.


In the evening,

Hua Ye Hong Xu dragged his exhausted body into the elevator.

Huang Fen was also exhausted and leaned on his shoulders.

‘Ding Dong——’

When the elevator door was about to close, a pair of large hands reached in and blocked the elevator.

"Hey, Xiao Hongxu and Huangfen, good evening."

The elevator door opened again, and it was Gojo Satoru who was smiling. He was holding a beautifully packaged box in his arms.

""Good evening, Master Gojo."

Kanano Hongxu and Huangfen responded tiredly.

Seeing the two masters and servants so tired, Gojo Satoru still smiled, but after coming in, he used his free hand to touch the heads of Xiao Hongxu and Huangfen.

In an instant, they felt that the fatigue and mental pain in their bodies disappeared.

"You are still the best, Master Gojo, unlike Master Hongxu's friend, umm umm……"

Before Huang Fen finished speaking, he was grabbed by Hua Ye Hong Xu and covered his mouth.

"What is it?"

Gojo Satoru asked in a puzzled manner.

"No, nothing, Gojo-sensei."

Huan Ye Hongxu smiled sadly and shook his head.

Huang Fen was so anxious that he wanted to speak again. His eyes were almost popping out, and his cat face was red from holding his breath.

‘Ding Dong——’

The elevator chime sounded.

We had reached the sixth floor where the Gojo family lived.

After Gojo Satoru entered the password of the electronic lock, the door was opened.

However, after entering, the Gojo family's house was not brightly lit as usual, but was completely dark.

After quietly putting the gift box aside, he picked up the salute he had prepared in advance, and Gojo Satoru walked to one side in the darkness.

The master and servant who were still fighting behind him came in and closed the door immediately. As soon as he came in, the yellow fan called out

"Master Gojo, is there a power outage?"

"I don't know, Xiao Hongxu, go in and take a look. There is a switch inside for emergency use. I lost my phone, let me look for it first."

Gojo Satoru's words came from the darkness.

Looking for a phone in a dark environment?

Although a little confused, Hua Ye Hongxu didn't feel anything wrong.

With her strong perception, she walked straight over.

But, in an instant... the lights in the house suddenly lit up.


The colorful flowers from the salute scatter on the hair of Hua Ye Hongxu

"Happy birthday, Hongxu!!! X4"

Inside the house, Yume-chan, Kitagawa Umi, Natsukawa Masu, and even Misaki Mei were all smiling and shouting in surprise.


Huaye Hongxu's eyes instantly turned red, and crystal tears rolled in her eyes.

"Happy birthday, Hongxu."

Putting the used firecrackers on the table, Gojo Satoru walked aside, stroking Hongxu's long hair with his big hands, and said gently:

"Don't blame the teacher. Kitagawa and the others left you alone today because I told them that today was your birthday, so I prepared a surprise and birthday present for you."

"No, how can I blame Gojo-sensei?"

Huan Ye Hongxu immediately refuted, and choked up and said slowly

"I am very happy, very happy, I really don't know what to say... Really, thank you so much."

After saying this, tears finally fell down, drop by drop on her clothes, and she sobbed softly.

Over the years, she has been living in a revengeful mentality, and even forgot her birthday.

Only her mother-in-law who took care of her since she was a child remembered it and customized a cake every year.

This year, she didn't expect that besides her mother-in-law, someone else remembered her birthday, and her friends were willing to come and celebrate her birthday with her.

Really, thank you, Teacher Gojo……

"Today is your birthday, don't cry.

Kitagawa Umi took a few pieces of paper from the living room, hugged Hua Ye Hongxu, and said comfortingly

"It won't look good if you cry~"

Xiachuan Zhenliang stuck out her tongue and said mischievously

"Don't say that. Hongxu is still beautiful even when she cries."

Ji Qiming said

"Come and cut the cake, Hongxu, this is made by my brother himself."

Koumaru pushed a small cart out of the room, on which was placed a three-layer cake.

In the middle of the cake was engraved the words"Happy Birthday, Hongxu" and a cartoon version of a smiling Hanano Hongxu.

‘Ding, Dong——’

At this time, the door bell rang.

Gojo Satoru, who knew who was coming, went over and opened the door.

"Happy birthday, Master Hongxu."

The old voice reached Ye Hongxu's ears.

She turned around suddenly and saw her short mother-in-law holding a cake.

Suddenly, Ye Hongxu's tears overflowed again.


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