Early in the morning.

Huanye Hongxu woke up in a daze and opened her sleepy eyes.

Her green eyes stared at the ceiling blankly, and her thoughts recalled last night.

Last night, after the mother-in-law came and put in the candles, everyone asked her to make a wish. As for what wish she made, it cannot be said, it is a secret~

After making the wish and cutting the cake, before she had eaten a few bites, Gojo Satoru took out a brand new whole cake from the room, and she was caught off guard and was hit in the face.

Then he quickly took a few more from the room and hit the other four girls one after another.

Just like that, the cake war began.

The old woman, the mother-in-law, was watching happily on the side.

Without any discussion, they all picked up the cakes that were still covering their bodies and threw them at Gojo Satoru.

But, the shameless scene happened.

All the cakes that were thrown at Gojo Satoru were judged as dangerous attacks by the [Unlimited Technique] and were directly isolated.

He activated his 'passive skill' [Unlimited Technique], and it was like he had turned on his unparalleled skill, chasing and 'fighting' four people alone.

However, remembering Gojo Satoru dragging himself on the ground with a miserable look on his face afterwards, Kanano Hongxu couldn't help but chuckle.


Yawning, Kanono Akao got out of bed.

On the table next to her, there were six exquisite gift boxes, all of which were birthday presents from Gojo Satoru and the others.

Because they played too late last night, everyone slept in Gojo Satoru's house, and she fell asleep as soon as she returned to her room, so she didn't open these birthday presents.

Sitting on the cold chair, Kanono Akao began to unpack the gift from Mamoru.

Well, it's a game console that was just released last month.

I'm so free that I can play with it.

Then came Natsukawa Mansu, Kitagawa Umi and Mizaki Mei.

They were an extremely beautiful necklace, a perfume with a light and elegant fragrance, and a chocolate box.

Then came the mother-in-law's.

The mother-in-law gave her an amulet and some blessings.

‘I wish you more and more happiness.

Seeing the blessing, Kanano Kanao felt warm in her heart. After putting it aside, she picked up the last one, which was the birthday gift from Gojo Satoru. She carefully opened the gift box.

What caught her eye was the lightly shining head chain, and the white gentian hairpin next to it.

"thank you all"


Living room, sofa.

Gojo Satoru was still sleeping soundly, wearing a night cap, and there seemed to be a bubble coming out of his nose, which would grow bigger every time he exhaled, but would not burst.

At this time, a blond figure on the second floor opened the door of the room and walked downstairs quietly. It seemed that when he saw Gojo Satoru who was still sleeping, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Walking into the living room, the blond figure, no, it should be Kitagawa Umi, leaped forward and flew to the sofa, and then shouted

"Wake up, Gojo-sensei!"


Being suddenly pressed down by a heavy object, Gojo Satoru's bubbles were instantly broken, and his eyes bulged out after taking off the blindfold, as if he had received millions of points of damage.

"What are you doing, Kitagawa-san? Why are you attacking the teacher so early in the morning?"

Glancing at the teacher with dead fish eyes, Gojo Satoru said weakly.

Sitting on his teacher's body, Kitagawa Umi didn't seem to be shy at all, and said with a smile on his face,

"It's getting late, teacher. We should go to school soon."

Looking at the girl so close in front of him, he could even smell the faint fragrance on her body, but Gojo Satoru didn't move at all, just like an old monk.

You ask him why he is calm, because this is just the most basic expression control.

But, as we all know, men early in the morning..., so...

The two sides were deadlocked for a few seconds, looking at each other.

Kitagawa Umi suddenly blushed, and she felt a strange feeling.

As a dead otaku, she even played with Huang You, so what was this?

"Cough cough."

She coughed a few times pretending to be calm, and then she fell silent.

"Teacher Gojo, what do you usually eat in the morning? I'll go make it for you."

"No, I'll do it later. I'll take a rest first and then I'll go."

Gojo Satoru said calmly.

However, his right hand pulled the blanket covering his body.

Even a bullet couldn't penetrate his face, so he didn't feel embarrassed at all about this little thing.

"Well, okay."

Nodding, Kitagawa Umi was ready to go back to wash upstairs.

However, after walking a few steps, she suddenly said

"Teacher, please don't shiver.~"

After saying that, he ran back upstairs with his bare white feet.

Hearing this teasing remark, Gojo Satoru couldn't help but mutter:

"Tsk, it's not up to you to decide whether to be cool or not."


Everyone felt that the atmosphere was not right. Gojo Satoru was drinking his tea without changing his expression

, while Kitagawa Umi, who was sitting opposite him, was blushing, lowering her head, and eating fried dumplings.

Even if they looked up to answer, they didn't dare to look Gojo Satoru in the eye.


The four girls stared at Gojo Satoru.

Something must have happened between the two of them this morning!

Just like that, the few conversations at the breakfast table ended.


Outside the luxury apartment, the mother-in-law said kindly:

"Then, I will go back to Xinghuo Dormitory first, Master Hongxu"

"1. Be careful on your way."

Although she was a little reluctant, Huaye Hongxu still stammered out these words that she had never said in all these years.

In an instant, her mother-in-law's eyes widened slightly, and a look of relief appeared on her face.

"It seems that, Master Hongxu, you have really grown up."

"Of course I need to say that."

Huan Ye Hong Xu crossed her arms and turned around proudly.

The mother-in-law smiled slightly, without saying much, leaving a sentence"I'm leaving" and turned away.

Looking at the mother-in-law's staggering steps and old back, Hua Ye Hong Xu pursed his lips.

"Thank you for taking care of me for so many years, grandma……"


(Damn it, this chapter was banned. I knew it. I cried my heart out. A large part of it has to be deleted and modified.)

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