Ah~ What a nice smell.

Toji Raizai, who was madly inhaling the body fragrance of Gojo Satoru, was addicted.

She had been single for decades.

Although sometimes she would tell people in her class to marry her quickly and get married directly for a month-long vacation.

But, these were just verbal flirtations, just talk.

When others really came to her, she would just look at them, smile and say sorry, saying that it was just nonsense and asked not to take it seriously.

Except for being held by her father until she was five years old when she was a child, no man had touched her since then, not even her body.

The reason why she kept talking about marriage was that she had been single for decades and her mind was crazy.

And this time, Toji Raizai seemed to be serious.

She found her true love.

The long snow-white hair, the eyes covered by the eye mask, the extremely tall and straight figure, the half of the face exposed looked extremely handsome.

This, this... too much to my taste!

(Toji Raizai in the original work did have this personality, but I let her show this personality to Gojo Satoru alone, simply put, love at first sight)


After taking a sip of saliva, Toji Raizei was about to do something more extreme.

"Stop it, Caizhai!"

Hiratsuka Shizuka swung her iron fist with a dark face.

Gojo Satoru is still her boyfriend, although she doesn't care how many women he will have in the future.

But now he is taking advantage of her man in front of her"first wife".

Why do I feel like I have become a minotaur in an instant, with a heavy green weight on my head?


A loud wail echoed through the sky.

The students passing by seemed to have heard something and looked at the teacher's office in confusion.


"Woo woo woo——"

Toji Nanatsui cried softly, touching her aching head with both hands, and knelt on the ground. Wasn't she just pursuing her own love?

Why was Xiaojing so angry!

Eh, could it be that Xiaojing likes him too!

Ah, Yabai Yabai (danger, danger), she will be beaten to death, definitely beaten to death.

After taking a sip of the already cold coffee, the anger in Hiratsuka Shizuka's heart basically disappeared, and she just looked at Gojo Satoru speechlessly.

Gojo Satoru was playing with his mobile phone as if nothing had happened, and he would look up at Toji Nanatsui from time to time.

He must be taking pictures, right?

Shizuka Hiratsuka, who was no longer able to complain, moistened her throat and spoke

"Let me introduce you to Satoru. These two are the last two people in our office. The one kneeling is Toji Nazaki, the head teacher of Class A, Grade 2. Don't worry about her. Um, she's a nympho. The other one is……"

"What do you mean by a nympho, Xiao Jing? I clearly...Okay, please continue."

Totsugi Nazaki was dissatisfied and interrupted immediately, wanting to protest.

But after seeing Hiratsuka Shizuka's dangerous eyes, she immediately nodded and bowed.

"The other is Chihiro Chiishi, who is in charge of the art of the second-year ADC class."


Qianshi Chihiro also smiled and nodded to Gojo Satoru.

"Then this is the new teacher at Sobu High School, Gojo Satoru, who is in charge of Class F of the first year."

Gojo Satoru.

The name is so nice, hehe~!"

Kneeling Toji Nanazaki let out a burst of nympho laughter.

"NONO, Xiaojing, you are wrong."

Gojo Satoru shook his index finger and said mysteriously.


Hiratsuka Shizuka raised her eyebrows.

"What? What's wrong?"

"It's handsome, handsome Gojo Satoru, hahahaha."

Gojo Satoru put his hands on his hips and laughed proudly.


Chihiro Chigoku on the side covered her face with a painful look.

I thought this Gojo teacher was so handsome and had personality, and he looked like a serious person, but it turned out that he was similar to Totsugi Nanazoi?

It was already troublesome to have Totsugi Nanazoi, how come there is another one.

It seems that I have to talk to the principal about the idea of changing offices.


Hiratsuka Shizuka was also full of black lines.

Is it necessary to be so narcissistic?

Although he said he was handsome...

As for Totsugi Nanazoi, who was kneeling, she raised her head with an admiring look.

In her sight, Gojo Satoru was emitting white light all over his body, and he introduced himself very domineeringly, and even seemed to throw her a wink.

Ah~ Lord God, this is the prince charming you introduced to me!

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