It was three o'clock in the afternoon.

Sobu High School was also dismissed.

Tadakuni Shihara and the other two from Class D of the second year hurriedly ran out of the classroom and headed straight for the parking station on campus.

An hour ago.

They were still unwilling to accept the result, and they discussed with each other to go to the parking station to catch the white-haired bastard.

By the way, they locked up the white-haired bastard's electric donkey, watched him stink, and went home later.

Finally, in the parking lot.

Tadakuni Shihara and the other two found the culprit who made them covered in mud and black spots.

The electric donkey

""Hehe, now that we have found it, don't blame us for being ruthless and ungrateful."

Tanaka Yoshitake smiled evilly and stretched out his hand.

"Hey, Zhongbang, give me the lock quickly, or that bastard is coming"


After a response, but strangely, a sound of taking off clothes was heard.


"Here, take it and lock it tightly for me!"


Tanaka Yoshitake nodded subconsciously.

But when he touched it, why did it feel soft?

��At first glance, it turned out to be a school uniform and pants. Looking back suddenly, I saw Zhiyuan Tadakuni with a calm face, covering his upper and lower body with his hands, leaving only his underpants.

"Why are you looking at me? Hurry up and lock it, or that white-haired bastard will be here soon."

Zhiyuan Tadakuni seemed very dissatisfied with Tanaka Yoshitake's stupidity, and said anxiously.

Lock it...?

Looking at the soft school uniform and belt in his hands, Tanaka Yoshitake was silent.

Shouldn't we use anti-theft locks?

Seeing that his buddy was still hesitant to take action, Tabata Hidetsugu on the side suddenly realized it. He immediately took off his clothes, leaving only his shorts, handed them to the other party, and said

"I understand. One piece of clothing may not be enough. After all, it has two wheels. Then add mine."

"Oh~ You are really smart, Xiu Ze, now that bastard can't even think about driving this car."

Zhiyuan Tadakuni said with admiration

"Of course, I'm Tabata Hidenori!"

Tabata Hidenori pushed his glasses with a proud look.

The two held each other, leaving only Tanaka Yoshitake alone.

Tanaka Yoshitake looked at the clothes in his hands, which were still warm, with an expressionless face, and felt cold in his heart.

How did he meet these two brain-dead friends? He used clothes to lock the car, what? Did he see that the car was a little dusty and wanted to wipe it with them?

"Unlock it."

Throwing the clothes to the two, Tanaka Yoshitake left silently.

As expected, I'd better go home to play video games and read comics

"What happened to Jizhu?"

"I don't know, forget it, forget it, let's lock it up."

Seeing Tanaka Yoshitake leave, the two of them were a little confused.

But they didn't take it to heart, and quickly twisted their shirts and pants into two ropes to calm down.

After pretending to pull it twice, Shihara Tadakuni and Tabata Hide walked towards the electric donkey with evil smiles.

Two naked men squatted on the tire of the electric donkey one after another.

From a distance, it was like charging at the electric donkey...

""Hey, what are you doing!"

Suddenly a thick voice came.

The two of them shuddered and quickly leaned out to see.

They saw a middle-aged man in security uniform running over with an angry face and a baton in his hand.

"Oh no, it's the security guard, what should I do?"

"What else can we do? Cover your face and run away. If we are caught, we will be criticized by our parents and the school!"

The two of them ran away with their clothes covering their faces.

The security guard behind them chased them madly with a baton.

At this time, a white-haired fool finally came to the parking station and walked to his electric donkey.

But he scratched his head in confusion and thought

"Hey, how come my eDonkey is so clean?"

(I have something to do tonight, so if I update, I will update three chapters today. Let's see if I can update five chapters tomorrow. Hahaha, am I just making big promises for you?)

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