In the evening, at home,

Gojo Satoru was lying on the sofa, playing with his phone and watching short videos. The TV in the living room was also playing TV series.

Although he didn't watch TV, he had to turn it on, otherwise he would always feel uncomfortable.


At this time, Xiaomao, who was taking a bath in the bathroom, suddenly shouted

""What's wrong?"

Gojo Satoru responded without even raising his head.

His attention was focused on the short video.

"Please get me a new bath towel. I accidentally wet the bath towel in the bathroom. The bath towel is on the first layer of the closet in my room. You can see it if you flip it over."

"Got it, got it."

Putting down his phone, Gojo Satoru slowly walked into his sister's room.

He opened the closet as she said.

However, after opening the closet, the scene inside was not just a bath towel, but also a 'bra'.

Unlike the reactions of other boys, Gojo Satoru was like a pervert, rubbing his chin to observe carefully, and kept expressing his own opinions.

"Hmm~ It seems that Mamoru-chan has finally grown up. The style is a little bolder, and it's not small."

After watching for more than ten seconds, he put the things back in place, picked up a brand new bath towel and ran to the bathroom.


Knocked on the bathroom door


The door handle was turned and the bathroom door was carefully opened a crack. Suddenly, the scent of shower gel floated out, and a white arm

"Give it to me, brother."


Gojo Satoru handed the towel to the other party, while muttering

""Maru-chan, I'm not saying anything to you. Although it's good to grow up, you must not buy anything too bold. The boys out there are all paramecium, perverts, be careful of being cheated."

Hearing this, the arm that was retracting stopped.

The air seemed to freeze at this moment!

""Brother! You pervert!!!"

From the bathroom, Komari screamed in shame.

The sound was so loud that even Gojo Satoru covered his ears with an innocent look.

"What? Hiramori-chan, I'm just worried that you'll be cheated."

He looked innocent.

Isn't this just the most basic advice to his sister? Why did he call her a pervert? Oh, that's not right. Saying it so blatantly does make me look a bit like a pervert.

Ahem, I will never admit that I'm a pervert.

Who can fool me? Anyway, I don't like anyone else...

Hiramori-chan's face was flushed in the bathroom.

Although she understood the meaning of Gojo Satoru's words, she couldn't help but feel shy.

She shouldn't have asked him to get the towel for her a minute ago.

Only then did she remember that the 'bra' she bought out of curiosity yesterday was still placed together with the towel.

""Okay, okay, I won't say any more. Hurry up and wipe yourself and come out."

Gojo Satoru immediately changed the subject.

After saying that, he left the bathroom door.

Hearing the footsteps going away, Komari finally breathed a sigh of relief.

If she didn't leave, the shyness in her heart would burst.


After lingering in the bathroom for a few minutes, Komari carefully poked her head out and looked towards the living room.

She saw Gojo Satoru sitting cross-legged on the sofa in the living room, watching a TV show with a bored look on his face, and kept complaining about"dog blood" and"slow male protagonist".

The other party seemed to have noticed Komari's peeping and turned his head to look at her.


The two of them stared at each other for ten seconds.

In the end, it was Gojo Satoru who looked away.

There was nothing he could do, and he was guilty. But when she thought of what happened a few minutes ago, her face suddenly turned red again.

After suppressing the shyness in her heart, she pretended to be back to her usual self, walked to the sofa, and threw herself into the arms of her white-haired brother. It

's strange to say, there is no shyness in intimate physical contact, but just mentioning it‘bra’I'm very shy.

I don't understand what girls are thinking.


With her head resting on her chest, Komari hummed softly and played with her phone.

But before she could take it out for a second, a pair of big hands pulled her arm away, and then she said something.

"Keep your phone away from your eyes so as not to hurt them"

""I know, you stinky brother."

Although she muttered softly, a smile appeared on the corner of Koumaro's mouth.

The silent care in daily life is the reason why Koumaroro has become a brother-con.

And these are just the daily life of the two siblings.

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