The four Nakano sisters were sitting on the sofa watching TV, but they were not paying attention to the content on TV at the moment. Instead, they were looking at Nakano Nino in the kitchen with a serious expression.

Nakano Nino was washing dishes carelessly, as if she was thinking about something, and she didn't notice their appearance.

"Tell me, what happened to Nino? She looked worried since she came back last night.

Nakano Ichika said in a worried voice.

"I don't know, but I don't believe her when she said she fell into a ditch last night. Something must have happened."

Miku Nakano's eyes were also filled with worry.

She remembered clearly that after Nino opened the door, there seemed to be tears in her eyes when she looked at them.

And her whole body was black and gray, and even her thighs and arms had small wounds caused by friction. These were not caused by falling into a ditch. She even asked them for their mobile phone after she came back, saying that she wanted to buy a new one, saying that the previous one was too slow and she wanted to change it. The mobile phone was too slow?

Remember that phone was just changed last month, right?

"Actually, I have something to say.

At this time, Nakano Yotsuba, who was sitting on the side, suddenly spoke up.

"Last night when I went to the bathroom, I heard Nino crying secretly. Although it was very quiet, she was crying. She seemed to say,"It's great to be back and see you guys."’"

Instantly, the four sisters fell silent.

‘Crying,"Can you come back to see us?","Covered in dust,""With wounds."

No matter how you look at it, it feels like I've escaped.

"How about we ask Nino in person?"

Nakano Satsuki frowned and said


Nakano Ichika shook her head and rejected it immediately.

"Since Nino said that she fell into the ditch, she must not want to say it out loud. It's better to keep this matter to herself and forget about it."

As the eldest sister of the five sisters, she naturally has the right to speak.

After the decisive words were spoken, the other three girls nodded silently.

‘Ding Dong——’

At this time, the door bell rang.

"Hello, the delivery has arrived"

"The express has arrived!"

Nino Nakano, who was absent-mindedly washing the dishes, heard this, but her eyes lit up at this moment, wiped her hands and ran to open the door.

Nakano Ichika and the others looked at each other, and naturally knew what express delivery was.

The mobile phone I bought online yesterday has arrived.


Gojo House.

Gojo Satoru sat cross-legged on his bed with his laptop between his legs.

He was browsing through the cafes and dessert shops that had received rave reviews in Chiba City recently.


At this time, the phone screen beside him lit up.

Gojo Satoru picked it up and saw that it was someone in Line who sent him a message.

He clicked on it and saw that it was the girl who was pulled into Huo Ye Li last night.

"Although it is too late to introduce myself now, you left too quickly yesterday and disappeared in the blink of an eye. I didn't thank you or introduce myself properly. My name is Nakano Nino. Thank you for saving me last night. Thank you!"

Nakano Nino?

Seeing this name, Gojo Satoru was stunned.

The girl in black last night turned out to be Nakano Nino, my wife?

As a fan of Nino, I am really sorry for not recognizing my wife.

Of course, although he thought so, Gojo Satoru didn't even feel excited. He just felt very novel.

"It's okay, I'll introduce myself too. My name is Gojo Satoru, and I'm an innocent handsome guy~"

Click and send.

Gojo Satoru, handsome guy, nothing wrong.

Innocent? Tui!

Nakano's house.

Nakano Nino lay on the bed and laughed at the message sent by Gojo Satoru.

How can you introduce yourself as a handsome guy?

Of course, if someone else introduced themselves like this, Nakano Nino would definitely spit and despise.

Not like this, it just feels funny.

It can be said that she is absolutely an old double standard dog


Nakano Nino thought for a moment, picked up her phone and typed

"That is, can I treat you to a meal on Saturday or Sunday? Of course, don't think too much, this is to express my gratitude to you."

At the last sentence, she frowned, thought for a while and decided to delete it.

Too arrogant, will it be misunderstood?

"That is, can I treat you to a meal on Saturday or Sunday? Thank you for saving me."

Click and send.

Nakano Nino shyly put down her phone.

This was the first time she took the initiative to ask a man out for dinner, and she was almost overwhelmed with shyness.

In fact, Nakano Nino had a good impression of Gojo Satoru, and even had a vague tendency to like him, but it was not true love after all.

She also had the pride of a girl and the tsundere in her character.

However, she also had a frank side, and she was very direct about her affection.

After a while, the response came.

"Sure, Gojo-sama accepts your invitation."

"I'm still Nakano-sama!"

Nakano Nino replied with a smile on her face.

This feeling is not bad.

(Today's second update, let's see if I can update five chapters.)

(Feed me flowers and reward me!!!)

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