At the Chaoyue Café,

Ichika was stirring her coffee with milk with a spoon, but her mind was not on this. She was looking around.

""Strange, where is Nino?"

She was a little confused. She had clearly walked into the cafe, so why was there no one there?

""Ladies, the desserts you ordered are here."

Just then, a maid came over with a round plate carrying four small cakes.

Eh? Isn't this the person I can ask questions about?

Ichika's eyes lit up and she spoke.

"Excuse me, I would like to ask, has a girl with long hair, wearing a black dress and looking very similar to us ever come into your store?"

"A girl who looks like you?"

The maid was stunned and stopped putting the cake down. She looked at Ichika's face seriously, and then looked at the other three sisters.

In an instant, she exclaimed

"You look alike, are you quintuplets?"

Because the five sisters had different hair colors and hairstyles to distinguish them, the maids didn't look at them carefully. Only after a closer look did they realize that they looked exactly the same.


There are only four of us. Does that mean Nino really walked in here?

Ichika asked hurriedly.

"Yes, we are quintuplets, so is she gone or what?"

""No, miss, that lady is still on the second floor of our store.""

Second floor?

" As if seeing the doubt in Ichika's eyes, the maid suppressed her curiosity and explained softly.

"The second floor of our Chaoyue Cafe is quite hidden, and first-time customers basically can’t find it. Do you need me to take you to the second floor to find the young lady?"

"No, no, that's not necessary."

Ichika shook her head quickly.

They came to follow Nino, not to play with her.

If Nino found out that they were following her, she would definitely be angry.

Although the four sisters could still coax her together,……


After nodding and putting down the remaining small cakes on the round plate, the maid left.

However, she walked to another maid and whispered something. Her face was very curious and excited. It can be seen that a group of quintuplets came to the store, and they were such beautiful quintuplets.


On the second floor.

Nino took a sip of coffee, feeling very conflicted.

She wanted to ask Gojo Satoru what the monster and the other world that appeared last time were, but thinking that this might be the privacy of the other world, she hesitated whether to ask.

After struggling for about a minute, she suddenly……

"If you have anything to ask, you can ask me, Nino."

Gojo Satoru stirred his coffee, supported his chin with both hands, and said calmly.


Hearing the name that only her sisters and adoptive father would say, Nino blushed, but she didn't feel much.

Then she asked with a serious face

"Gojo-kun, let me think about what happened in the other world I appeared in a few days ago, and... those monsters."

When talking about monsters, Nino's eyes revealed obvious fear.

I'm afraid she will never forget this incident in her life.

Is that true?

Gojo Satoru put the coffee spoon aside, took a sip of coffee, and then slowly spoke.

"The world you entered last time was called Huoye, which was closer to the real world. Although there was a barrier separating the two worlds, if there were a lot of filth or powerful filth, that is, the monsters that wanted to eat you that time, they would gather together and affect the spatial fluctuations."

"All humans with or with powerful cursed powers will be pulled in. Unfortunately, Nino, you are one of the humans I mentioned who was born with powerful cursed powers."

At this moment, the air seemed to freeze.

"But don't worry too much, the human side naturally has Onmyoji to deal with this group of filth."

Gojo Satoru said indifferently.

Disaster, filth, Onmyoji...

Nino felt that she had received too much information and was a little confused.

She had lived in this world for 17 years, and suddenly found that this was not the essence of this world. There were also a group of monsters that could harm the real world at any time. What do you want me to do?

And at the moment when Nino lost consciousness, a pair of big hands suddenly reached out.

"Well, don't think too much, the world is not in danger yet."

Gojo Satoru stroked the other's soft long hair, his voice was very gentle.

Treating your"wife" naturally requires gentleness.

Feeling the touch and comforting words on her head, Nino immediately came back to her senses, and her delicate face instantly turned red. She picked up the coffee with her hands and feet in a hurry, and lowered her head, as if hiding the blush on her face and the shyness in her heart.

"Oh, right."

At this time, Gojo Satoru seemed to remember something and fumbled in his pocket.

"This is for you."


Nino blinked as she looked at the amulet that was handed over to her.

""This amulet can help you block the cursed power."

Gojo Satoru said lazily.

Hearing this, Nino's face lit up and she wanted to take the amulet with both hands, but suddenly stopped in mid-air.

"Is this amulet very precious?"

She looked a little hesitant.

"Don't think too much, I have a lot of them."

Gojo Satoru threw it over gently.

Nino also hurriedly caught the amulet in the air.

After staring at the light red amulet in the middle of her palm for a few seconds, she couldn't help but look up at Gojo Satoru who looked lazy. In her heart, she suddenly made a decision.

Kasan, I've decided...

(Thank you for the flowers and monthly tickets sent by the big brothers, thank you!)

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