Slowly, an hour passed.

After finishing the last bite of cake on the plate, Gojo Satoru showed a satisfied expression.

"The cakes in this cafe are really good. I think I should come here more often in the future."

"No way!"

Suddenly, Nino subconsciously refuted

"Ah? 【Five puzzled faces.jpg】"

"Uh... I mean, you have to call me when you come here to check in. I want to come here too. The cakes and coffee here are really delicious."

Feeling the other party's puzzled gaze, Nino rubbed her cheeks, then clasped her hands, and the tsundere in her character was automatically activated.

Ah, Yabai Yabai, why did you say what was in your heart.

After hearing Nino's explanation and the huge object held up, Gojo Satoru nodded silently.

You're 'big' and you're right

"It's still early, why don't we go shopping at the mall, Gojo-kun!"

Nino suddenly said with a twinkling look in her eyes.

She loves beauty and is particularly keen on fashion. There is also a huge mall nearby, so she immediately wanted to go shopping.���The vitality can't be suppressed

"Ah? Shopping……"

Gojo Satoru's face instantly fell.

Although he has a reversal technique that is strong enough to reverse his mental state, he just doesn't like to go shopping with any women.

This may be a common problem of men.

""Is it okay? Is it okay?"

Looking at Nino's expectant face, I'm afraid no one would be willing to refuse, but Gojo Satoru silently said……

"Yes, yes, da ga, cool pictures, wow"


Nino's excited expression froze.

It was as if the surrounding background had turned black and white.

"Hahaha, sorry sorry, just kidding"

"Are you JOJO?"

Nino couldn't help but complain.

She also read this comic of JOJO out of curiosity.



Ichika and the others were also playing with their phones out of boredom, and from time to time they looked at May who was still eating her omelette rice. She gave her several empty plates and cakes that they couldn't finish to each other, and they were used to such a large appetite.

At this moment, Yotsuba, who was always paying attention to the surroundings, suddenly became excited

"Look, look, it seems that Nino is coming down."

Instantly, the three sisters, including May, who was still eating omelette rice, looked in the direction that Yotsuba pointed.

They saw Nino walking down the stairs from the second floor, talking to the back in a lively voice.

Here it comes, Nino's boyfriend!!!

The four sisters' eyes widened.

Finally, Gojo Satoru and Nino were walking on the first floor and appeared in their sight.

"It’s so high!"

Siye said in a low voice with a dull look in his eyes.

"Quite unique."

Yihua's eyes flickered a few times and said


Sanjiu commented silently.

""It's OK."

May said and started making her own omelette rice.

She was not interested in men. Do men have good food?

Because the location was relatively hidden, and Nino's attention was all on Gojo Satoru, she didn't realize that her four sisters were in this cafe.

However, Gojo Satoru suddenly turned his head slightly and looked at the location of Ichika and the other four girls.

This look made them panic.

"Oh no, we won't be discovered."

Yotsuba lowered her head in panic, as if trying to hide her petite body.

"It's okay, Yotsuba, even if she sees us, she won't know that we are Nino's sisters."

Miku said softly

"Let's go, they're out, let's go too."

Picking up the phone on the table, Yihua stood up and shouted

"Yes, yes, hurry up and catch up! Otherwise you will lose me."

"Don't eat in May, everyone is leaving"

"How about you guys go first? Let me finish this omelette rice first? I'll come find you guys after I finish eating, hehe"

"Stare - X3"

""Okay, okay, let's go."

After picking up the spoon and taking another bite of rice, May pouted and followed the footsteps.

Pushing open the door of Chaoyue Cafe, after saying goodbye to"Misses, please come next time", the four girls quickly put on sunglasses and hats.

Carefully followed the two figures not far away.

Passersby also looked at them curiously, after all, this look is very much like a paparazzi in the talent show.

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