"Eh? You really just returned to your country not long ago?"

Sitting on a park bench, Komari covered her mouth in surprise.

Just now she heard that Aki Tomoya said that the game setting is a returning girl, and it turns out that the other party really returned to her country not long ago!

"Well, I just came back a while ago. It seems that we are still classmates~"

Xiachuan Zhenliang smiled mysteriously

"The school I will attend after returning to Japan is Sobu High School! I will be enrolled next week."

"Then we are really classmates and can see each other every day."

Ebina Nana smiled and revealed two small dimples on her cheeks. As a simple girl, I was very happy to hear that the girl I just met was also going to Sobu High School.

"But are you in the second grade or the first grade?"

Xiachuan Zhenliang said with some doubt.

"I'm in the first grade, I think, Class F?"

""First-year class F? X2"

Koumaro and Ebina Nana looked at each other and saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

First-year class F, isn't this the class of my brother (Gojo brother)?

"What happened to me when I was in class F this year?"

Natsukawa Masuzu said weakly.

They looked surprised. Is there anything special about this class?

Koumaro rubbed her cheeks and organized her words before speaking.

"We were in Class A of the second grade. Lailai and I were in the same class. As for Class F of the first grade...it was my brother's class, so Lailai and I were a little surprised."

"Your brother's class?"

Natsukawa Makoto was also surprised.

This fate could not be stopped. They just met and they were both students of Sobu High School. Although they were in the first and second grades, the first-year class she transferred to was actually the class taught by her brother.

This is too much fate!

In an instant, her affection for the two girls soared, and her originally sharp-tongued personality was restrained.

"Then we are really destined to be together! Shall we go out for dinner tonight?"

Xiachuan Zhenliang looked expectant.

Because she had just returned to China, her father also went on a business trip, so he rented a single apartment for her to live in. Apart from sending money regularly every month, he basically never came back. She could also go home later at night, and forget about staying out overnight.

"Okay, can I call my brother over tonight?"

Koumaro said.

This made Ebina Nana beside her look happy, but her cheeks turned red again.

She remembered that every time Gojo brother saw her, he would gently pinch her cheeks and say that Lailai has become cute again.

"Your brother?……"

Xiachuan Zhenliang hesitated for a while, but nodded.

"Sure, after all, I also want to be the first to get to know my homeroom teacher this year."

"Well, I'll call my brother."

Then, Komari took out her phone from her bag.

After finding the phone number marked 'brother', she called

‘Sorry, your current phone has no signal, please try again later……’

""Huh? My phone has no signal."

Hearing the notification tone, Komari put her phone in front of her and saw the message"No signal" in the upper right corner. She was a little confused.

You know, every area in Tokyo and even Shibuya has a signal base station. How could there be no signal?

"Ha ha—……"

Suddenly, there were faint gasping and roaring sounds in the air.

There were even some roars of unknown animals.

People who were walking in the park or walking their dogs stopped at this moment, wondering if they had heard it wrong.

"Woof woof woof——"

The dogs on the leash started to go crazy and barked wildly at the surroundings.

It seemed as if they had encountered an enemy or a natural enemy and entered a state of alert.

"Xiao, Xiaomao, did you hear any sound?"

Ebina Nana shrank back in fear, her voice trembling as she spoke

"I heard……"

After swallowing her saliva, Xiaomao also became nervous.

"No, it can't be a ghost, right?"

Xiachuan Zhenliang said tremblingly, hugging herself with her white arms, as if this was the only way to give herself some warmth.


Komari was about to say something, but her eyes suddenly went dark and bright.

The whole world had changed drastically!

The blood-red sky, the dilapidated and decayed buildings, and the foul air were all in her eyes.

"Where is this...?"

Shocked, Komari muttered.



Gojo Satoru sat on a chair, eating the three-flavor dango in his hand, and his mind couldn't help but think about what to eat in the evening.

"Oh, I'm so confused. I don't know what to eat. Forget it, let's just go eat.……"

He was smiling, but suddenly Gojo Satoru's face changed, his eyes suddenly opened, and he turned his head to look into the distance.

That place was Shibuya!

At the same time, the amulet he gave to Mamoru was activated.

‘You can't leave me, I can't forget you, without you, I'm like a fish dying of thirst -'

The phone rang.

Gojo Satoru frowned and saw that the call was from the Tokyo Yin Yang Branch, so he answered the call.

"Hello, this is Gojo Satoru"

""Gojo-sama, something bad has happened. A large number of people have disappeared in the Shibuya area. It is suspected that all of them have disappeared in the park. The people in the surrounding residential buildings have all disappeared."

The caller on the phone was extremely nervous and panicked.

"We have sent a large number of Onmyoji to rescue, but we also request Lord Gojo to set off. Too many people have disappeared. Please help!"


After saying that, he hung up the phone, with cold eyes in Gojo Satoru's eyes.

He also wanted to go to Huoye without the other party telling him.

(Today's fifth chapter, you can also think of the follow-up. Just a reminder, there is Vasara in Huoye this time.)

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