Spark Dormitory

"I'm back."

The boy with black-red hair and fiery eyes walked into the room with a disappointed look on his face.

He had just confessed his love to a girl in the same grade, but the result was not unexpected... he was rejected again.


"The windlass is back."

At this time, a loud male voice came from the living room.

‘Tap tap tap——’

The sound of the floor being stepped on was heard.

A man wearing a white hunting robe, with a hedgehog-like hair and a braid tied beside his temples came over.

Looking at the white hunting robe worn by the man in front of him, the boy, no, it should be Flame Hall Rinlu, raised his eyelids for a moment, then lowered his head, and asked in a low voice while changing his indoor shoes.

"Liang Wu, is there any more filth nearby? It should be time for dinner now, let's eat first."

"No, the situation is urgent now, and I can't take care of eating."

Ryogo Tsuchiji immediately refused, his face full of seriousness.

If you look closely, you can see the tension and urgency in his eyes.

Flame Hall Lulu was stunned.

You know, even if���There are filth appearing recently, but there is no need to rush out. After all, most of the time, these filth can't harm people.

Unless it is a very strong kind of filth, such as snake-level, real snake-level can barely break through the disaster field and force people who are born with cursed power into the disaster field.

As for Vasara, only the high-level people in the Yin and Yang world know about it.

Ordinary Yin and Yang masters don't need to understand it at all. After all, you may not meet them in your lifetime.

Without waiting for the reaction of Flame Hall,

Ryogo Tsuchiji turned around and shouted anxiously to the corridor inside the house.

"Atsushi, Shinnosuke, are you all right?"

"I'm coming"

"I was just looking for the talisman to unlock the gate of disaster, and here it comes!"

In the corridor, two men wearing white hunting clothes ran out of a room.

They were 'Ezukasuke' and 'Kunizaki Shinnosuke'.’

"Hey, Lulu, you're back!"

"You don't need to keep us for dinner, you guys can eat first."

The two also greeted Yan Mo Tang Lu Lu and reminded him.

Without saying much, the three of them said together,"We are going out," and hurriedly got on the business car parked at the door.

Watching the business car go away, Yan Mo Tang Lu Lu's eyes were still puzzled.

At this moment, an old man walked out from the depths of the corridor, and his old voice spoke slowly, as if he was explaining his doubts.

"According to Liang Wu, this was a large-scale filth incident. At least a thousand people disappeared in Shibuya. All the Onmyoji in Tokyo and even the exorcists from the exorcist school were dispatched. Even the Onmyoji in the nearby cities were dispatched."

Thousands of people disappeared!?"

Yan Motang Lulu's pupils shrank.

Even the exorcists from the exorcist school were dispatched, which showed the seriousness of the matter.


Kyoto, Onmyoji.

Tsuchimikado Arima had just received information from Shibuya, and changed his usual sinister, playful appearance. His expression was full of solemnity.

"Even if there are a large number of snake-level and true snake-level filth gathering, it is unlikely to pull thousands of people into the disaster field."

He crossed his hands and placed them on the solid wood table, and a guess emerged in his mind.

"Did Vasara take action? No, it is unlikely. Vasara cannot do this."

There must be other behind-the-scenes forces, disrupting the stable order of the two worlds!

Thinking of this, Tsuchimikado Arima hurriedly shouted


"I'm here."

The door opened and a dark-skinned man in a black robe walked in.

"Which of the Twelve Heavenly Generals is closest to Tokyo now?"

"The Twelve Heavenly Generals? It seems to be Lord Qingxian. He returned to Tokyo yesterday. It seems that something happened at home."

Tsuchimikado Mikage thought for a while and said.

Tian Ruo Qingxian? That's not enough.

Tsuchimikado Arima narrowed his eyes.

You know, even if it is Vasara, it is best not to face the Twelve Heavenly Generals alone, not to mention that there is a mysterious mastermind behind this filthy incident.

"Wait, how could I forget him?"

Thinking of a certain white-haired man in Tokyo, Tsuchimikado Arima breathed a sigh of relief.

If it was him, he would definitely be able to handle all the filth this time, even if the mastermind showed up, he would be 100% dead.

However, just in case, it would be better to send one or two more of the Twelve Heavenly Generals.

"Yuying-kun, notify Ang and Yu, and you can use the transfer talisman to go to Shibuya, Tokyo!"

Hehe, Gojo-kun, look how nice I am, I called your old lover over, no need to thank me.

(Gojo Satoru: I'm a bitch.)

Gojo Satoru thanked him with a grateful face, and Tsuchimikado Arima laughed with his hands on his waist.

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