The wilds of trouble.

An unprecedented hunt is going on here.

Countless filth of various sizes are rolling over the floors and streets, with sharp claws and sharp teeth on their hands as weapons to take human lives.

In the alley. A middle-aged man shivered and curled up in the corner, with his hands clasped together in prayer, and kept chanting in his heart.

"Didn't see me I didn't see me……"


Huge footsteps sounded.

The middle-aged man froze and looked up in horror, only to see a fifty-meter-tall humanoid filth passing by not far from him. He stopped breathing subconsciously.

The filth didn't seem to see this person either, and slowly ran away with its huge feet.

"Huh—huh—, cough cough……"

Seeing the filth gradually going away, the middle-aged man was also glad that he had not been discovered. He breathed in the air in big gulps, but after a few breaths, he started coughing violently.

In the disaster field, there was miasma everywhere.

If a person has extremely low or even no magic power, he will not be able to hold on for long and will pass out.

"No, no, I have to live."

The middle-aged man hurriedly climbed up and decided to change places.

However, as soon as he stood up, a small beastly filth just happened to block the entrance of the alley.

The middle-aged man paused and smiled bitterly.


Such tragedies happen in every corner.……


On the other side, in a building that looked like a commercial building.

Koumaro, Ebina Nana, and Natsukawa Masu were hiding in a shop, surrounded by hundreds of humans.

They were all humans who had managed to escape from the park.

Although after arriving in the wild, there was filth everywhere, but fortunately there were only a few near the park, more than ten people died, and nine out of ten humans had all escaped.

They fled to this commercial building that was the closest and could be hidden.

""Suck, Komari, do you think we can't go back?"

Behind the cashier, Ebina Nana's eyes were full of tears, and her voice was choked with sobs.

Suddenly she came to this strange world, and was chased by several black monsters. On the way to escape, she saw many scenes of humans being eaten alive.

This made the psychological defense line of this sunny girl a little collapsed.

Komari didn't reply, but just kept biting her lower lip.

She didn't know, and didn't want to know.

However, the balance in her heart faintly tilted towards the four words"can't go back".

"elder brother……"

Looking at the amulet that she had been holding in her hand since she came to Huno, Koumaro's originally strong mentality was instantly broken.

Tears fell drop by drop into the amulet.

She was afraid, she was afraid that she would not be able to return to reality, afraid that she would not be able to see her brother.

"It's okay, we can definitely go back."

At this time, Xiachuan Zhenliang spoke.

She forced a smile and comforted Ebina Nana next to her.

Although she was trembling with fear, she still kept comforting others.

"You said, those monsters have never come here, so have they left?"

"I don't believe it unless you go out and see"

"Why should my husband go and why don’t you go?"

"I, I... just based on what your husband said."

In the shop, a few people were whispering.

But most people still had dull eyes, obviously still living in fear.


At this moment, a burst of roars suddenly broke out in the building.

In an instant, the people who were still arguing immediately shut up.

‘Crunch, crunch——’

The footsteps of the filth echoed in the silent building like the death reaper.

It kept wandering around. It could smell the breath of human magic in this building.

First floor, second floor... fourth floor.

The gorilla-shaped filth stopped on the fourth floor.

It tilted its head and walked towards a shop.

And that shop was where Komari and the others were.

"That monster is coming!"

The people who had been watching outside panicked.

The quiet space and the resounding footsteps finally made one of them completely collapse.

It was a young man with a crazy look on his face. He picked up a clothes pole and rushed out, shouting:

""Die, monster!"

He swung the clothes rod and smashed it at Wuyu.

HP: -0

Wuyu grabbed the clothes rod with his right hand and swung it. The boy who was also holding the clothes rod flew backwards and hit the wall heavily. Blood slowly flowed from the corner of his mouth.

"Ahhh! Help!"

"Someone come and save me, someone come and save me!"

"I don't want to die. I don't want to die. My parents at home are waiting for me."


They wanted to rush in, but were completely blocked at the door by several filth.

Despair was coming.……

""Go to hell, filth!"

Suddenly, an angry male voice came from the sky.

A white figure descended rapidly from the sky, holding a sharp sword, and instantly stabbed the back of the gorilla filth.

Then he drew out the sword again, waved his hands, and the filth blocking the door were completely removed, turning into a bright pentagram.

It seemed that the filth was removed, and the man also exhaled heavily, turned around and looked at the people who were looking at him blankly and said

"It's okay, I'm the Onmyoji of the Tokyo Onmyoji branch, and I'm here to save you."

(Should we slowly bring the people and cursed spirits from the world of curses here in the mid-term? I'll see what you think.)

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