Tokyo Onmyoji branch, Onmyoji?

Everyone is delighted

"Let's go, I'll take you back to reality."

The man pretended to be relaxed and said with a smile.

He wanted to use this method to ease the tense atmosphere. After all, it seemed that many people were mentally broken.

The man touched his waist, but did not touch the familiar talisman. His eyes jumped.

"Damn it, I forgot to bring the talisman to unlock the door of reality."

Because the situation was too urgent, the Onmyoji in Tokyo went straight to Huoye after receiving the order, which made many of them too anxious to bring the talisman, and he was one of them.

Forget it, let's go find the captain.

Remembering that there were several Onmyoji teams outside the commercial building, the man waved his hand and shouted

"Everyone please follow me!"


On the other side,

Gojo Satoru had already arrived at the disaster field, but was intercepted by a"person".

Looking at the barrier that had been formed around him, and the man in front of him with brown skin and a single eye with a few red cracks,’

"Vasara? Vasara that I have never seen before……"

Gojo Satoru thought to himself.

He had never seen this Vasara before, and he had no impression of it even in his previous life.

Obviously, the birth of this Vasara was probably related to Gojo Satoru.

After all, since he came to this world, the birth of filth has increased a lot, so it is normal for a few unfamiliar Vasaras to be born.

"Gojo Satoru is the strongest in the Yin-Yang world today. I am not wrong, am I?"

Vashara spoke, his voice was hoarse.

"Ah~ I feel so honored to be recognized by the highest level Vasara." Gojo Satoru sat on the stone with a very calm expression.

He had already put his sunglasses back into his pocket.

"However, what is your filthy purpose, dragging thousands of people into the disaster? Aren't you afraid of completely angering the Yin and Yang world or even the exorcists?"

"Huh, anger? Thousands of people are just bait, our real target... is you, Gojo Satoru."

Vasara's mouth curled up with an arrogant smile.

"I will lure you into the evil field, and then I will kill you, the strongest person in the Yin and Yang world, and the balance of victory will completely fall on our side!"

Silence, the air suddenly became silent.

After a few seconds

"Puff, hahahaha! Kill me, yes, kill me, hahaha."

Gojo Satoru laughed loudly, wiping the corners of his eyes while laughing, and it seemed that tears came out of his eyes.

It has been a long time since anyone dared to talk to him like this.

The chamber pot in the world of spell said the same thing, and this Vasara in this world also said the same thing.

Really... too interesting!

(It is better to add oneb-boy to eat at this time.)

(sweetdreams is also good)

"Then, give it a try."

As soon as he finished speaking, Vasara kicked his right leg, 'bang!——’The sound barrier was instantly torn apart, and a dark and terrifying curse power emerged from his right hand.


The hill in the distance collapsed.

Dust floated in the air, blocking Vasara's sight.

""Is it solved?"

He thought to himself, not sensing any magical power.

But, the next second

""Not bad."

A calm voice sounded, and the dust gradually dissipated, leaving Gojo Satoru standing there unscathed.

His snow-white hair was not even stained with a speck of dust.

The ground behind him was like a heavy truck that had crushed it, with pieces of gravel forming a pattern like water drops.

【No lower limit procedure】

"How is it possible?!"

Vassala was shocked.

But before he could react,

Gojo Satoru grabbed the opponent's right arm and kicked him in the ribs. Vassala flew backwards in the air.

A white arc appeared.

Vassala wanted to adjust the trajectory of his body in the air, but Gojo Satoru appeared in front of him in an instant and hit him in the face with a fierce fist.

The trajectory of his body shifted again, and he flew backwards to another place like a kite that had lost its line.

But obviously, Gojo Satoru didn't want to give the opponent a chance to breathe.

White figures frequently appeared in front of Vassala, and powerful forces bombarded every part of the latter's body.

Fly to the other side, then hit back, left and right, up and down are all attack lines

"Damn it!"

Vasara roared in anger in mid-air.

He quickly took out a yellowed talisman with his right hand.

"Dark crows emerge, hurry up like a command!"

White airflow emerges, and the gray curse power surges!

I saw crow-like wings growing behind Vasara, and sharp black claws appeared on his hands and feet.

When the wings flapped, the white airflow swept around.

But in less than a second,……

"A sandbag should have the awareness of a sandbag."

Gojo Satoru appeared in front of him in an instant, pinching Vasara's throat with his white big hand, and slid directly to the ground below. His pale blue eyes were full of murderous intent and coldness. His dark wings and body rubbed against the ground frantically, which made Vasara look crazy.

"Get out of my way!" With a flap of his wings, Vasara broke free from the big hand.



Gojo Satoru instantly appeared behind him again, and with a side kick, he jumped directly into a building not far away.

After running through five buildings, he slowly came to a stop.

(Thank you for your monthly tickets and flowers, thank you.)

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